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Supervisor 7-E issues mgmt/power

Level 5
Level 5

Hi all,

I am making a post to get info on a specific issue I have with my 4507 with a sup 7-e installed. I have built a few Sup6 4507 and 4510's without issues like this so when this one came along it left me scratching my head a little.

The issue has to do with powering the Modules in the 1 and 2 slots on the chassis.

I have tried setting the power to redundant and combined with the same results.

Upon boot with power supplies ON, all the modules will boot up as expected in normal operation.

When I cut the power on the PSU then the Sup starts shutting down the modules. It shuts down the Slot1 and Slot2.

When I bring power back on then I expec tthe modules to come back alive. They dont though, they stay off.

Only when I issue a "no hw-module module 1 power" then issue a "hw-module module 1 power" will the modules come back online.

I "think" this is something wrong with the Sup engine but I am known to be wrong on many occasions about many things routing and in life.

I also have a beef with the mgmt interface located on the Sup card itself. It doesnt work.

Now if this power issue is something wrong with the Sup cards themselves I will be alarmed and looking for other issues in the operating system as well. If this is just a configuration fix or something I am overlooking then thats the greatest news I can expect. If anyone has a fix or insight on this I would very much appreciate your feedback.



Chassis: 4507R+E


Slot1: WS-X4624-SFP-E




Slot5-7: Empty

Heres the show power from the unit...

CR228#show power
Power                                             Fan      Inline
Supply  Model No          Type       Status       Sensor   Status
------  ----------------  ---------  -----------  -------  -------
PS1     PWR-C45-4200ACV   AC 4200W   good         good     good  
PS1-1                         110V   good        
PS1-2                         110V   good        
PS2     PWR-C45-4200ACV   AC 4200W   bad/off      good     bad/off
PS2-1                                off         
PS2-2                                off

Power supplies needed by system    : 1
Power supplies currently available : 1

Power Summary                      Maximum
(in Watts)              Used     Available
----------------------   ----     ---------
System Power (12V)        640        1360
Inline Power (-50V)         0        1420
Backplane Power (3.3V)     40          40
----------------------   ----     ---------
Total                     680 (not to exceed Total Maximum Available = 2100)

Power Measurement    Inline Power (-50V)
(in Watts)             (+/- 50Watts)
------------------   -------------------
PS1                           0
PS2                           0
------------------   -------------------
Total                         0

1 Reply 1

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Can you confirm what state you believe the power supplies were in when the show power output was taken? Power supply 2 looks to be either off or unplugged.

Power supply 1 has two 110V feeds so the output of the power supply will be half vs if 220 V was used. If you then remove one of the 110 V feeds the output of power supply 1 will be cut in half again.

Regarding the management port on the Sup7, it cannot be used:

"The Internal Management Port is not supported on WS-X45-SUP-7E. The  configuration for the internal management port always appears in the  running configuration in shutdown state. The configuration cannot be  changed to the no shut state. One of the front panel ports on the  WS-X45-SUP-7E or on a linecard in the chassis can be configured and used  as a management port."

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