Hey guys,
I followed no ips' configuration guide
on my Cisco 1921 which is using the IOS version 155-3.M4a.bin. I am unable to get any updates. I have enabled debug, but its not showing anything. Can you please help.
I can browse the internet through the cisco. I have restarted the router, but no luck.
ip ddns update method boo-boo
add http://username:mypassword@dynupdate.no-ip.com/nic/update?hostname=<h>&myip=<a>
interval maximum 0 0 3 0
interface Dialer1
ip ddns update hostname boopathy.ddns.net
ip ddns update boo-boo
esc#sh ip ddns update
Dynamic DNS Update on Dialer1:
Update Method Name Update Destination
boo-boo not available