Hi Guys,Greetings,I'm trying to configure the Monitoring Thresholds in CiscoWorks LMS 4.0. (Monitor> Fault Settings> Setup> Settings Threshold). to monitor an optical interface of an ME 3400 switch idea is to give the test to the values of (Optical...
Hi,GrettingsI have the following drawback was held on autodicovery on a CiscoWorks LMS 4.0 which captured all the IP's of the devices on the network between these found a LAN segment that connects to all devices, when creating this view for the Camp...
Hi All, Greetings, Someone could help me with the following issue, I have a devices 4506 with a supervisor 6 E, the equipment has been working properly but from one moment to another CPU usage went up 80% SW2_4506#show process cpu | exc 0.00 C...
Hi,GreetingsWe are currently problems on a 7606 router with IOS Version 12.2 (18) SXF14 which is presenting an abnormal behavior in its routing characteristics of the problem are:Have a Cluster 7609 this device present failure, this not perform routi...
Hi allSome of you could tell me if this type of configuration is possible to do with CiscoWorks LMS 4.0, which is to monitor the threshold power dBm optical fiber connecting the interfaces of the switch or router?Thanks for your help me,ppacheco
Hi MarvinThanks for you answerI will intented tomorrow delete the component that conform the bus (LAN), following your suggest. My answer to your question:Why do you want your map to not show actual connections such as these segments?My customer onl...
Hi guys,I Think that a possible options is apply a MAC ACL, over the Servers VLAN´s bloking the requirements of bootraps (DHCP), Traffic from the MAC of the DHCP server to the MAC´s of the servers. Present in this VLAN. In this link you can find ...
Hi Guiseppe,Greetings,Guiseppe thanks you very much for your update, Today my customer will give access to the devices for apply your recommendation in a next email I will inform to you the result.Thanks,PEDRO PABLO PACHECO