For some reasons, my timestamps are wrong in my log. NTP is working and a "sh clock" looks correct. Any ideas on what could be causing this? My code is 12.4(24)T3.
Log snippet from 10:36am today
000086: Dec 9 16:30:00.736: %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR: decrypt: replay check failed
connection id=3, sequence number=57729
000087: Dec 9 16:35:59.605: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by admin on vty0 (
router#sh clock
10:36:27.666 CST Mon Dec 9 2013
sh ntp assoc
address ref clock st when poll reach delay offset disp
~ .LOCL. 7 12 16 377 0.000 0.000 0.246 2 1 64 277 48.116 -16.481 3.275
*~ .GPS. 1 54 64 73 23.157 0.937 65.818
* sys.peer, # selected, + candidate, - outlyer, x falseticker, ~ configured
Config snippet:
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec