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Unsolicited CALL-HOME-DETAIL and CALL-HOME-TRACE messages

Level 1
Level 1


I have a Catalyst 3650 (IOS-XE 16.9.4) that is sending a ton of unsolicited messages to the console. These don't look like Syslog messages. Can anyone tell me how to get this to stop? The switch has been cleared (del vlan.dat, wri era, reload) and it still spits all this out.  I've posted the results of show run all (along with the messages) below.

Thanks in advance

% Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.
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*Apr 10 01:59:14.658: %CRYPTO_ENGINE-5-KEY_ADDITION: A key named TP-self-signed-3525543193 has been generated or imported by crypto-engine
*Apr 10 01:59:14.660: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.99 has been enabled
*Apr 10 01:59:14.936: %PKI-4-NOCONFIGAUTOSAVE: Configuration was modified. Issue "write memory" to save new IOS PKI configuration
*Apr 10 01:59:15.331: %CRYPTO_ENGINE-5-KEY_ADDITION: A key named TP-self-signed-3525543193.server has been generated or imported by crypto-engine
*Apr 10 01:59:25.248: %AN-6-AN_ABORTED_BY_CONSOLE_INPUT: Autonomic disabled due to User intervention on console. configure 'autonomic' to enable it.
*Apr 10 01:59:26.502: %PNP-6-PNP_SAVING_TECH_SUMMARY: Saving PnP tech summary (pnp-tech-discovery-summary)... Please wait. Do not interrupt.
*Apr 10 01:59:39.725: %PNP-6-PNP_TECH_SUMMARY_SAVED_OK: PnP tech summary (pnp-tech-discovery-summary) saved successfully.
*Apr 10 01:59:39.726: %PNP-6-PNP_DISCOVERY_STOPPED: PnP Discovery stopped (Config Wizard)
Switch#term len 0
Switch#show run all
Building configuration...

*Apr 10 01:59:57.131: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_service_call_home_func() is entered

*Apr 10 01:59:57.131: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.131: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.131: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.132: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_is_enabled_by_sl call_home_enabled_by is 2
*Apr 10 01:59:57.132: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.141: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_mode_cmd() is called
*Apr 10 01:59:57.141: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_is_call_home_mode_default_config(): is entered!
*Apr 10 01:59:57.141: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_is_database_default_config(): is entered!
*Apr 10 01:59:57.141: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.141: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.141: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: call_home_mode_cmd : csb->nvgen is 1
*Apr 10 01:59:57.142: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.142: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 3, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.142: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 0 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.142: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 0 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.142: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 0 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.142: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 0 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.143: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 1 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.143: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 1 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.143: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 1 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.143: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 1 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.143: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 2 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.143: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 2 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.144: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 2 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.144: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 2 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.144: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 3 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.144: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 3 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.144: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 3 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.144: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 3 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.144: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 4 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.145: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.145: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.145: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.145: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 5 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.145: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 5 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.145: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 5 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.145: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 5 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.145: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 6 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.146: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 6 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.146: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 6 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.146: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 6 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.146: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 7 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.146: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.146: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 7, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.146: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.147: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.147: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.147: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 11, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.147: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.147: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.147: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.147: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 10, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.147: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.149: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home da
Current configuration with default configurations exposed : 83887 bytes
! Last configuration change at 01:59:38 UTC Wed Apr 10 2024
no issu config-sync policy lbl prc
no issu config-sync policy bulk prc
version 16.9
downward-compatible-config 16.9
no service log backtrace
no service config
no service exec-callback
no service nagle
service slave-log
no service slave-coredump
no service pad to-xot
no service pad from-xot
no service pad cmns
no service pad
no service telnet-zeroidle
no service tcp-keepalives-in
no service tcp-keepalives-out
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
no service private-config-encryption
no service exec-wait
no service linenumber
no service internal
no service log-hidden
no service scripting
no service compress-config
service prompt config
no service old-slip-prompts
no service hide-telnet-addresses
no service pt-vty-logging
no service disable-ip-fast-frag
no service sequence-numbers
service counters max age 0
service dhcp
! Call-home is enabled by Smart-Licensing.
service call-home
no platform punt-keepalive disable-kernel-core
platform urpf loose counter ipv4 supress asymmetric_only
platform urpf loose counter ipv6 supress asymmetric_only
hostname Switch
shell processing
vrf definition Mgmt-vrf
no ipv4 multicast multitopology
no ipv6 multicast multitopology
address-family ipv4
address-family ipv6
no logging discriminator
logging exception 4096
no logging count
no logging message-counter log
no logging message-counter debug
logging message-counter syslog
no logging snmp-authfail
no logging userinfo
logging buginf
logging queue-limit 1024
logging queue-limit esm 0
logging queue-limit trap 1024
logging buffered 4096 debugging
logging reload message-limit 1000 notifications
no logging persistent
logging rate-limit console 40 except errors
logging console guaranteed
logging console debugging
logging monitor debugging
logging cns-events informational
logging on
spd extended-headroom 10
spd headroom 1000
spd enable
ipc holdq threshold upper 20
ipc holdq threshold lower 1
ipc header-cache permanent 1000 100
ipc buffers max-free 8320
ipc buffers min-free 832
ipc buffers permanent 2496
no aaa new-model
ethernet cfm alarm notification mac-remote-error-xcon
ethernet cfm alarm delay 2500
ethernet cfm alarm packet 0
ethernet cfm alarm reset 10000
ethernet cfm logging alarm ieee
ethernet cfm logging alarm cisco
ethernet cfm logging ais
ethernet cfm logging lck
ethernet cfm ais link-status global
no disable
period 60
ppp hold-queue 262144
ppp packet throttle 20 1 30
process cpu extended history 12
process cpu autoprofile hog
cef table consistency-check IPv4 type lc-detect count 71 period 60
cef table consistency-check IPv4 type scan-lc-rp count 71 period 60
cef table consistency-check IPv4 type scan-rp-lc count 71 period 60
cef table consistency-check IPv4 type scan-rib-ios count 1000 period 60
cef table consistency-check IPv4 type scan-ios-rib count 1000 period 60
no cef table consistency-check IPv4 data-checking
no cef table consistency-check IPv4 error-message
cef table consistency-check IPv4 auto-repair delay 10 holddown 300
cef table consistency-check IPv6 type lc-detect count 26 period 60
cef table consistency-check IPv6 type scan-lc-rp count 26 period 60
cef table consistency-check IPv6 type scan-rp-lc count 26 period 60
cef table consistency-check IPv6 type scan-ios-rib count 1000 period 60
no cef table consistency-check IPv6 data-checking
no cef table consistency-check IPv6 error-message
cef table consistency-check IPv6 auto-repair delay 10 holddown 300
cef table vrf tree IPv4 type MTRIE short-mask-protection 4 stride-pattern 8-8-8-8 hardware-api-notify off
cef table vrf tree IPv6 type RTREE
cef table output-chain build favor default
cef table rate-monitor-period 5
cef table download recursive-dependents priority 1
cef table download defaulttabase sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.149: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.149: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 15, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.149: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.149: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 8, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.150: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.150: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.150: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.150: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 16, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.150: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.150: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 4, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.150: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.150: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.151: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.151: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 5, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.151: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.151: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_reply_to_address(): reply_to_address
*Apr 10 01:59:57.151: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.151: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.151: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 12, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.152: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.152: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.152: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.152: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 14, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.152: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.152: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.152: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.153: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 13, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.153: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.153: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.153: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.153: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 9, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.153: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.153: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.154: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.154: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 6, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.154: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.154: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.154: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.155: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 1, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.155: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.155: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.155: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.155: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 2, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.155: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.155: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.156: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_snapshot_mode_cmd() is called
*Apr 10 01:59:57.156: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.156: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.156: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: call_home_snapshot_mode_cmd : csb->nvgen is 1
*Apr 10 01:59:57.156: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_data_privacy_nvgen(), csb->nvgen is true
*Apr 10 01:59:57.156: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.157: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.157: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_data_privacy_level_get_with_lock : level 0
*Apr 10 01:59:57.157: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.157: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 17, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.157: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.157: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.157: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.158: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 20, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.158: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.158: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.158: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.158: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 19, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.158: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.158: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.159: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.159: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 18, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201
*Apr 10 01:59:57.159: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.159: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.159: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_profile_nvgen() is called.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.159: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_profile() is entered profile CiscoTAC-1

*Apr 10 01:59:57.159: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.160: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.160: CALL-HOME-TRACE: NVGEN on profile CiscoTAC-1
*Apr 10 01:59:57.160: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.160: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_is_profile_default_config is called
*Apr 10 01:59:57.160: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.160: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_default_transport_method is called
*Apr 10 01:59:57.160: CALL-HOME-TRACE: profile's transport method is:2
*Apr 10 01:59:57.161: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.161: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.161: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.161: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 0 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.161: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 1 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.161: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 2 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.161: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 3 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.162: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 4 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.162: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 5 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.162: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 6 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.162: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 7 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.162: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 8 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.162: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.162: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 1 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.163: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Severity mask 3FFH
*Apr 10 01:59:57.163: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 1 allows severity
*Apr 10 01:59:57.163: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 1 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.163: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 1 does not allow severity
*Apr 10 01:59:57.163: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 1 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.163: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 2 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.164: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Severity mask 3F0H
*Apr 10 01:59:57.164: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 2 allows severity
*Apr 10 01:59:57.164: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 2 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.164: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 2 does allow severity
*Apr 10 01:59:57.164: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 2 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.164: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 3 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.164: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Severity mask 3F8H
*Apr 10 01:59:57.165: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 3 allows severity
*Apr 10 01:59:57.165: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 3 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.165: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 3 does allow severity
*Apr 10 01:59:57.165: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 3 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.165: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 4 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.165: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Severity mask 3FEH
*Apr 10 01:59:57.165: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 4 allows severity
*Apr 10 01:59:57.165: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.165: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 does not allow severity
*Apr 10 01:59:57.166: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.166: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 8 is supported
*Apr 10 01:59:57.166: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Severity mask 3F8H
*Apr 10 01:59:57.166: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Severity mask 3E0H
*Apr 10 01:59:57.166: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_periodic_info() is entered
*Apr 10 01:59:57.166: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Index of selected periodic timer 1
*Apr 10 01:59:57.166: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 0 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.167: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Periodic configuration info(Active, Monthly-Day 1 -09:15)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.167: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 0 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.167: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_periodic_info() is entered
*Apr 10 01:59:57.167: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Index of selected periodic timer 0
*Apr 10 01:59:57.167: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.167: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Periodic inventory info(Active, Monthly-Day 1 -09:00)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.170: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.170: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_periodic_info() is entered
*Apr 10 01:59:57.170: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_periodic_info() is entered
*Apr 10 01:59:57.170: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Index of selected periodic timer 0
*Apr 10 01:59:57.171: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.171: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Periodic inventory info(Active, Monthly-Day 1 -09:00)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.171: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_periodic_info() is entered
*Apr 10 01:59:57.171: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Index of selected periodic timer 1
*Apr 10 01:59:57.172: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 0 is valid(9)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.172: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Periodic configuration info(Active, Monthly-Day 1 -09:15)
*Apr 10 01:59:57.172: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.172: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: call_home_get_profile_from_id profile with id 0 doesn't exist

*Apr 10 01:59:57.173: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.173: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_profile_exit_submode() is entered
*Apr 10 01:59:57.173: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_profile_exit_submode() is called
*Apr 10 01:59:57.174: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_profile() is entered profile

*Apr 10 01:59:57.174: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.174: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.174: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: call_home_get_profile() found profile

*Apr 10 01:59:57.174: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_profile() is entered profile CiscoTAC-1

*Apr 10 01:59:57.174: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.175: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.175: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_mode_cmd[80], enter ds configuation mode, csb->nvgen is true
*Apr 10 01:59:57.175: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_lock[46], lock call home ds semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.175: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_unlock[56], unlock call home ds sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.175: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_lock[46], lock call home ds semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.175: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_unlock[56], unlock call home ds sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.175: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_lock[46], lock call home ds semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.176: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_unlock[56], unlock call home ds sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.176: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_lock[46], lock call home ds semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.176: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_unlock[56], unlock call home ds sempahore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.176: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_lock[46], lock call home ds semaphore
*Apr 10 01:59:57.176: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_env_all_get[1466], no env var configured.
*Apr 10 01:59:57.176: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_unlock[56], unlock call home ds sempahore
*Apr 10 02:00:02.958: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: call_home_process_timer_event() is entered
*Apr 10 02:00:02.959: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Adjust rate limit counter to 0
*Apr 10 02:00:02.959: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: rate limit timer: httpc_enabled 1, status 0, sid 2-route priority 1
cef table download connected-route priority 2
cef table download receive-route priority 2
cef table download route-in-vrf priority 3
cef table download catch-all priority 4
switch 1 provision ws-c3650-24ts
system fnf bytes-count layer2
no software auto-upgrade source url
no software auto-upgrade enable
mvrp global
mvrp mac-learning auto
mvrp vlan create
no cisp enable
rep admin vlan 1
alert-group configuration
alert-group crash
alert-group diagnostic
alert-group environment
alert-group inventory
alert-group snapshot
alert-group syslog
! If contact email address in call-home is configured as
! the email address configured in Cisco Smart License Portal will be used as contact email address to send SCH notifications.
rate-limit 20
aaa-authorization username "callhome"
no aaa-authorization
alert-group-config snapshot
data-privacy level normal
no http resolve-hostname ipv4-first
http secure server-identity-check
profile "CiscoTAC-1"
no anonymous-reporting-only
reporting smart-call-home-data
reporting smart-licensing-data
destination preferred-msg-format xml
destination message-size-limit 3145728
destination transport-method http
no destination transport-method email
destination address email
destination address http
subscribe-to-alert-group crash
subscribe-to-alert-group diagnostic severity minor
subscribe-to-alert-group environment severity warning
subscribe-to-alert-group inventory
subscribe-to-alert-group syslog severity warning pattern APF-.-WLC_.*
subscribe-to-alert-group syslog severity major pattern .*
subscribe-to-alert-group configuration periodic monthly 1 9:15
subscribe-to-alert-group inventory periodic monthly 1 9:00
profile "CiscoTAC-1"
standby redirect
standby bfd all-interfaces
standby sso
ip subnet-zero
ip source-route
no ip arp proxy disable
ip arp queue 512
ip arp incomplete retry 20
ip arp incomplete entries 5000
ip arp incomplete enable
ip sticky-arp
ip gratuitous-arps non-local
ip icmp rate-limit unreachable 500
ip icmp redirect subnet
ip spd queue max-threshold 74
ip spd queue min-threshold 73
ip verify drop-rate compute window 300
ip verify drop-rate compute interval 30
ip verify drop-rate notify hold-down 300
ip nbar classification dns classify-by-domain
ip admission ratelimit 100
no ip admission watch-list enable
ip admission watch-list expiry-time 10
ip admission max-login-attempts 5
ip admission init-state-time 2
no ip admission auth-proxy-audit
ip admission inactivity-timer 60
ip admission absolute-timer 0
ip sap cache-timeout 1440
ip multicast redundancy routeflush maxtime 30
ip multicast route-limit 2147483647
ip bootp server
no ip hostname strict
ip domain periodic-resolve 240
no ip domain lookup recursive
ip domain lookup
ip domain lookup nsap
ip domain multicast
ip domain recursive retry 10
no ip domain recursive allow-soa
ip dhcp-server query lease retries 2
ip dhcp-server query lease timeout 10
ip dhcp-client broadcast-flag
ip dhcp-client default-router distance 254
ip accounting-threshold 512
ip cef optimize neighbor resolution
no ip cef accounting
ip cef load-sharing algorithm universal D146E2A7
ip dhcp relay information policy replace
ip dhcp relay information check
ip dhcp use class
ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp binding cleanup interval 120
ip dhcp compatibility suboption link-selection cisco
ip dhcp compatibility suboption server-override cisco
ip dhcp conflict logging
ip dhcp ping packets 2
ip dhcp ping timeout 500
ip dhcp auto-broadcast
ip dhcp snooping information option
ip dhcp snooping database write-delay 300
ip dhcp snooping database timeout 300
ip dhcp snooping verify mac-address
ip dhcp snooping verify no-relay-agent-address
no ip dhcp snooping wireless bootp-broadcast enable
ip arp inspection log-buffer entries 32
ip arp inspection log-buffer logs 5 interval 1
ip igmp ssm-map query dns
ip igmp snooping report-suppression
no ip igmp snooping tcn query solicit
ip igmp snooping tcn flood query count 2
ip igmp snooping robustness-variable 2
ip igmp snooping last-member-query-count 2
ip igmp snooping last-member-query-interval 1000
ip igmp snooping querier version 2
ip igmp snooping querier query-interval 60
ip igmp snooping querier max-response-time 10
ip igmp snooping querier timer expiry 120
ip igmp snooping querier tcn query count 2
ip igmp snooping querier tcn query interval 10
no ip igmp snooping querier
ip igmp snooping
no login delay
login on-success log
ipv6 hop-limit 64
ipv6 reassembly-queue length 100
ipv6 reassembly-queue time-out 60
ipv6 icmp error-interval 100 10
ipv6 nd cache expire
no ipv6 nd ra solicited unicast
ipv6 nd nsf convergence 120
ipv6 nd nsf throttle 512
ipv6 nd nsf dad suppress 60
ipv6 nd nud limit 256 refresh 10
ipv6 nd reachable-time 0
ipv6 nd ns-interval 0
ipv6 nd resolution data limit 16
ipv6 nd dad time 0
ipv6 nd dad loopback detect
ipv6 nsf-converge 10
ipv6 traffic interface-statistics
ipv6 mld snooping listener-message-suppression
no ipv6 mld snooping tcn query solicit
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood query count 2
ipv6 mld snooping robustness-variable 2
ipv6 mld snooping last-listener-query-count 2
ipv6 mld snooping last-listener-query-interval 1000
no ipv6 mld snooping
ipv6 dhcp-relay trust-all
no ipv6 dhcp-relay option vpn
ipv6 dhcp-relay option client-link-addr
ipv6 dhcp ping packets 0
ipv6 dhcp iapd-route-add
no ipv6 dhcp iana-route-add
ipv6 dhcp ppp terminate
ipv6 dhcp ppp framed-prefix cache
no ipv6 dhcp server vrf enable
ipv6 rip vrf-mode enable
ipv6 multicast multipath
ipv6 multicast rpf use-bgp
ipv6 multicast vrf Mgmt-vrf multipath
ipv6 multicast vrf Mgmt-vrf rpf use-bgp
ipv6 spd queue max-threshold 74
ipv6 spd queue min-threshold 73
ipv6 cef optimize neighbor resolution
no ipv6 cef accounting
ipv6 cef load-sharing algorithm universal D146E2A7
location prefer static weight 0
location prefer lldp-med weight 2
ntp max-associations 100
device-sensor notify new-tlvs
device-sensor tlv limit 128
subscriber redundancy dynamic limit cpu 90 delay 10
subscriber redundancy bulk limit time 480
subscriber redundancy rate 250 1
xdr multicast-group mode individual
xdr multicast-group internal split threshold 7000
xdr multicast-group internal issu-slots-split
mpls label mode all-vrfs protocol all-afs per-prefix
mpls label range 16 1048575
mpls ip propagate-ttl
mpls ip
mpls oam
echo revision 4
echo vendor-extension
echo jitter 200
no echo reply-mode control-channel allow-reverse-lsp
no mpls ldp nsr
no mpls ldp entropy-label
mpls ldp backoff 15 120
mpls ldp logging neighbor-changes
mpls ldp logging password configuration
mpls ldp logging password rollover
mpls ldp graceful-restart timers neighbor-liveness 120
mpls ldp graceful-restart timers max-recovery 120
mpls ldp graceful-restart timers forwarding-holding 600
mpls ldp holdtime 180
mpls ldp discovery hello interval 5
mpls ldp discovery hello holdtime 15
mpls ldp discovery targeted-hello interval 10
mpls ldp discovery targeted-hello holdtime 90
mpls ldp maxhops 255
no mpls export vpnv4 prefixes
no mpls export interval
no mpls discovery vpn interval
no mpls discovery vpn next-hop
authentication mac-move deny
no authentication logging verbose
authentication command bounce-port ignore
authentication command disable-port ignore
authentication critical recovery delay 100
no access-session interface-template sticky
no mab request format attribute 1
no mab request format attribute 2
no mab request format attribute 32
no mab logging verbose
no device-tracking logging packet drop
no device-tracking logging theft
no device-tracking logging resolution-veto
no device-tracking tracking
l2 traceroute
clns configuration-time 60
clns holding-time 300
clns packet-lifetime 64
clns security pass-through
no clns want-erpdu
isis display delimiter return 1
no metadata flow transmit
scripting tcl low-memory 153111498
crypto pki trustpoint SLA-TrustPoint
enrollment retry count 999
enrollment retry period 1
enrollment pkcs12
revocation-check crl
hash sha1
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-3525543193
enrollment retry count 999
enrollment retry period 1
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-3525543193
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-3525543193
hash sha1
crypto pki certificate chain SLA-TrustPoint
certificate ca 01
30820321 30820209 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 0B050030
32310E30 0C060355 040A1305 43697363 6F312030 1E060355 04031317 43697363
6F204C69 63656E73 696E6720 526F6F74 20434130 1E170D31 33303533 30313934
3834375A 170D3338 30353330 31393438 34375A30 32310E30 0C060355 040A1305
43697363 6F312030 1E060355 04031317 43697363 6F204C69 63656E73 696E6720
526F6F74 20434130 82012230 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 05000382 010F0030
82010A02 82010100 A6BCBD96 131E05F7 145EA72C 2CD686E6 17222EA1 F1EFF64D
CBB4C798 212AA147 C655D8D7 9471380D 8711441E 1AAF071A 9CAE6388 8A38E520
1C394D78 462EF239 C659F715 B98C0A59 5BBB5CBD 0CFEBEA3 700A8BF7 D8F256EE
4AA4E80D DB6FD1C9 60B1FD18 FFC69C96 6FA68957 A2617DE7 104FDC5F EA2956AC
7390A3EB 2B5436AD C847A2C5 DAB553EB 69A9A535 58E9F3E3 C0BD23CF 58BD7188
68E69491 20F320E7 948E71D7 AE3BCC84 F10684C7 4BC8E00F 539BA42B 42C68BB7
C7479096 B4CB2D62 EA2F505D C7B062A4 6811D95B E8250FC4 5D5D5FB8 8F27D191
C55F0D76 61F9A4CD 3D992327 A8BB03BD 4E6D7069 7CBADF8B DF5F4368 95135E44
DFC7C6CF 04DD7FD1 02030100 01A34230 40300E06 03551D0F 0101FF04 04030201
06300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF301D 0603551D 0E041604 1449DC85
4B3D31E5 1B3E6A17 606AF333 3D3B4C73 E8300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 010B0500
03820101 00507F24 D3932A66 86025D9F E838AE5C 6D4DF6B0 49631C78 240DA905
604EDCDE FF4FED2B 77FC460E CD636FDB DD44681E 3A5673AB 9093D3B1 6C9E3D8B
D98987BF E40CBD9E 1AECA0C2 2189BB5C 8FA85686 CD98B646 5575B146 8DFC66A8
467A3DF4 4D565700 6ADF0F0D CF835015 3C04FF7C 21E878AC 11BA9CD2 55A9232C
7CA7B7E6 C1AF74F6 152E99B7 B1FCF9BB E973DE7F 5BDDEB86 C71E3B49 1765308B
5FB0DA06 B92AFE7F 494E8A9E 07B85737 F3A58BE1 1A48A229 C37C1E69 39F08678
80DDCD16 D6BACECA EEBC7CF9 8428787B 35202CDC 60E4616A B623CDBD 230E3AFB
418616A9 4093E049 4D10AB75 27E86F73 932E35B5 8862FDAE 0275156F 719BB2F0
D697DF7F 28
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-3525543193
certificate self-signed 01
30820330 30820218 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030
31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
69666963 6174652D 33353235 35343331 3933301E 170D3234 30343130 30313539
31345A17 0D333030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649
4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D33 35323535
34333139 33308201 22300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 01010500 0382010F 00308201
0A028201 0100AF29 4A26A352 C45AEF62 9D9159FB B6A71D2C DAA65440 12275FD8
AD1645FF 97212BBB FCEB2B34 22249FCA CDADEC03 5A0D0EF6 FFA286D5 3B442317
9B76B489 489AD290 767BB176 6CDB342F 81CED32E FC1AE46F FEAC7A1F 32068168
B3B7ADB4 4F055AAD 7EE8E444 9023C591 D711AE35 0641A334 641F0CEC D8BE1156
4AE7DBF2 F7FDA59E A60E2953 060E6549 A31805AB 74BD8517 60500F65 838823B2
9BF03FC1 8EDE50E1 01D19F35 15E37263 C4DE1775 80E39179 A31C6263 1322917B
F318B7C6 4D0B55BE 8D61DFDD 036E6F02 5C932911 EF030C05 7CA868DA CC40E133
5B65B1E2 3B82FC14 D076DB59 3BDAC12D 240BAE71 2F2F897F 03644DF6 D033D78F
63FDD6F0 7BBD0203 010001A3 53305130 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF
301F0603 551D2304 18301680 1448D569 C310702B A18BD595 E3650525 4222E8A0
FE301D06 03551D0E 04160414 48D569C3 10702BA1 8BD595E3 65052542 22E8A0FE
300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050003 82010100 7A3FF13E 32827EAA 52CD5F4E
9B708C9D 84FAD49F FAB9AFF4 7977BBB0 C770EB44 DB164B33 31E2E54A 21255577
8FF316B2 F99E38B1 E64FEB12 96F0DF6F E0E11E68 48E26E6F F42DA1A5 70C0D32E
7A2BF702 69CFCF7C 43BCF86F 1B0E7AB6 09EFEEE7 DDE38742 A104672F 385D00AB
C98A765D 877506E9 3B064222 D47FD5C5 4E6F184A 92BF19DF 62618CE8 21E8B9AC
1726769F 46429FA0 D81435CC A1E92552 4C1CE111 F45C5296 4B368367 77CB5907
F6F05511 6CC87C09 5313B4DE DA163A3B 6A71A541 E8080C11 908684ED 9679AC82
5CF48A8A 83B8F9C5 7668A18D 1B227F67 675BFAD6 123F29C2 FC5E041C A17B625E
42B4C809 65F9C60E 01228426 99CC3F4B BAA01FCA
crypto pki crl download schedule prepublish 0
crypto pki crl download schedule retries 5
crypto pki crl download schedule retries interval 30
crypto pki crl cache size 64
cts server deadtime 20
cts server test all enable
cts server test all idle-time 60
cts server test all deadtime 20
no cts server key-wrap enable
no cts logging verbose
no cts sg-epg translation
no cts sxp enable
cts sxp retry period 120
cts sxp reconciliation period 120
no cts sxp log binding-changes
cts sxp mapping network-map 0

cts sxp speaker hold-time 120

cts sxp listener hold-time 90 180

cts sxp node-id 0
no cts sxp filter-enable
port-channel load-balance src-mac
port-channel auto
no dot1x logging verbose
no dot1x auth-fail eapol
dot1x guest-vlan supplicant
no dot1x critical eapol
no dot1x critical eapol block
dot1x supplicant force-multicast
dot1x supplicant controlled transient
license boot level ipservicesk9
license smart enable
no device classifier
diagnostic event-log size 500
diagnostic bootup level minimal
no diagnostic monitor syslog
diagnostic monitor interval switch 1 test DiagThermalTest 00:01:30 0 0 cardindex 2
diagnostic monitor interval switch 1 test DiagFanTest 00:01:30 0 0 cardindex 2
diagnostic monitor interval switch 1 test DiagScratchRegisterTest 00:01:30 0 0 cardindex 2
diagnostic monitor interval switch 1 test TestPortTxMonitoring 00:01:30 0 0 cardindex 2
diagnostic monitor threshold switch 1 test DiagThermalTest failure count 5 cardindex 2
diagnostic monitor threshold switch 1 test DiagFanTest failure count 5 cardindex 2
diagnostic monitor threshold switch 1 test DiagScratchRegisterTest failure count 5 cardindex 2
diagnostic monitor threshold switch 1 test TestPortTxMonitoring failure count 1 cardindex 2
diagnostic monitor switch 1 test DiagThermalTest cardindex 2
diagnostic monitor switch 1 test DiagFanTest cardindex 2
diagnostic monitor switch 1 test DiagScratchRegisterTest cardindex 2
diagnostic monitor switch 1 test TestPortTxMonitoring cardindex 2
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
no spanning-tree dispute
no spanning-tree sso block-tcn
spanning-tree bridge assurance
spanning-tree transmit hold-count 6
no spanning-tree optimize bpdu transmission
spanning-tree queue maxsize 12288
spanning-tree etherchannel guard misconfig
spanning-tree extend system-id
spanning-tree uplinkfast max-update-rate 150
spanning-tree pathcost method short
spanning-tree mst simulate pvst global
memory check-interval 60
memory statistics history table 24
memory validate-checksum 60
memory lite
memory chunk siblings threshold 10000
file privilege 15
file prompt alert
no file verify auto
no object-group knob check-normal-entry-dup
object-group knob check-nested-entry-dup enable
issu set rollback-timer 2700
netconf-yang cisco-ia snmp-trap-control global-forwarding
netconf-yang cisco-ia auto-sync without-defaults
no netconf-yang cisco-ia blocking cli-blocking-enabled
netconf-yang cisco-ia blocking confd-cfg-blocking-enabled
netconf-yang cisco-ia config-change-delay 0
netconf-yang cisco-ia init-sync without-defaults
netconf-yang cisco-ia intelligent-sync
netconf-yang cisco-ia logging ciaauthd-log-level error
netconf-yang cisco-ia logging confd-log-level error
netconf-yang cisco-ia logging nes-log-level error
netconf-yang cisco-ia logging onep-log-level error
netconf-yang cisco-ia logging sync-log-level error
netconf-yang cisco-ia max-diag-messages-saved 30
netconf-yang cisco-ia message-diag-level 0
netconf-yang cisco-ia missing-prc-method blacklist
netconf-yang cisco-ia post-sync-acl-process
no netconf-yang cisco-ia preserve-paths-enabled
netconf-yang cisco-ia process-missing-prc
netconf-yang cisco-ia snmp-community-string private
netconf-yang ssh port 830
no netconf-yang feature candidate-datastore
no netconf-yang
no restconf
lacp system-priority 32768
mka defaults policy send-secure-announcements
mka suppress syslogs sak-rekey
mode sso
no policy config-sync lbl prc reload
no policy config-sync bulk prc reload
no standby console enable
no standby console lock
crypto ikev2 authorization policy default
route set interface
route accept any
crypto ikev2 proposal default
encryption aes-cbc-256
integrity sha512 sha384
group 19 14 21 5
crypto ikev2 policy default
match fvrf any
proposal default
crypto ikev2 nat keepalive 0
crypto ikev2 diagnose error 50
crypto ikev2 dpd 0 0 periodic
crypto ikev2 limit max-in-negotation-sa 400 outgoing
crypto ikev2 limit max-in-negotation-sa 40
crypto ikev2 limit max-sa 0
crypto ikev2 limit queue sa-init 5000
crypto ikev2 window 5
crypto ikev2 fragmentation mtu 576
crypto engine software ipsec
no crypto engine software isakmp
process-max-time 50
transceiver type all
cdp advertise-v2
cdp timer 60
cdp holdtime 180
cdp run
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv app
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-topology-control
description Topology control
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-sw-forward
description Sw forwarding, L2 LVX data, LOGGING
class-map match-any system-cpp-default
description Inter FED, EWLC control, EWLC data
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-sys-data
description Learning cache ovfl, High Rate App, Exception, EGR Exception, NFL SAMPLED DATA, RPF Failed
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-punt-webauth
description Punt Webauth
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-l2lvx-control
description L2 LVX control packets
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-forus
description Forus Address resolution and Forus traffic
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-multicast-end-station
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-multicast
description Transit Traffic and MCAST Data
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-l2-control
description L2 control
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-dot1x-auth
description DOT1X Auth
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-data
description ICMP redirect, ICMP_GEN and BROADCAST
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-stackwise-virt-control
description Stackwise Virtual
class-map match-any non-client-nrt-class
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-routing-control
description Routing control and Low Latency
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-protocol-snooping
description Protocol snooping
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-dhcp-snooping
description DHCP snooping
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-system-critical
description System Critical and Gold Pkt
policy-map system-cpp-policy
crypto isakmp diagnose error 50
crypto ipsec optional retry 300
crypto ipsec security-association lifetime kilobytes 4608000
crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 3600
no crypto ipsec security-association replay disable
crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size 64
crypto ipsec security-association dummy
crypto ipsec security-association ecn discard
crypto ipsec transform-set default esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
mode transport
crypto ipsec nat-transparency udp-encapsulation
crypto ipsec profile default
no set security-association dfbit
set security-association lifetime kilobytes 4608000
set security-association lifetime seconds 3600
no set security-association idle-time
no set security-association replay window-size
set security-association dummy
set security-association ecn
crypto call admission limit ike sa 0
crypto call admission limit ike in-negotiation-sa 1000
crypto call admission limit ipsec sa 0
crypto mib ipsec flowmib history tunnel size 200
crypto mib ipsec flowmib history failure size 200
buffers element permanent 1000
buffers element minimum 100
buffers header permanent 256
buffers header max-free 512
buffers header min-free 10
buffers header initial 0
buffers fastswitching permanent 384
buffers fastswitching max-free 1024
buffers fastswitching min-free 128
buffers fastswitching initial 0
buffers small permanent 1200
buffers small max-free 2500
buffers small min-free 200
buffers small initial 0
buffers middle permanent 900
buffers middle max-free 2000
buffers middle min-free 100
buffers middle initial 0
buffers big permanent 900
buffers big max-free 1800
buffers big min-free 50
buffers big initial 0
buffers verybig permanent 100
buffers verybig max-free 300
buffers verybig min-free 0
buffers verybig initial 0
buffers large permanent 100
buffers large max-free 300
buffers large min-free 0
buffers large initial 0
buffers huge permanent 20
buffers huge max-free 33
buffers huge min-free 0
buffers huge size 18024
buffers huge initial 0
no buffers tune automatic
buffers VeryLarge permanent 100
buffers VeryLarge max-free 300
buffers VeryLarge min-free 0
buffers VeryLarge initial 0
no autoconf enable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
vrf forwarding Mgmt-vrf
no ip address
ip redirects
ip unreachables
ip proxy-arp
ip mtu 1500
ip pim join-prune-interval 60
ip pim dr-priority 1
ip pim query-interval 30
ip mfib forwarding input
ip mfib forwarding output
ip mfib cef input
ip mfib cef output
ip cef accounting non-recursive internal
ip load-sharing per-destination
ip route-cache cef
ip route-cache
ip split-horizon
ip igmp last-member-query-interval 1000
ip igmp last-member-query-count 2
ip igmp query-max-response-time 10
ip igmp v3-query-max-response-time 10
ip igmp version 2
ip igmp query-interval 60
ip igmp tcn query count 2
ip igmp tcn query interval 10
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
negotiation auto
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 nd reachable-time 0
ipv6 nd ns-interval 0
ipv6 nd dad attempts 1
ipv6 nd dad loopback detect
ipv6 nd prefix framed-ipv6-prefix
ipv6 nd nud igp
no ipv6 nd ra solicited unicast
ipv6 nd ra lifetime 1800
ipv6 nd ra interval 200
ipv6 redirects
ipv6 unreachables
ipv6 mfib forwarding input
ipv6 mfib forwarding output
ipv6 mfib cef input
ipv6 mfib cef output
ipv6 mld query-max-response-time 10
ipv6 mld query-timeout 255
ipv6 mld query-interval 125
ipv6 mld router
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
clns route-cache
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 75 in
hold-queue 40 out
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/11
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/12
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/14
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/15
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
*Apr 10 02:01:02.959: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: call_home_process_timer_event() is entered
*Apr 10 02:01:02.959: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Adjust rate limit counter to 0
*Apr 10 02:01:02.959: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: rate limit timer: httpc_enabled 1, status 0, sid 2 trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/16
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/17
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/18
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/19
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/20
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/21
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/23
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/24
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/2
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/3
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/4
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
switchport trunk pruning vlan all
switchport private-vlan trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan tag
no switchport nonegotiate
no switchport protected
no switchport block multicast
no switchport block unicast
no switchport vepa enabled
no switchport port-security mac-address sticky
no ip arp inspection trust
ip arp inspection limit rate 15 burst interval 1
ip arp inspection limit rate 15
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no shutdown
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
cdp tlv location
cdp tlv server-location
cdp tlv app
ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap mac-notification change added
snmp trap mac-notification change removed
snmp trap link-status
cts role-based enforcement
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
channel-group auto
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 2000 in
hold-queue 40 out
ip igmp snooping tcn flood
no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
interface Vlan1
mvrp timer leave-all 1000
mvrp timer leave 60
mvrp timer join 20
no mvrp timer periodic
no mvrp
no ip address
ip redirects
ip unreachables
ip proxy-arp
ip mtu 1500
ip pim join-prune-interval 60
ip pim dr-priority 1
ip pim query-interval 30
ip mfib forwarding input
ip mfib forwarding output
ip mfib cef input
ip mfib cef output
ip cef accounting non-recursive internal
ip load-sharing per-destination
ip route-cache cef
ip route-cache
ip split-horizon
ip igmp last-member-query-interval 1000
ip igmp last-member-query-count 2
ip igmp query-max-response-time 10
ip igmp v3-query-max-response-time 10
ip igmp version 2
ip igmp query-interval 60
ip igmp tcn query count 2
ip igmp tcn query interval 10
load-interval 300
carrier-delay 2
no medium p2p
no macsec replay-protection
no macsec
ipv6 nd reachable-time 0
ipv6 nd ns-interval 0
ipv6 nd dad attempts 1
ipv6 nd dad loopback detect
ipv6 nd prefix framed-ipv6-prefix
ipv6 nd nud igp
no ipv6 nd ra solicited unicast
ipv6 nd ra lifetime 1800
ipv6 nd ra interval 200
ipv6 redirects
ipv6 unreachables
ipv6 mfib forwarding input
ipv6 mfib forwarding output
ipv6 mfib cef input
ipv6 mfib cef output
ipv6 mld query-max-response-time 10
ipv6 mld query-timeout 255
ipv6 mld query-interval 125
ipv6 mld router
mpls mtu 1500
snmp trap link-status
no mka pre-shared-key
mka default-policy
arp arpa
arp timeout 14400
clns route-cache
spanning-tree port-priority 128
spanning-tree cost 0
ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
ethernet oam timeout 5
hold-queue 375 in
hold-queue 40 out
no bgp-policy accounting input
no bgp-policy accounting output
no bgp-policy accounting input source
no bgp-policy accounting output source
no bgp-policy source ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy source ip-qos-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-prec-map
no bgp-policy destination ip-qos-map
ip classless
ip nsf-converge 10
ip forward-protocol nd
ip pim dm-fallback
ip pim autorp
ip pim bidir-offer-interval 100 msec
ip pim bidir-offer-limit 3
ip pim v1-rp-reachability
ip pim log-neighbor-changes
ip msdp timer 30
no ip finger
no ip tcp ecn
no ip tcp selective-ack
no ip tcp timestamp
ip tcp delayed-ack
ip tcp chunk-size 0
ip tcp mss 0
ip tcp keepalive retries 4
ip tcp keepalive interval 60
ip tcp window-size 4128
ip tcp queuemax 20
ip tcp synwait-time 30
no ip tcp path-mtu-discovery
no ip tcp async-mobility server
ip tcp RST-count 10 RST-window 5000
ip telnet tos C0
no ip telnet quiet
no ip telnet hidden hostnames
no ip telnet hidden addresses
ip telnet comport enable
ip telnet comport flow level 16
ip telnet comport receive window 4128
ip telnet comport disconnect delay 0
ip http server
ip http port 80
no ip http upload overwrite
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http HSTS-Header
ip http secure-port 443
ip http secure-active-session-modules all
ip http secure-ecdhe-curve secp256r1
ip http max-connections 50
ip http timeout-policy idle 180 life 180 requests 25
ip http timeout-policy linger 60
ip http session-idle-timeout 600
ip http active-session-modules all
ip http digest algorithm md5
ip http client cache memory pool 100
ip http client cache memory file 2
ip http client cache ager interval 5
ip http client connection timeout 10
ip http client connection retry 1
ip http client connection pipeline-length 5
ip http client connection idle timeout 30
ip http client response timeout 30
ip http path
ip rsvp authentication type md5
ip rsvp authentication lifetime 00:30:00
ip rsvp pq-profile 12288 592 110
ip rsvp signalling initial-retransmit-delay 1000
ip rsvp signalling refresh reduction ack-delay 250
ip rsvp signalling refresh interval 30000
ip rsvp signalling refresh misses 4
ip ftp passive
no ip tftp claim-netascii
ip tftp blocksize 8192
ip route static adjust-time 60
ip route static inter-vrf
ip ssh time-out 120
ip ssh authentication-retries 3
ip ssh window-size 8192
ip ssh break-string ~break
ip ssh dh min size 2048
no ip ssh rekey time
no ip ssh rekey volume
ip ssh server authenticate user publickey
ip ssh server authenticate user keyboard
ip ssh server authenticate user password
no ip ssh server peruser session limit
ip ssh server certificate profile
no ocsp-response include
no ocsp-response required
ip ssh server algorithm mac hmac-sha2-256 hmac-sha2-512 hmac-sha1 hmac-sha1-96
ip ssh server algorithm encryption aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr
ip ssh server algorithm kex diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
ip ssh server algorithm hostkey x509v3-ssh-rsa ssh-rsa
ip ssh server algorithm authentication publickey keyboard password
ip ssh server algorithm publickey x509v3-ssh-rsa ssh-rsa
ip ssh client algorithm mac hmac-sha2-256 hmac-sha2-512 hmac-sha1 hmac-sha1-96
ip ssh client algorithm encryption aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr
ip ssh client algorithm kex diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
no ip access-list helper egress check
ip prefix-list sequence-number
ip sla low-memory 129829386
ip sla server twamp
port 862
timer inactivity 900
no ip access-list persistent
service-routing capabilities-manager
logging esm config
logging history size 1
logging history warnings
logging trap informational
logging delimiter tcp
no logging origin-id
logging facility local7
no logging source-interface
logging server-arp
ethernet cfm mep crosscheck start-delay 30
ipv6 mld vrf Mgmt-vrf ssm-map query dns
ipv6 mld vrf Mgmt-vrf host-proxy single-report
ipv6 mld ssm-map query dns
ipv6 mld host-proxy single-report
ipv6 prefix-list sequence-number
no route-tag notation dotted-decimal
no snmp-server dbal cache
snmp monitor response 5000
no snmp mib nhrp
snmp mib flowmon alarmhistorysize 500
snmp mib notification-log globalsize 500
snmp mib notification-log globalageout 15
tacacs-server cache expiry 24 enforce hours
ipv6 access-list log-update threshold 2147483647
service-policy input system-cpp-policy
alias exec h help
alias exec lo logout
alias exec p ping
alias exec r resume
alias exec s show
alias exec u undebug
alias exec un undebug
alias exec w where
no configuration mode exclusive
parser cache
parser config partition
parser command serializer
parser maximum utilization 100
parser maximum latency 40
default-value exec-character-bits 7
default-value special-character-bits 7
default-value data-character-bits 8
line con 0
exec-timeout 10 0
timeout login response 30
privilege level 1
no media-type rj45 switch 1
no media-type rj45 switch 2
no media-type rj45 switch 3
no media-type rj45 switch 4
no media-type rj45 switch 5
no media-type rj45 switch 6
no media-type rj45 switch 7
no media-type rj45 switch 8
no media-type rj45 switch 9
data-character-bits 8
exec-character-bits 7
special-character-bits 7
length 24
width 80
history size 10
escape-character soft DEFAULT
escape-character DEFAULT
databits 8
stopbits 1
start-character 17
stop-character 19
speed 9600
line aux 0
exec-timeout 10 0
timeout login response 30
privilege level 1
modem answer-timeout 15
modem dtr-delay 5
data-character-bits 8
exec-character-bits 7
special-character-bits 7
length 24
width 80
history size 10
escape-character soft DEFAULT
escape-character DEFAULT
databits 8
stopbits 1
start-character 17
stop-character 19
speed 9600
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 10 0
timeout login response 30
privilege level 1
data-character-bits 8
exec-character-bits 7
special-character-bits 7
length 24
width 80
history size 10
escape-character soft DEFAULT
escape-character DEFAULT
start-character 17
stop-character 19
line vty 5 15
exec-timeout 10 0
timeout login response 30
privilege level 1
data-character-bits 8
exec-character-bits 7
special-character-bits 7
length 24
width 80
history size 10
escape-character soft DEFAULT
escape-character DEFAULT
start-character 17
stop-character 19
exception data-corruption buffer truncate
exception data-corruption buffer log
exception crashinfo file crashinfo:crashinfo_RP_00_00
exception crashinfo buffersize 32
exception crashinfo maximum files 1
no exception crashinfo dump garbage-detector
no transport type console 0 input
no transport type persistent telnet input
monitor event-trace stacktrace
no monitor event-trace sequence-number
monitor event-trace timestamps datetime msec
monitor event-trace eigrp perf-events rate-limiting 1
scheduler process-watchdog normal
ntp allow mode control 3
ntp leap-handle
ntp mindistance 1
ntp maxdistance 8
device-tracking binding reachable-lifetime 300 stale-lifetime 86400 down-lifetime 86400
no device-tracking binding logging
no device-tracking binding max-entries
cns id hostname
cns id hostname event
cns id hostname image
cns image retry 60
mac address-table notification change interval 1
mac address-table notification change history-size 1
mac address-table notification change
mac address-table notification mac-move
netconf max-sessions 4
netconf lock-time 10
netconf max-message 0
wsma id hostname
xmpp id hostname
audit filesize 32
audit interval 300
bulkstat resource limit memory 95
event manager scheduler script thread class default number 1
event manager scheduler applet thread class default number 5
event manager scheduler call-home thread class default number 32
event manager scheduler shell thread class default number 1
event manager scheduler shell thread class Z number 1
event manager scheduler onep thread class default number 5
event manager history size events 10
event manager history size traps 10
event manager detector rpc max-sessions 4
event manager detector routing bootup-delay 0

11 Replies 11

Reza Sharifi
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame


Have a look at this post, as there seems to be a solution for it.


Thanks, but that post is related to crypto trustpoints and PKI, not the messages I am seeing

conf t
 no service call-home

Thanks, but we've tried that, and these messages still show up. Exactly as shown in the original post.

@jim_r wrote:
CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 7 is supported
CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called.​

Logging discriminator can hide both facilities.  


conf t
logging discriminator CALL-HOME_FO facility drop CALL-HOME-DETAIL|CALL-HOME-TRACE
 logging buffered discriminator CALL-HOME_FO 40960
 logging  console discriminator CALL-HOME_FO
 logging  monitor discriminator CALL-HOME_FO


Thank you. Tried that, but it did not work. The messages still show up (CALL-HOME-DETAIL and CALL-HOME-TRACE)


check if the global command 'license smart transport off' helps...

Thank you. I tried it. The command was 'no license smart transport callhome'. It did not fix the issue. 

These messages are appearing on the console of a completely unconfigured (freshly cleared) Catalyst 3650. The messages, as shown in the original post, are not formatted like Syslog messages of any level, including a debug, so I think they are the result of something else being set on the switch that I am unfamiliar with.

I have modified the logging discriminator.  Try again.

Thank you again, but the modification made no change. I think I am going to reload the OS on this switch and see if that does any good.


one other thing you could do is to set the call-home rate limit to 1 (the lowest possible value, you have the default of 20 configured)...

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