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HIGH CPU utilization on cisco 35 60

Level 1
Level 1


Our switch(3560) is having high CPU utilization. I would appreciate if someone could help resolve this issue.

 PID Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
  97     6141904  28793325        213 46.18% 45.98% 45.86%   0 hpm main process
  43   769359957    788656     975750 23.46% 23.00% 22.91%   0 SFF8472
 133   371595715  46875686       7927  4.81%  4.30%  4.29%   0 Hulc LED Process
 100    41374376   2356017      17561  1.35%  1.44%  1.45%   0 hpm counter proc
 136         396       123       3219  0.45%  0.40%  0.11%   1 SSH Process
 141    10850144    585806      18521  0.30%  0.34%  0.35%   0 HQM Stack Pro

1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions


Any change or behavior that you have noted? Please check these links:

If the case persists, you could open a ticket with the Cisco TAC.

Hope it is useful


>> Marcar como útil o contestado, si la respuesta resolvió la duda, esto ayuda a futuras consultas de otros miembros de la comunidad. <<

View solution in original post

5 Replies 5


Any change or behavior that you have noted? Please check these links:

If the case persists, you could open a ticket with the Cisco TAC.

Hope it is useful


>> Marcar como útil o contestado, si la respuesta resolvió la duda, esto ayuda a futuras consultas de otros miembros de la comunidad. <<


Here's the output from my switch, not sure what it means from command "sh controllers cpu-int"

I would appreciate if you guys can interpret the output of this command.

ASIC    Rxbiterr   Rxunder    Fwdctfix   Txbuflos   Rxbufloc   Rxbufdrain
ASIC0     0          0          0          0          0          0
ASIC1     0          0          0          0          0          0
ASIC2     0          0          0          0          0          0

HOL Fix Counts
No Fixes:          0 Added:          0 In Use:          0 Both:          0

CPU Heartbeat Statistics

Tx Success Tx Fail    1st Thr    2nd Thr    Unthr      RetryCtMax
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  63129775          0          0          0          0          1

Rx Delay
         0          1          2          3          4
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  63129775          0          0          0          0

AddlDelay AdvanceCnt
---------- ----------
         0          0

Rx Retries by RetryCount
         0          1          2          3          4          5          6
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  63129906          0          0          0          0          0          0

         7          8          9
---------- ---------- ----------
         0          0          0


cpu-queue-frames  retrieved  dropped    invalid    hol-block  stray
----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
rpc               1          0          0          0          0
stp               104537717  0          0          0          0
ipc               1          0          0          0          0
routing protocol  260328862  0          0          0          0
L2 protocol       1851288    0          0          0          0
remote console    0          0          0          0          0
sw forwarding     0          0          0          0          0
host              304813     0          0          0          0
broadcast         168902820  0          0          0          0
cbt-to-spt        0          0          0          0          0
igmp snooping     26328729   0          0          0          0
icmp              0          0          0          0          0
logging           0          0          0          0          0
rpf-fail          0          0          0          0          0
dstats            0          0          0          0          0
cpu heartbeat     63129995   0          0          0          0

cpu-queue         static inuse static added
----------------- ------------ ------------
rpc               0            0
stp               0            0
ipc               0            0
routing protocol  0            0
L2 protocol       0            0
remote console    0            0
sw forwarding     0            0
host              0            0
broadcast         0            0
cbt-to-spt        0            0
igmp snooping     0            0
icmp              0            0
logging           0            0
rpf-fail          0            0
dstats            0            0
cpu heartbeat     0            0

Supervisor ASIC receive-queue parameters
 queue 0 maxrecevsize 0 pakhead 0 paktail 0
 queue 1 maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 4704894 paktail 41EED64
 queue 2 maxrecevsize 0 pakhead 0 paktail 0
 queue 3 maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 48E93EC paktail 49020F4
 queue 4 maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 47113F8 paktail 4709208
 queue 5 maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 0 paktail 0
 queue 6 maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 48C874C paktail 48E51B0
 queue 7 maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 485F0E4 paktail 48684E0
 queue 8 maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 48765EC paktail 48828D4
 queue 9 maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 47D455C paktail 47D455C
 queue A maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 47BF8F4 paktail 40DBB14
 queue B maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 4902D0C paktail 4906330
 queue C maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 47DBF4C paktail 47DF570
 queue D maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 47D0A58 paktail 47D407C
 queue E maxrecevsize 0 pakhead 0 paktail 0
 queue F maxrecevsize 7E0 pakhead 40D85BC paktail 40D8220
Supervisor ASIC exception status
Receive overrun    00000000   Transmit overrun 00000000
FrameSignatureErr  00000000   MicInitialize    00000002
BadFrameErr        00000000   LenExceededErr   00000000
BadJumboSegments   00000000

And this is from the command "sh ip traffic"

IP statistics:
  Rcvd:  3008199 total, 87381 local destination
         0 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 0 bad hop count
         0 unknown protocol, 2920818 not a gateway
         0 security failures, 0 bad options, 89598 with options
  Opts:  0 end, 0 nop, 0 basic security, 0 loose source route
         0 timestamp, 0 extended security, 0 record route
         0 stream ID, 0 strict source route, 89598 alert, 0 cipso, 0 ump
         0 other
  Frags: 0 reassembled, 0 timeouts, 0 couldn't reassemble
         0 fragmented, 0 couldn't fragment
  Bcast: 0 received, 3 sent
  Mcast: 0 received, 0 sent
  Sent:  88143 generated, 0 forwarded
  Drop:  1 encapsulation failed, 0 unresolved, 0 no adjacency
         0 no route, 0 unicast RPF, 0 forced drop
         0 options denied, 0 source IP address zero

ICMP statistics:
  Rcvd: 0 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 1 redirects, 2 unreachable
        57527 echo, 0 echo reply, 0 mask requests, 0 mask replies, 0 quench
        0 parameter, 0 timestamp, 0 info request, 0 other
        0 irdp solicitations, 0 irdp advertisements
  Sent: 0 redirects, 8 unreachable, 0 echo, 57527 echo reply
        0 mask requests, 0 mask replies, 0 quench, 0 timestamp
        0 info reply, 0 time exceeded, 0 parameter problem
        0 irdp solicitations, 0 irdp advertisements

TCP statistics:
  Rcvd: 8702 total, 0 checksum errors, 22 no port
  Sent: 8162 total

PIMv2 statistics: Sent/Received
  Total: 0/0, 0 checksum errors, 0 format errors
  Registers: 0/0 (0 non-rp, 0 non-sm-group), Register Stops: 0/0,  Hellos: 0/0
  Join/Prunes: 0/0, Asserts: 0/0, grafts: 0/0
  Bootstraps: 0/0, Candidate_RP_Advertisements: 0/0
  State-Refresh: 0/0

IGMP statistics: Sent/Received
  Total: 0/0, Format errors: 0/0, Checksum errors: 0/0
  Host Queries: 0/0, Host Reports: 0/0, Host Leaves: 0/0
  DVMRP: 0/0, PIM: 0/0

UDP statistics:
  Rcvd: 21152 total, 0 checksum errors, 37 no port
  Sent: 22449 total, 0 forwarded broadcasts

ARP statistics:
  Rcvd: 218218 requests, 353 replies, 0 reverse, 0 other
  Sent: 91 requests, 217389 replies (0 proxy), 0 reverse
  Drop due to input queue full: 0

Hi Julio,

Thanks for the the info.  Please note that no links are flapping and we have around 20+ vlans created.

Below are some of the output of sh controllers cpu-int and sh ip traffic commands. Hopefully you guys can see the real problem that is causing this hign cpu utilization.

it's working now. thanks.

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