We all know that all the switches comes with port-channel load-balance âsrc-macâ. We have a netapps and we have made the etherchannel with netapps using 3 gig ports, we checked the documentation, netapps only support port-channel load-balance src-dst-ip.
If we apply âport-channel load-balance src-dst-ipâ command to the switch to use with netapps,it will change the mode of all the etherchannel including the trunck etherchannel we have used to give the uplink to this switch.
My question is, if we will use âport-channel load-balance src-dst-ipâ in this switch and all the other switches remain using âsrc-macâ, would there be any issue in our network or would this switch disconnect from network or give any performance issue while using âport-channel load-balance src-dst-ipâ in this switch for netapps.
Thanks in advance,