Hi community,
I can not do the following on a Nexus 9332PQ:
I want to add a port to an existing vPC. Port members in this vPC are Port 1/27 to Port 1/32.
Adding Port 1/24 to a vPC results in an error.
ETH_PORT_CHANNEl-3-COMPAT_CHECK_FAILURE: Port Type ist not compatible.
Show port-channel comüatibility-parameters | b "Port Type" says "Members must be all server or all fabric facing ports".
So how do I check which ports are server and which ports a fabric facing ports?
Is this because the last six ports (1/27-32) are different from port 1/1 to 1/26?
Is it impossible to add port 1/24 to a vPC which has port 1/27-32 as members?
System version:
show capabilities from port 1/24 and 1/28
Thank you very much in advance!