We have port security turned on:
switchport port-security
switchport port-security maximum 2
switchport port-security violation restrict
We were getting an error on the port (with only 1 device connected to this port):
Sep 16 15:49:42: %PORT_SECURITY-SP-2-PSECURE_VIOLATION: Security violation occur
red, caused by MAC address b8ac.6fb1.2b11 on port GigabitEthernet1/2
Turned off port security - device then works however we want the security on and are trying to figure out why we are getting this error with only 1 MAC on port.
Tried to turn port security back on and get error stating can't turn on due to static MAC entry on port???
Looked for static MAC entry, there isn't one. Ran the command to delete actual static mac b8ac.6fb1.2b11 and it says that MAC does not exist.
When you do a sh mac on the interface it shows as being there????
E-1-6K#sh mac address-table interface g1/2
Legend: * - primary entry
age - seconds since last seen
n/a - not available
vlan mac address type learn age ports
Active Supervisor:
* 12 b8ac.6fb1.2b11 static Yes - Gi1/2