Hello, community.
After migration to Nexus9000 C93240YC-FX2 with NXOS: version 10.2(5) from old Nexus (5000 series). Strange things with one server started to happen. Problem is that data domain server connected to Nexus works only with one or two interfaces (instead of 4). The server is connected with total of 4 interfaces to pair of FEXes which are connected in straight-through method with Nexus VPC.
The problem is that only two or one of 4 interfaces are working, others are error-disabled. When i shut/no shut err-disabled interfaces, the error-disabled state apear in other interfaces. I suspect the error-disabled comes into play because of server interfaces for some reason starts to flap. But i want to see the reason in the Nexus side. How it's possible to troubleshooot/debug the reason why interface's appear in error-disabled state ? The show error disable doesnt probvie any valuable information...
Sometimes the log states this:
2023 Sep 19 18:49:42 DEVICE %ETHPORT-5-IF_DOWN_ERROR_DISABLED: Interface Ethernet130/1/13 is down (Error disabled. Reason:Received REINIT_NO_FLAP request)
How would you start troubleshooting and finding the reason why the connectivity between Nexus and Server doesnt work ? We're trying to find whose fault it's