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Cisco IOS Router delete file with space in name

Fedor Solovev
Level 1
Level 1

Hello, could somebody give an hint, please:

I have user command,

router4321#archive tar /xtract tftp:// bootflash:


router4321#show flash: | s CME

404       4096 Apr 21 2016 15:13:48 +00:00 /bootflash/CME 10.5.0 GUI

and dir commands

router4321#dir bootflash:

177409  drwx             4096  Apr 21 2016 15:13:48 +00:00  CME 10.5.0 GUI

router4321#show flash: | s CME

/bootflash/CME 10.5.0 GUI

shows me the folder which was in this tar archive on tftp.

So, the Router can see it.

But, the name of this folder contains spaces, so I cannot delete it.

router4321#delete flash:CME 10.5.0 GUI
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

router4321#rmdir bootflash:CME 10.5.0 GUI
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.


I tryed to put this name in " ", _ _, $ $, % %, ' ', \ \ , but it doesn't work.

Reload didn't help to.

How could it be done ?

4 Replies 4

Fedor Solovev
Level 1
Level 1

this is the answer:

delete /force /recu "flash:CME 9.1.0 GUI"

I have the same issue where CME creates a directory with a space in the file name. You showed how to delete this directory but how do I display the contents of the director or even rename it? I get the same error as the original post. It wont recognize the file name due to the space. 


How can I display the contents?



what command are you issuing, and which error do you get ? Provide an example...



@DSP2016free wrote:

I have the same issue where CME creates a directory with a space in the file name. You showed how to delete this directory but how do I display the contents of the director or even rename it? I get the same error as the original post. It wont recognize the file name due to the space. 


How can I display the contents?

rename flash:test.txt textold.txt
more flash:mydirectory



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