Hi, guys!
Hi, guys!
I have a question about XOR function calculation on catalyst switches.
Here is possible load-balancing algorithms on my switch:
SW6(config)#port-channel load-balance ?
dst-ip Dst IP Addr
dst-mac Dst Mac Addr
src-dst-ip Src XOR Dst IP Addr
src-dst-mac Src XOR Dst Mac Addr
src-ip Src IP Addr
src-mac Src Mac Addr
I know how XOR value is calculated in src-dst-ip for example. We just make XOR operation using last bits of source and destination IP (number of bits to compare should be equal to number of ports in ethechannel).
1) But how we can do XOR if we use only src-ip balancing? Will we just use all zeros as second number?
2) How switch determine, which interface to use as outbound, when we use mac based balancing?
Thanks for help!