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What is this error?

Level 1
Level 1

I can't see anything on the pcmcia cards I've tried 3 of them, even after being formatted and I KNOW they have an IOS on them, but when I dev all cards they show nothing except for the bootflash, this is a 7206 chassis, NPE400 with an I/O card.

Im beginning to think the IO card is bad?

Help please! Any suggestions?

System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(4r)B2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)

TAC Support:

Copyright (c) 2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.

C7200 platform with 131072 Kbytes of main memory

Self decompressing the image : ############################################################################# [OK]

Error, PCMCIA vendor/id incorrect, 0xFFFFFFFF

              Restricted Rights Legend

Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is

subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph

(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted

Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph

(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer

Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.

           cisco Systems, Inc.

           170 West Tasman Drive

           San Jose, California 95134-1706

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

IOS (tm) 7200 Software (C7200-KBOOT-M), Version 12.3(6), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)

Copyright (c) 1986-2004 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Wed 11-Feb-04 15:56 by kellythw

Image text-base: 0x60008AF4, data-base: 0x609CA000

%ERR-1-GT64120 (PCI-0): Fatal error, Parity error on master write

GT=0xB4000000, cause=0x0140E083, mask=0x0ED01F00, real_cause=0x00400000

bus_err_high=0x00000000, bus_err_low=0x00000000, addr_decode_err=0x00000470

%ERR-1-PERR: PCI bus parity error

%ERR-1-FATAL: Fatal error interrupt, No reloading

err_stat=0x1, err_enable=0xFF, mgmt_event=0x44

GT64120 External PCI Configuration registers:


Vendor / Device ID   : 0xAB112046 (b/s 0x462011AB)

Status / Command     : 0x4601A043 (b/s 0x43A00146)

Class / Revision     : 0x13008005 (b/s 0x05800013)

Latency              : 0x0F000000 (b/s 0x0000000F)

RAS[1:0] Base        : 0x00000000 (b/s 0x00000000)

RAS[3:2] Base        : 0x00000008 (b/s 0x08000000)

CS[2:0] Base         : 0x00000000 (b/s 0x00000000)

CS[3] Base           : 0x00000000 (b/s 0x00000000)

Mem Map Base         : 0x00000014 (b/s 0x14000000)

IO Map Base          : 0x00000000 (b/s 0x00000000)

Subsystem Vendor / D : 0x00000000 (b/s 0x00000000)

Int Pin / Line       : 0x00010000 (b/s 0x00000100)

Swap RAS[1:0] Base   : 0x000000C0 (b/s 0xC0000000)

Swap RAS[3:2] Base   : 0x000000C8 (b/s 0xC8000000)

Swap CS[3] Base      : 0x00000000 (b/s 0x00000000)


Vendor / Device ID   : 0xAB112046 (b/s 0x462011AB)

Status / Command     : 0x4601A002 (b/s 0x02A00146)

Class / Revision     : 0x13008005 (b/s 0x05800013)

Latency              : 0x0F000000 (b/s 0x0000000F)

RAS[1:0] Base        : 0x00000000 (b/s 0x00000000)

RAS[3:2] Base        : 0x00000008 (b/s 0x08000000)

CS[2:0] Base         : 0x00000000 (b/s 0x00000000)

CS[3] Base           : 0x00000000 (b/s 0x00000000)

Mem Map Base         : 0x00000014 (b/s 0x14000000)

IO Map Base          : 0x00000000 (b/s 0x00000000)

Subsystem Vendor / D : 0x00000000 (b/s 0x00000000)

Int Pin / Line       : 0x00010000 (b/s 0x00000100)

Swap RAS[1:0] Base   : 0x000000C0 (b/s 0xC0000000)

Swap RAS[3:2] Base   : 0x000000C8 (b/s 0xC8000000)

Swap CS[3] Base      : 0x00000000 (b/s 0x00000000)

System bridge dump:

Bridge 0, for PA Bay 0 (I/O Card, PCMCIA, Interfaces), Handle=0

DEC21150 bridge chip, Primary Bus 0, Secondary Bus 1,config=0x0

(0x00):dev, vendor id       = 0x00231011

(0x04):status, command      = 0x02B00147

(0x08):class code, revid    = 0x06040006

(0x0C):hdr, lat timer, cls  = 0x00012E10

(0x18):sec lat,cls & bus no = 0x18020100

(0x1C):sec status, io base  = 0x23A03101

         Received Master Abort  on secondary bus

         Data Parity Detected   on secondary bus

(0x20):mem base & limit     = 0x48704000

(0x24):prefetch membase/lim = 0x0001FF01

(0x30):io base/lim upper16  = 0x00000000

(0x3C):bridge ctrl          = 0x00030000

(0x40):arb/serr, chip ctrl  = 0x02000000

(0x64):serr disable, gpio   = 0xF0000000

(0x68):sec clk ctrl,serrsta = 0x000001FF

PA bridge dump:

=== Flushing messages (00:00:07 UTC Sat Jan 1 2000) ===

Buffered messages:

Queued messages:

Unexpected exception, CPU signal 22, PC = 0x0

-Traceback= 0 0

$0 : 00000000, AT : 00000000, v0 : 00000000, v1 : 00000000

a0 : 00000000, a1 : 00000000, a2 : 00000000, a3 : 00000000

t0 : 00000000, t1 : 00000000, t2 : 00000000, t3 : 00000000

t4 : 00000000, t5 : 00000000, t6 : 00000000, t7 : 00000000

s0 : 00000000, s1 : 00000000, s2 : 00000000, s3 : 00000000

s4 : 00000000, s5 : 00000000, s6 : 00000000, s7 : 00000000

t8 : 00000000, t9 : 00000000, k0 : 00000000, k1 : 00000000

gp : 00000000, sp : 00000000, s8 : 00000000, ra : 00000000

EPC  : 00000000, ErrorEPC : 00000000, SREG     : 00000000

MDLO : 00000000, MDHI     : 00000000, BadVaddr : 00000000

Cause 00000000 (Code 0x0): Interrupt exception

File bootflash:crashinfo_20000101-000007 Device Error :No such device

*** System received an Error Interrupt ***

signal= 0x16, code= 0x0, context= 0x6144a2f8

PC = 0x60621290, Cause Reg = 0x2020, Status Reg = 0x34008002

System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(4r)B2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)

TAC Support:

Copyright (c) 2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.

C7200 platform with 131072 Kbytes of main memory

rommon 1 >

1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

Hi Alexander,

Looking at the later errors, it does report "PCI bus  parity error" in the boot sequence before crashing to ROMMON, which  could be correlated with bad backplane. So potentially it could be  chassis but I cannot recall any issue like that, such errors are mostly  caused by I/O controller failure, flash card failure or incorrect  formatting, NPE failure - sorted by higher probability first.

If you ruled out I/O, flash and NPE by swapping - seems like chassis is the only left as a possible cause.

Kind Regards,

Kind Regards,

View solution in original post

14 Replies 14

Ivan Shirshin
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Alexander,

The system can't get to the PCMCIA controller on the I/O card.

    %ERR-1-GT64120 (PCI-0): Fatal error, Parity error on master write

    GT=0xB4000000, cause=0x0140E083, mask=0x0ED01F00, real_cause=0x00400000

    bus_err_high=0x00000000, bus_err_low=0x00000000, addr_decode_err=0x00000470

    %ERR-1-PERR: PCI bus parity error

    %ERR-1-FATAL: Fatal error interrupt, No reloading

    err_stat=0x1, err_enable=0xFF, mgmt_event=0x44

CPU signal 22 indicates a fatal HW exception, also note parity error on master write.

If you are sure the flash cards are ok (possibly, check by inserting into another router), that means the I/O controller itself is having issues. Make sure everything is firmly seated and if so, I/O controller is most likely faulty and has to be replaced.

Kind Regards,


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Kind Regards,

check compatibility of your image and pcmcia card, try another image and another router

Ive replaced the IO board and I still receive the same error.

Let me delve more into the image factor and try different pcmcia cards.

It's still stumping me. I know the IOS is valid and pcmcia card is valid its been in a NPE300 machine running fine.

Could the chassis cause such a problem? It is our bench chassis which looks like its been through hell and back.. yet i've had many successful builds off of it.

The PCMCIA card is a Cisco ATA Flash 128mb and the image file is "c7200-ik9o3s-mz.123-8.T3.bin"

Should be no problem?

Hi Alexander,

SW is compatible, no issue there. 128Mb card MEM-SD-NPE-128MB should also work with NPE (is that the one you have?).

Do you have any spare NPE to swap with the current one?

And did you test the pcmcia card in another router - can other router read it?

Kind Regards,

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Kind Regards,

Thanks Ivan

I think you got it mixed up, the memory physically on the NPE400 card is a 16mb. I know it's small, but it shouldn't be spitting this error if that's the cause. The PCMCIA card is the 128mb flash.

I have to locate my other NPE400 as I can't seem to put my finger on it right now

But I have 2 spare NPE300's which delve the same problem when trying to boot.

I have 2 IO cards, and 3 PCMCIA cards which were formatted in a 7206VXR w/ NPE300, I copied the IOS off that machine too, which is a router currently in operation, so I know that IOS works and these PCMCIA cards all work too..

I'm at a loss

Hi Alexander,

Right, it was incorrect copy-pasting, I was checking both and meant MEM-NPE-400-128MB PID to be pasted.

Alex, you mentioned you have 2 other routers with NPE300 and the same issue when trying to boot. Can you do the image verification on the working router, please? Here are the steps:

The fact the router you got image from is working fine does not mean the IOS image is OK, as it is loaded to DRAM on the boot stage and never accessed on flash card till next reboot. So in case it got corrupted, the working router would still continue work properly.

So to make sure the image is OK, you should do /verify on it and compare checksums.

You could also load the same or other image from CCO and try to boot with it.

Kind Regards,

Kind Regards,

Hi Alex,

Also, please insert this problem flash card into working router and collect "show flash all" or "show bootflash", depending under which name it shows up.

Kind Regards,

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Kind Regards,

Level 1
Level 1

What are the chances of it being the chassis itself?

I just found my spare NPE400 and IO card that matched eachother after my upgrade to a G1, they were known working when pulled. I put both the NPE400/IO in my bench chassis and I STILL got the same error...

There is no way this is possible.

I don't currently have access to another chassis to test, but this is enough for me to believe it is the chassis itself.

No matter what engine or I/O I use, I get this

"Error, PCMCIA vendor/id incorrect, 0xFFFFFFFF"

Yet I can always get to rommon?

Hi Alexander,

Looking at the later errors, it does report "PCI bus  parity error" in the boot sequence before crashing to ROMMON, which  could be correlated with bad backplane. So potentially it could be  chassis but I cannot recall any issue like that, such errors are mostly  caused by I/O controller failure, flash card failure or incorrect  formatting, NPE failure - sorted by higher probability first.

If you ruled out I/O, flash and NPE by swapping - seems like chassis is the only left as a possible cause.

Kind Regards,

Kind Regards,

Well I can't see 3 IO boards being bad, and nearly 5 PCMCIA cards that 3/5 were formatted on a NPE300 machine with the format command.. the other 2 I know are working flash cards.

I'll let you guys know if the chassis is the issue when I get another one to test.

Just for others that may have similar issues.

Thanks again Ivan.

Agree, so many cards cannot be faulty at the same time unless there is some conspiracy :-)

You are welcome, Alexander, looking forward to your results with chassis.

Kind Regards,

Kind Regards,

Chassis came in, and sure enough, it was the culprit.

You can waste so much time on Cisco's ..

All input was appreciated, thanks guys.


Thanks for update on the chassis replacement results, glad it is working fine finally!

Could you also mark the correct answer for others' use and rate helpful posts, please?

Kind Regards,

Kind Regards,
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