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Matt Conley
Level 1
Level 1

Ok I have 3850's as Layer 2 running obviously LAN Base.  Upgraded to 16.9.3 so now I'm forced into "Smart" Licensing.  There is no license PAK to convert.  LAN Base came as an RTU License.  How do I get these licenses added to my SMART Account from the switch?   Do I even need to? It is a basic switch.  From what I can tell it just reverts to eval mode if it can't phone home.  

4 Replies 4

Mark Malone
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

if you have a switch that originally wasn't smart licensed the docs say you need to contact the license team , if its on lanbase though i dont think you will lose anything as you said , the license will just be in eval mode

Linking Existing Licenses to CSSM

The following section is required for those licenses that were purchased without a Cisco Smart Account. These licenses will not be available in CSSM after you have upgraded to Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.1. You are requested to contact the Cisco Global Licensing Operations (GLO) team with the following email template. Fill the template with the appropriate information to request linking of your existing licenses to your Cisco Smart Account in CSSM.
Email Template:


Subject: Request for Linking Existing Licenses to Cisco Smart Account
Email Text: ID: #####

Smart virtual account name: #####

Smart account domain ID (domain in the form of ""): #####

List of UDIs:

List of licenses with count:

Proof of purchase (Please attach your proof of purchase along with this mail)

Bart De Pauw
Level 1
Level 1


I suppose you only need to register this switch within the/yours 'end customer smart account'.

It has been sold as 'LAN base' so the system should recognize it that way ( based on serial id's ).

RTU licensing isn't managed in SA's

Kind regards

sorry wrong post



you can convert te perpetual (built-in) license to smart-licensing

look at this document page-24:  

To start license conversion use the license smart conversion start command.

it takes some time because the license need to be transferred to the smart-licensing portal first and then retrieved back


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