01-04-2023 08:13 PM
I need to restore a the kickstart and system files on a 3548X that is sitting at the loader prompt. My company frowns on TFTP servers. Can I load these files from a USB flash drive?
01-04-2023 10:44 PM
copy system and kickstart image in usb,
please type "help boot" in loader prompt, to check USB is getting detect.
loader>help boot
loader> boot usb1:n3000-uk9-kickstart.x.x.x.Ux.x.bin
it will prompt switch(boot)#
switch(boot)#copy usb1:n3000-uk9.x.x.x.Ux.x.bin bootflash:n3000-uk9.x.x.x.Ux.x.bin
Verify that both images are in the bootflash using the command:
switch(boot)#dir bootflash:
See if the switch is able to boot up
switch(boot)#load bootflash:/n3000-uk9.x.x.x.Ux.x.bin
During the boot, you will be asked whether you would like to enter the initial configuration mode,.
switch#show running-config
reload the switch
01-05-2023 10:11 AM
Thank you for the reply.
01-06-2023 05:10 AM
Update - the device was not responding correctly. It was determined during a call with TAC that the device had failed and a RMA processed.
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