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Should the connection between Distribution Layer and Edge Routers be Layer2 or Layer3

Level 1
Level 1
I'm learning the three-tier design, and wish I could clear some issues that really puzzle me, despite the hours spent studying Cisco CVD guides.

I'm modeling a small collapsed core network, and keep confused about the edge routers (R1/R2) to core/distribution layer (L3S0/L3S1) connection:
Should it better be either L2 or L3? :
  • Layer2, using HSRP on the edge routers and HSRP on the collapsed core pair
  • Layer3, using OSPF between the edge routers pair and the collapsed core pair
Isn't this double back-to-back HSRP kinda eerie ?
What are the benefits of each solution?
I'm wondering the same question about the Servers to Core/Distribution Layer connection:
  • Is an access layer required ?
  • Should it better be Layer2 or Layer 3
Don't look at the ASA pair on the picture, they just represent ISP xDSL/Firewall/NAT. I'm puzzled about R1/R2 and L3S0/L3S1
Thanks for any input or enhancements suggestion!!!
8 Replies 8

Julio E. Moisa
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


The recommendation is use layer 3 HSRP between the routers and firewalls and Layer 2 between Multilayer switches to server switch.

My personal point of view, is use static routes between Internet firewalls and Core/Distribution devices, it will not increase the CPU routing process, the firewall can work as Active-Standby. 

Now a collapsed model refers to a device who can work how core and distribution switch at the same time, so you will have 2 (core, access) layer instead 3  (core, distribution, access), example:

It shows just a device but you can have high-availability with 2 devices as core/distribution. 

Image result for cisco collapsed model

>> Marcar como útil o contestado, si la respuesta resolvió la duda, esto ayuda a futuras consultas de otros miembros de la comunidad. <<

If the firewall are working as active and standby

you can configure 1 ip on the firewall and it will replicated to the other, so you could use a /29 subnet to interconnect the 4 devices, it is an example:

IP Plan  - Firewall 1 so it will be replicated to firewall 2. 

HSRP Virtual gateway -
HSRP Active -
HSRP Active -

Remember the HSRP Active - Standby must have communication between each other, so you can use a routing protocol like OSPF or EIGRP.

Now the configuration on the routers should be:

Main router

interface Fastethernet0/0
ip address
standby 10 ip
standby 10 priority 105
standby 10 preempt
no shutdown

ip route name Internet

Backup router

interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
standby 10 ip
standby 10 preempt

ip route name Internet


Now how the configuration is the same on the firewall, you need to add the return routes on the firewall pointing to the IP .1

example to reach internal networks

route INSIDE
route INSIDE  
route OUTSIDE <public next hop IP> 

Now take in consideration if you are going to use a multilayer switch how collapsed device you can use layer 3 ports or SVI.

>> Marcar como útil o contestado, si la respuesta resolvió la duda, esto ayuda a futuras consultas de otros miembros de la comunidad. <<

Thanks for your answer :-) . I edited my post for clarity.

The recommendation is use layer 3 HSRP between the routers and firewalls

What is 'Layer3 HSRP' ? Do you mean 'Layer3 routed ports'+HSRP ?

Also, should I run a double HSRP, ie HSRP on the Edge Routers + HSRP on the collapsed core pair? Isn't that too much of HSRP ? ;-)

On the posted picture is written 'Layer 3 Rounded Port'. What is it? I googgled in vain for that expression. Is it a typo for'Layer 3 routed port' ? 

Yes that is correct, you can use layer 3 ports to working along with HSRP to have high availability so the routers will have one virtual HSRP IP, it will be the next hop IP to the internal company networks. 

The idea is have a redundancy on these devices. For example for each internal company use HSRP, imagine the attached scenario, if the active device is down, the traffic will not be impacted because the standby device will be the new active device and it has the same virtual IP who is the gateway for the users. 

>> Marcar como útil o contestado, si la respuesta resolvió la duda, esto ayuda a futuras consultas de otros miembros de la comunidad. <<

Generally speaking you run HSRP for end devices not for interconnections between network devices.

So the core/distro switches should connect to the routers with L3 links not HSRP.

However if the routers were removed and the firewalls connected directly to the switches and the firewalls were a pair then you cannot use L3 links, you need to use a common vlan so the firewalls can see each other.

Note also ASA firewalls do not run HSRP but they do support a VIP.


Jon Marshall
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Just to point out that the routers in your design are serving no purpose as far as I can see and I would remove them and connect the firewalls directly to the core/distro switches.


Thanks for your inputs !!

Yes, I know the network map makes no sense with ASA+Edge routers. I removed the ASAs from the picture and replaced them with DSL modems for clarity. My question was purely about the Edge Routers/Core Switches Relationship :-)

Level 1
Level 1

Hi !

Thanks to your inputs, and after some more modeling, I'd like to propose a solution:

(collapsed) core to edge routers conection

Question 1: Should the edge routers (R1/R2) to collapsed (core) or distribution layer (L3S0/L3S1) connection better be L2 or L3?

1. Best choice: L3 point-to-point links, using OSPF:

Layer3 edge to core

2. Cisco ASA option: in case a pair or Cisco ASA is used, the only solution is to use VIP failover for the ASAs, and HSRP on the (collapsed) core pair:

ASA pair to core

3. Worst choice: L2 with back-to-back HSRP:

Layer2 edge to core

Isn't this double back-to-back HSRP kinda eerie ?

Yes, but there is no other solution if you absolutly have to go the Layer2 road

What are the Pros/Cons of L2 vs L3 solution

  • L3 with OSPF: Pros: Fast convergence, easy to troubleshoot, less error-prone. Cons: many IP blocks to carve
  • L2 with HSRP: Pros: Easier to design IP-wize. Cons: Slow convergence, harder to troubleshoot, more error-prone
Question2: Should the (collapsed) core to Servers use Layer 2 or Layer3
Answer: The preferred model is (Collapsed core)---L2---(Access Switch)--L2---Servers

This is the best I managed to formulate so far. Should I mark this as 'Correct Answer?'

Thanks for any input !!

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