01-05-2011 07:30 AM - edited 03-06-2019 02:50 PM
Cisco switches in Core and Dist layers, Procurves in access layer.
Core switch V1CS1 goes down, V2CS1 takes over as STP root.
The Ciscos are running PVRST+ and the Procurves RSTP.
When V2CS1 takes over as the new root, the Procurve switches only reply to proposals on VLAN1.
V2CS1 keeps transmitting proposals on fa0/1 and fa0/2 until the forward delay timer expires.
Fa0/1 and fa0/2 then go into LRN for 15 seconds, then FWD.
This is a terrible delay to have...
I have found one solution: MSTP. This gets <2s reconvergence. But this would involve a lot of reconfiguration work on the production network.
Does anyone have another idea?
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
S2# sh run
Running configuration:
; J9088A Configuration Editor; Created on release #R.11.30
hostname "S2"
snmp-server community "public" Unrestricted vlan 1
untagged 1-2,6-52
no ip address
no untagged 3-5
vlan 110
name "VLAN110"
untagged 3
tagged 1-2
vlan 220
name "VLAN220"
untagged 4-5
tagged 1-2
spanning-tree force-version RSTP-operation
S1# sh run
Running configuration:
; J9088A Configuration Editor; Created on release #R.11.30
hostname "S1"
snmp-server community "public" Unrestricted vlan 1
untagged 1-2,4-52
no ip address
no untagged 3
vlan 110
name "VLAN110"
untagged 3
tagged 1-2
spanning-tree force-version RSTP-operation
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
spanning-tree extend system-id
spanning-tree vlan 1-1024 priority 4096
vlan internal allocation policy ascending
vlan dot1q tag native
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
interface FastEthernet0/2
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
interface Vlan1
no ip address
interface Vlan110
ip address
interface Vlan220
ip address
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
spanning-tree logging
spanning-tree extend system-id
spanning-tree vlan 1-1024 priority 4096
vlan internal allocation policy ascending
vlan dot1q tag native
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
interface Vlan1
no ip address
interface Vlan110
ip address
interface Vlan220
ip address
V2CS1#sh debug
Spanning Tree:
Spanning Tree event dump debugging is on
Spanning Tree snapshot debugging is on
Spanning Tree event debugging is on
V2CS1#sh spann root
Root Hello Max Fwd
Vlan Root ID Cost Time Age Dly Root Port
---------------- -------------------- --------- ----- --- --- ------------
VLAN0001 4097 000a.f468.d380 4 2 20 15 Gi0/2
VLAN0110 4206 000a.f468.d380 4 2 20 15 Gi0/2
VLAN0220 4316 000a.f468.d380 4 2 20 15 Gi0/2
05:50:04: RSTP(1): updt roles, root port Gi0/2 going down
05:50:04: RSTP(1): we become the root bridge
05:50:04: RSTP(1): snapshot: Fa0/1->Desg.FWD Fa0/2->Desg.FWD Gi0/2->Root.DIS
05:50:04: RSTP(110): updt roles, root port Gi0/2 going down
05:50:04: RSTP(110): we become the root bridge
05:50:04: RSTP(110): snapshot: Fa0/1->Desg.FWD Fa0/2->Desg.FWD Gi0/2->Root.DIS
05:50:04: RSTP(220): updt roles, root port Gi0/2 going down
05:50:04: RSTP(220): we become the root bridge
05:50:04: RSTP(220): snapshot: Fa0/1->Desg.FWD Fa0/2->Desg.FWD Gi0/2->Root.DIS
05:50:05: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0/2, changed state to down
05:50:06: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/2, changed state to down
05:52:11: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/2, changed state to up
05:52:12: RSTP(1): initializing port Gi0/2
05:52:12: RSTP(1): Gi0/2 is now designated
05:52:12: RSTP(110): initializing port Gi0/2
05:52:12: RSTP(110): Gi0/2 is now designated
05:52:12: RSTP(220): initializing port Gi0/2
05:52:12: RSTP(220): Gi0/2 is now designated
05:52:12: RSTP(1): transmitting a proposal on Gi0/2RSTP(1):
05:52:12: F:DP R:1001.0016.c88b.e600 C:0 B:1001.0016.c88b.e600 P:8032 A:0 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(110): transmitting a proposal on Gi0/2RSTP(110):
05:52:12: F:DP R:106E.0016.c88b.e600 C:0 B:106E.0016.c88b.e600 P:8032 A:0 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(220): transmitting a proposal on Gi0/2RSTP(220):
05:52:12: F:DP R:10DC.0016.c88b.e600 C:0 B:10DC.0016.c88b.e600 P:8032 A:0 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(1): updt roles, received superior bpdu on Gi0/2
05:52:12: RSTP(1): Gi0/2
05:52:12: F:DP R:1001.000a.f468.d380 C:0 B:1001.000a.f468.d380 P:801A A:0 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(1): Gi0/2 is now root port
05:52:12: RSTP(1): syncing port Fa0/1
05:52:12: RSTP(1): syncing port Fa0/2
05:52:12: RSTP(1): synced Gi0/2
05:52:12: RSTP(1): snapshot: Fa0/1->Desg.BLK Fa0/2->Desg.BLK Gi0/2->Root.FWD
05:52:12: RSTP(110): updt roles, received superior bpdu on Gi0/2
05:52:12: RSTP(110): Gi0/2
05:52:12: F:DP R:106E.000a.f468.d380 C:0 B:106E.000a.f468.d380 P:801A A:0 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(110): Gi0/2 is now root port
05:52:12: RSTP(110): syncing port Fa0/1
05:52:12: RSTP(110): syncing port Fa0/2
05:52:12: RSTP(110): synced Gi0/2
05:52:12: RSTP(110): snapshot: Fa0/1->Desg.BLK Fa0/2->Desg.BLK Gi0/2->Root.FWD
05:52:12: RSTP(220): updt roles, received superior bpdu on Gi0/2
05:52:12: RSTP(220): Gi0/2
05:52:12: F:DP R:10DC.000a.f468.d380 C:0 B:10DC.000a.f468.d380 P:801A A:0 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(220): Gi0/2 is now root port
05:52:12: RSTP(220): syncing port Fa0/1
05:52:12: RSTP(220): syncing port Fa0/2
05:52:12: RSTP(220): synced Gi0/2
05:52:12: RSTP(220): snapshot: Fa0/1->Desg.BLK Fa0/2->Desg.BLK Gi0/2->Root.FWD
05:52:12: RSTP(1): transmitting an agreement on Gi0/2 as a response to a proposalRSTP(1):
05:52:12: F:AgFLR R:1001.000a.f468.d380 C:0 B:1001.000a.f468.d380 P:801A A:0 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(1): transmitting a proposal on Fa0/1RSTP(1):
05:52:12: F:DP R:1001.000a.f468.d380 C:4 B:1001.0016.c88b.e600 P:8001 A:100 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(1): transmitting a proposal on Fa0/2RSTP(1):
05:52:12: F:DP R:1001.000a.f468.d380 C:4 B:1001.0016.c88b.e600 P:8002 A:100 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(110): transmitting an agreement on Gi0/2 as a response to a proposalRSTP(110):
05:52:12: F:AgFLR R:106E.000a.f468.d380 C:0 B:106E.000a.f468.d380 P:801A A:0 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(110): transmitting a proposal on Fa0/1RSTP(110):
05:52:12: F:DP R:106E.000a.f468.d380 C:4 B:106E.0016.c88b.e600 P:8001 A:100 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(110): transmitting a proposal on Fa0/2RSTP(110):
05:52:12: F:DP R:106E.000a.f468.d380 C:4 B:106E.0016.c88b.e600 P:8002 A:100 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(220): transmitting an agreement on Gi0/2 as a response to a proposalRSTP(220):
05:52:12: F:AgFLR R:10DC.000a.f468.d380 C:0 B:10DC.000a.f468.d380 P:801A A:0 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(220): transmitting a proposal on Fa0/1RSTP(220):
05:52:12: F:DP R:10DC.000a.f468.d380 C:4 B:10DC.0016.c88b.e600 P:8001 A:100 T:14.2.F
05:52:12: RSTP(220): transmitting a proposal on Fa0/2RSTP(220):