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High CPU on SW-4506-E with supervisor 6E

Level 1
Level 1

Hi All,


Someone could help me with the following issue,  I have a devices 4506 with a supervisor 6 E,  the equipment has been working properly but
from one moment to another CPU usage went up 80%

SW2_4506#show process cpu  | exc 0.00
CPU utilization for five seconds: 79%/9%; one minute: 79%; five minutes: 79%
  PID Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
   38     1430548   6238658        229  0.07%  0.05%  0.07%   0 IDB Work
   53   2983375401428662390        208  3.83%  3.79%  3.77%   0 Cat4k Mgmt HiPri
   54   4158989881851588418        224 64.47% 64.42% 64.03%   0 Cat4k Mgmt LoPri
  103    21781572 981500164         22  0.15%  0.20%  0.23%   0 IP Input
  109     1234024  65311050         18  0.23%  0.26%  0.25%   0 Spanning Tree
  214      521240 384154925          1  0.07%  0.08%  0.07%   0 HSRP Common
  217    851449481842211393         46  0.39%  0.35%  0.42%   0 IP SNMP
  218    14951900 920455180         16  0.07%  0.07%  0.09%   0 PDU DISPATCHER
  219    78767604 922349560         85  1.03%  0.58%  0.62%   0 SNMP ENGINE

The process by which this high intake is Cat4k Mgmt LoPri,  verifying the output of the show processes  sorted cpu I found following:

SW2_4506#show process cpu sorted  | exc 0.00
CPU utilization for five seconds: 79%/9%; one minute: 79%; five minutes: 79%
  PID Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
   54   4161304801852801555        224 64.71% 64.33% 64.22%   0 Cat4k Mgmt LoPri
   53   2983434121428674551        208  3.59%  3.76%  3.76%   0 Cat4k Mgmt HiPri
  219    78769972 922369535         85  0.47%  0.73%  0.67%   0 SNMP ENGINE
  217    851465201842251326         46  0.39%  0.48%  0.46%   0 IP SNMP
  109     1234196  65312628         18  0.23%  0.27%  0.26%   0 Spanning Tree
  103    21782384 981527554         22  0.23%  0.25%  0.24%   0 IP Input
  218    14952416 920475154         16  0.15%  0.12%  0.10%   0 PDU DISPATCHER
  214      521280 384173951          1  0.07%  0.08%  0.07%   0 HSRP Common

Verified the output show platform health I found that K5CpuMan Review and K5ForerunnerPacketMa are the process with longer CPU use how you see in the output bellow    

SW2_4506#show platform health
                      %CPU   %CPU    RunTimeMax   Priority  Average %CPU  Total
                      Target Actual Target Actual   Fg   Bg 5Sec Min Hour  CPU
RkiosObflMan           0.50   0.00      4      0  100  500    0   0    0  4:20
GalChassisVp-review    3.00   0.10     10     30  100  500    0   0    0  97:58
S2w-JobEventSchedule  10.00   0.25     10      7  100  500    0   0    0  250:00
Stub-JobEventSchedul  10.00   1.28     10     15  100  500    1   1    0  1571:59
Lj-poll                1.00   0.02      2      0  100  500    0   0    0  21:33
StatValueMan Update    1.00   0.03      1      0  100  500    0   0    0  36:57
Pim-review             0.10   0.00      1      0  100  500    0   0    0  5:19
Ebm-host-review        1.00   0.00      8      2  100  500    0   0    0  14:29
Ebm-host-util-review   1.00   0.00     10      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:10
Ebm-port-review        0.10   0.00      1      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:26
Protocol-aging-revie   0.20   0.00      2      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:01
EbmHostRedundancyMan   2.00   0.00     20      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
Acl-Flattener          1.00   0.00     10      2  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
IrmFibThrottler Thro   2.00   0.01      7      0  100  500    0   0    0  7:14
GalChassisVp Ondeman   2.00   0.00      2      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
KxAclPathMan create/   1.00   0.00     10      5  100  500    0   0    0  0:03
KxAclPathMan update    2.00   0.00     10     26  100  500    0   0    0  15:20
clPathMan reprogr   1.00   0.00      2      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
GalK5TatooineStatsMa   0.70   0.01      4      0  100  500    0   0    0  22:30
MOL FastDropReview     2.00   0.00     15      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
RkiosL3PortMan AclFe   2.00   0.00     15      2  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5L3FlcMan FwdEntry    2.00   0.00     15      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5L3FlcMan Consisten   2.00   0.56     15      7  100  500    1   0    0  805:49
FwdEntry Zombie Revi   2.00   0.00     15      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5L3FlcMan Cam Shuff   4.00   0.00     25      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5L3Unciast IFE Revi   2.00   0.00     15      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5L3UnicastRpf IFE R   2.00   0.00     15      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5L3Unicast Fwd Entr   2.00   0.00     15      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5L3McastMan IrmMfib   2.00   0.00     15      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5L3McastMan ImeSync   2.00   0.00     15      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:02
K5L3Unicast Fwd Entr   2.00   0.00     15      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5L3Unicast Adj Grou   2.00   0.00     15      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5L3Unicast Adj Chan   2.00   0.00     15      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:28
K5L3Unicast Adj Tabl   2.00   0.00     15      7  100  500    0   0    0  105:41
K5L3AdjStatsMan Revi   2.00   0.05     10      8  100  500    0   0    0  322:10
K5L3McastMan RetSync   1.00   0.00      8      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5FlcHitMan review     2.00   0.01      5      2  100  500    0   0    0  149:05
K5PortMan Regular Re   2.00   0.25     15     10  100  500    0   0    0  352:02
K5PortMan Ondemand L   3.00   0.53     30      0  100  500    0   0    0  423:30
K5PortMan Stats Revi   2.00   0.05     15      1  100  500    0   0    0  24:19
K5PortMan Tx Queue R   3.00   0.00     15      1  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5L2 Vlan Table Revi   2.00   0.00     12      8  100  500    0   0    0  4:18
K5 L2 Aging Table Re   2.00   0.07     20      4  100  500    0   0    0  127:40
K5 L2 Unicast Addres   2.00   0.00     20      2  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5 L2 Multicast Addr   2.00   0.00     20      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:03
K5 L2 Hardware Addre   2.00   0.00     20     10  100  500    0   0    0  234:10
K5 L2 Hardware Mac L   1.00   0.00      2      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5RetStatsMan Review   2.00   0.00      5      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5CpuMan Review       30.00  83.63     30     41  100  500  189 170  132  11419:43
K5ForerunnerPacketMa   1.50  54.45      4      0  100  500  111 100   76  5434:56
K5ForerunnerPacketMa   0.70   0.24      4      0  100  500    0   0    0  229:50
K5QosDhmMan Rate DBL   2.00   4.23      7      5  100  500    5   4    3  3818:16
K5QosPolicerStatsMan   1.00   0.00     10      0  100  500    0   0    0  4:21
K5VlanStatsReview      2.00   0.78     10      3  100  500    1   0    0  768:28
K5AclMan-labeledFlat   1.00   0.00     10      1  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5AclLabelMan-punted   1.00   0.00     10      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
K5AclCamMan stale en   1.00   0.00     10      5  100  500    0   0    0  0:04
K5AclCamMan Audit re   1.00   2.50     10      5  100  500    2   2    1  1997:08
K5AclCamStatsMan hw    3.00   0.20     10      7  100  500    0   0    0  193:40
K5Acl Action Update    2.00   0.00     15      7  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
VSI DMA Local Jawa R   1.00   0.09      6      0  100  500    0   0    0  73:29
VSI DMA Darkside Rev   1.00   0.00      6      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
00   0.00   100  5ble Review 1:260      6  10SI DMA Slot-030    0    0  0:00lot-0      0  100 0:00
G00   0.00  0    0 bmHostTabl0      8 0    0  2Man Port0    0   odule Sta.02        0    0 iag Re  0  100  50 0  22  2.00   0.0  500sIpWccp IrmWc    :00
LocalJawa    0   0    0  0:5    4  100  500  :02

SW2_4506#show ip traffic
IP statistics:
   Rcvd:  991804425 total, 975895167 local destination
          0 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 2402921 bad hop count
          0 unknown protocol, 12284439 not a gateway
          0 security failures, 0 bad options, 1083246 with options
   Opts:  98552 end, 38 nop, 0 basic security, 0 loose source route
          0 timestamp, 0 extended security, 0 record route
          0 stream ID, 0 strict source route, 984656 alert, 0 cipso, 0 ump
          0 other
   Frags: 0 reassembled, 0 timeouts, 0 couldn't reassemble
          176 fragmented, 0 couldn't fragment
   Bcast: 19259087 received, 115872 sent
   Mcast: 36587362 received, 35908604 sent
   Sent:  957941998 generated, 3166031479 forwarded
   Drop:  18407 encapsulation failed, 0 unresolved, 0 no adjacency
          3655 no route, 0 unicast RPF, 0 forced drop
          0 options denied, 0 source IP address zero

ICMP statistics:
   Rcvd: 0 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 0 redirects, 2140 unreachable
         72781 echo, 33460 echo reply, 0 mask requests, 0 mask replies, 0 quench
         0 parameter, 2 timestamp, 0 info request, 0 other
         0 irdp solicitations, 0 irdp advertisements
   Sent: 6432 redirects, 4438 unreachable, 33571 echo, 72781 echo reply
         0 mask requests, 0 mask replies, 0 quench, 2 timestamp
         0 info reply, 1797935 time exceeded, 0 parameter problem
         0 irdp solicitations, 0 irdp advertisements

TCP statistics:
   Rcvd: 424811 total, 4 checksum errors, 71 no port
   Sent: 518597 total

Probe statistics:
   Rcvd: 0 address requests, 0 address replies
         0 proxy name requests, 0 where-is requests, 0 other
   Sent: 0 address requests, 0 address replies (0 proxy)
         0 proxy name replies, 0 where-is replies

UDP statistics:
   Rcvd: 975212598 total, 1 checksum errors, 19186986 no port
   Sent: 955303199 total, 0 forwarded broadcasts

BGP statistics:
   Rcvd: 0 total, 0 opens, 0 notifications, 0 updates
         0 keepalives, 0 route-refresh, 0 unrecognized
   Sent: 0 total, 0 opens, 0 notifications, 0 updates
         0 keepalives, 0 route-refresh

EIGRP-IPv4 statistics:
   Rcvd: 0 total
   Sent: 0 total

PIMv2 statistics: Sent/Received
   Total: 0/0, 0 checksum errors, 0 format errors
   Registers: 0/0 (0 non-rp, 0 non-sm-group), Register Stops: 0/0,  Hellos: 0/0
   Join/Prunes: 0/0, Asserts: 0/0, grafts: 0/0
   Bootstraps: 0/0, Candidate_RP_Advertisements: 0/0
   Queue drops: 0
   State-Refresh: 0/0

IGMP statistics: Sent/Received
   Total: 0/0, Format errors: 0/0, Checksum errors: 0/0
   Host Queries: 0/0, Host Reports: 0/0, Host Leaves: 0/0
   DVMRP: 0/0, PIM: 0/0
   Queue drops: 0

OSPF statistics:
   Rcvd: 149305 total, 0 checksum errors
         140388 hello, 137 database desc, 14 link state req
         5389 link state updates, 3377 link state acks

  Sent: 205182 total
         196996 hello, 70 database desc, 10 link state req
         6559 link state updates, 1558 link state acks

ARP statistics:
   Rcvd: 15671151 requests, 345047 replies, 0 reverse, 0 other
   Sent: 22108 requests, 511910 replies (90924 proxy), 0 reverse
   Drop due to input queue full: 0

SW2_4506#show processes cpu history table
%CPU utilization history table is not enabled

Tigo_SW2_4506_Bquilla#show processes cpu history

  80 **********************************************************
  70 **********************************************************
  60 **********************************************************
  50 **********************************************************
  40 **********************************************************
  30 **********************************************************
  20 **********************************************************
  10 **********************************************************
              0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5
                CPU% per second (last 60 seconds)

  80 ##########################################################
  70 ##########################################################
  60 ##########################################################
  50 ##########################################################
  40 ##########################################################
  30 ##########################################################
  20 ##########################################################
  10 ##########################################################
              0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5
                CPU% per minute (last 60 minutes)
               * = maximum CPU%   # = average CPU%

  90                  **
  80 #**     *#######*#########*   **
  70 ###*   *###################* *#*
  60 ###* **####################***#*                   *
  50 ####**######################**#**                * *     * *  *
  40 ############################**#***  ****************** * ***  *  ** **
  30 ###############################********************************* *****
  20 ##################################**#########################*#**#####
  10 ######################################################################
              0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0
                    CPU% per hour (last 72 hours)
                   * = maximum CPU%   # = average CPU%


Can your help me giving me some clue to what may be the cause of higher CPU usage and how I can correct IOS version of the devices  is 122 (53) SG1, I upload attach file with the show tech-support of the equipmente 




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Carrera 7 No 71-52 Torre A Piso 11 Bogota D.C., Colombia

1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1


54   4158989881851588418        224 64.47% 64.42% 64.03%   0 Cat4k Mgmt LoPri

When the same MAC addresses are learned and aged out on different VLANs, the Cat4k Mgmt LoPri process will cause CPU utilization to increase. This does not impact local data switching performance because the LoPri process is of low priority with limited access to the CPU.

Workaround: None. (CSCsg76868)

Bug details:

High CPU due to Mgmt LoPri process, MAC addresses being added/deleted

A Catalyst 4500 switch might experience high CPU utilization due to the Cat4k Mgmt LoPri process and the K2CpuMan and K2L2 Address Table reviews (show platform health. High CPU utilization does not impact the traffic switched in hardware.

The problem is seen when a large MAC address table exists and when the switch is frequently relearning MAC addresses on multiple VLANs. Enabling service internal followed by debug platform log feature k2l2addresstable will show output similar to the following. Do not enable these commands on a production switch unless instructed by Cisco TAC.

*Nov 13 12:56:32.066 CLT-1: K2L2AddressTableMan::newEntry index 61956 vlan 1020 address 00:D0:02:2D:38:1A
*Nov 13 12:56:34.030 CLT-1: K2L2AddressTableMan::deleteEntry index 55620 vlan 1010 address 00:D0:02:2D:38:1A
*Nov 13 12:56:34.046 CLT-1: K2L2AddressTableMan::newEntry index 55620 vlan 1010 address 00:D0:02:2D:38:1A
*Nov 13 12:56:34.062 CLT-1: K2L2AddressTableMan::deleteEntry index 61956 vlan 1020 address 00:D0:02:2D:38:1A



Please let me know if this was helpful.



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