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Changing order of IOS in flash

Mustafa Habibi
Level 1
Level 1

I have a c2960-24TT-L switch that I have loaded the newest IOS from Cisco’s download site. (c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE10.bin) however I cannot get the switch to run the new IOS. As I checked and uploaded into several switch when the new IOS located in below of current one I am facing this issue but when the new IOS comes in above order after reloading the switch the new IOS loads without issue. I also issued the boot string command and instructed to load from new IOS. I checked the show boot command also it is showing me new IOS as well.

If anyone could help me out with the command to changing the order (shifting new IOS to top) that would be greatly appreciated.

switch: dir flash:

Directory of flash:/

2    -rwx  11949374  <date>               c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE9.bin

6    -rwx  11941983  <date>               c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE10.bin

12855296 bytes available (23891357 bytes used)

1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

1.  Post the complete output to the command "sh bootvar". 

2.  Console into the switch & reboot.  Post the entire bootup process.

View solution in original post

18 Replies 18

Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

1.  Post the complete output to the command "sh bootvar". 

2.  Console into the switch & reboot.  Post the entire bootup process.

Mustafa Habibi
Level 1
Level 1

Dear Leo

Currently we are using SE9 and this version is not supported "sh bootvar" command. and I am accessing the switch remotely unfortunetely I cannot login to it through console for sending you logs.


Currently we are using SE9 and this version is not supported "sh bootvar" command.

In enable mode, post the output to the command "sh boot".

Training#sh boot
BOOT path-list : flash:/c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE10.bin
Config file : flash:/config.text
Private Config file : flash:/private-config.text
Enable Break : no
Manual Boot : no
HELPER path-list :
Auto upgrade : yes
Auto upgrade path :
NVRAM/Config file
buffer size: 65536
Timeout for Config
Download: 0 seconds
Config Download
via DHCP: disabled (next boot: disabled)

Dear Leo 

This is the output.


Ok, reload the switch.  I want to see the complete boot-up process.

Dear Leo

As I told you the swithc is far from me and I can login to it remotely, could you please share with me your finding possiblility. and how can i change the order(SE10 moves to top).


Boot variable states to boot SE10.  There is only one reason left why the switch refuses to boot SE10 and that is the file could be corrupt.  There is no way to be sure unless I see how the switch boots up.

He could try to "verify /md5 c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE10.bin" - if he gets something else than da2d0ca8cd487c42914af8178bc614b6, then this is most likely it...

Dear lulian

Many thanks from your post it verified correctly. could you please share with me possibility of changing order of IOS. I want to test this one as well because I have loaded IOS to arround 65 switch and I am facing this issue with almost 8 of them and in all of them the new IOS come below of current one and I think the issue shoud not be related to swtich or IOS.



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The only way I know of actually reordering the sequence of files in the flash is either to delete them (erase flash might be required) and reload them into flash, in the sequence desired.

Regarding your switches not booting the IOS in the boot string.  As already noted in another post, a corrupt IOS won't load, but if the bootreg isn't set correctly, the switch won't use the boot var.  What's your bootreg set to?

#sh boot
BOOT path-list : flash:/c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE10.bin
Config file : flash:/config.text
Private Config file : flash:/private-config.text
Enable Break : no
Manual Boot : no
HELPER path-list :
Auto upgrade : yes
Auto upgrade path :
NVRAM/Config file
buffer size: 65536
Timeout for Config
Download: 0 seconds
Config Download
via DHCP: disabled (next boot: disabled)

Dear Joseph

This is the output.


Sorry, I wrote bootreg when I meant config reg.  Show version should show its value.  Could you post that?

Dear Joseph

This is the value

Configuration register is 0xF

Waiting your your valuable assistat.


Reload the switch.  I want to see the complete boot-up process.

The boot-up process will detail why the switch did not boot SE10 as specified in the boot variable string.

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