I have installed WS-C4510R+E/Sup 7-E with IOS 03.04.05.SG . all line cards installed successfully and verified "sh module" , output is good
but i have found issue with one line card and its showing below error message
Jul 25 17:45:19.095 UTC: %C4K_ETHPOE-4-SUPPLYFAULT: Module 3 POE controller has been shutdown because of excessive power usage.
000049: Jul 25 17:45:34.814 UTC: %C4K_IOSMODPORTMAN-6-MODULEONLINE: Module 3 (WS-X4748-UPOE+E S/N: CAT1914LDFK Hw: 1.1) is online
Problem was, when i connected POE devices Voip, LWAPs , they were in notconnect status because of "huge power usage" so i thought , any end device consume more power so shutdown all ports and i had reset the module multiple times but didn't work
then i moved line card to another slot but same issue then i realized issue on Line card not slot
Finally i got replaced with new one but i want to know the reason why it has bug
Can someone help me on it?