Hi guys topology is like this:
nexus 6K - checkpoint - Nexus 6k
The two nexus are running vpc (vpc peer link is direct link)
and hsrpv2 for the vlans (Interfaces with the vlans configured go via the firewall)
HSRP is working well (one side active, one standby)
However both switches are reporting this continuously:
%ARP-4-OWN_SRCMAC: arp [3946] Received packet with a local source MAC address (002a.xxx) from on Vlan1
where 002a.xxx = the mac address on this same switches vlan 1 interface
and = the physical IP (not standby) under vlan 1 interface on this same device
So it would appear our switch has received its own HSRP message I think. There is no dropped traffic on the firewall, anti spoofing was disabled, and port 1985 was allowed. But still the messages shows, any ideas on how to fix this?