Out of curiosity,
Say I had to change the public IP of one of my servers from x.x.x.1 to y.y.y.3, and I didnt have access to the DNS to make the update, theoretically, could I use "ip nat inside destination" command with an access-list of 1 address to accomplish this?
I know this command is meant for load-balancing, but could I use it for this purpose? I don't have time to test this right now, but would like to tomorrow maybe.
Router config:
Fa0/1: peering IP with ISP (/30 network), would be ip nat outside
Fa0/0.1: x.x.x.x/28
Fa0/0.2: y.y.y.y/28
Fa0/0.2: z.z.z.z/28
SO... packets would be coming in fa0/1 and leaving via fa0/0.1 or fa0/0.2 to get to my servers.
Is there a better way of doing this? I don't see a whole lot about destination NAT out there. This is just a random question i had in my head, not a real issue.