below is my config that i am testing with.
ip access-list extended test
deny ip host
permit ip host any
int vlan 10
ip address
ip policy route-map 857
route-map 857
match ip address access-list test
set ip next-hop
PBR seems to be working when I am inside vlan 10 on I can get to the other internal network as well as to our other inetnet pipe which is where the next hop is. However I can not get reach that IP from any other network.
Our end goal is to route traffic to another internet provider while still being able to access internal networks. I was originaly specifying 80 and 443 on the access list which worked fine, but there were a few internet sites we need access to that use different ports. So, instead of creating more rules I thought just use IP deny traffic to our internal networks and allow everythign else. But, like I said, with this config the other internal network can't reach inside that vlan.
If I am missing any details, let me know.
Any suggestions?