I have a pretty standard config of 2 redundant 6509E (Sup720) switches both running HSRP successfully, Core1 being the active router. I have a 3750E stack linked to Core1 using a 20GB eitherchannel to which I have a win server connected on vlan1. On Core2 I have a 3750 stack linked using a 2GB etherchannel, to which I have a sun server attached (vlan 2). My problem is when I try to copy from sun server to win server using Client for NFS, I receive errors or very intermittent data transfer, usually failing. My legacy 6509 switch running CATOS had no problems transferring but when I upgraded to my new 6509Es I started having the issues. I'm assuming the issue is with routing udp cause I have no other routing issues infact I am successfully routing udp used by other applications.
Any ideas?