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Cisco CMS server Configuration

I am new to the cisco CMS server. I have installed the CMS and created the SIP trunk to CUCM. I created the outgoing dial from CMS as per the publicly registered domain which is accessible from outside through expressway to the CUCM. And from CUCM, i created a route pattern, which is an exact match extension for the VC units of mine(2 units of SX20,DX80). I have the shared multiparty license installed in CMS server. How can i check the calls. How will be the call leg. Because, in CMS server; i didn't give extension numbers. In documentation, it is not much  clear for me, how the call be handled. And, for scheduling, still do i need TMS and how can i share the link to the guests. Will it generate a link corresponding to a video endpoint like in Cisco Jabber guest or do i need share the URI of the device to reach my unit. Please help me to clarify and configure it as needed for my requirement.


13 Replies 13

Patrick Sparkman
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

You'll need to either import users from LDAP and have Space created automatically, or use TMS to schedule conferences with CMS.  When you use TMS, an email will be generated with the conference details which includes the address for anyone who would like to dial in.

You can check the details of call using the web admin interface under Status > Calls.  If you want to check details about specific calls or callLegs etc, you'll need to use the API.

Thanks Patrik.

If i am not using LDAP users, can i create usrrs manually in CMS. If i am creating users manually, shall i give the domain name registered in public for expressway. Then how will be the space creation. If i don't have TMS, how i will share the link for the users which created on CMS. If it is URI, then how will be the space. Is it like, user@(domain registered for expressway).com

In CUCM, can i create an extension against the VC with exact match route pattern for extension routed through SIP trunk to the CMS. Or is it a SIP route pattern with registered domain routing. 

For a call from outside enterprise, how will be the dialing. 


You can use the API to manually create users and Spaces, take a look at the CMS API Guides on how to do this.

The SIP domain should be the domain you have configured in your external SRV records that point to your Expressway, which in most cases is the same SIP domain you have configured already in your environment. 

Once you have users created, they can login using the Cisco Meeting App (CMA), and generate an invite that can be sent to participants which contains the information to connect to the user's Space. They can connect using a SIP URI, WebRTC (if configured), or CMA client. 

Take a look at the CMS 2.1 with CUCM Deployment Guide

Hi patrik,

Thanks for the clarification.

You mean API is the web interface or do we have any other access methods to the CMS server with more managing capabilities. I cannot create users through web interface right. I didn't see that option there. Only space creation. So here in CMS, a space defines a particular domain where all of the individual users in the domain are reacheable like. It is little confusing for me. If API is something else, how can i access it. You mean it like CLI access.

Yes, i configured domain details as the registered SRV one. 

If the CMA creates invite message which is accessible through webRTC client or only the link created throgh TMS is possible for that. For SIP uri none of these are needed right. 

Thanks for the document. One document i had before. But the API related one ehich is new to me and needed to read.


You access the API using Chrome Postman for example, via GET/POST/PUT methods, the link in my previous reply will take you to the API guides with some examples on connecting to the API and how to use it.

You can create Spaces via the web interface or the API, users can be created either via LDAP import or the API.

The SIP URI will be the "URI user part" of the Space with your domain appended to it, don't forget to add an Incoming call rule in CMS for your domain, this is covered in the deployment guides.

Hi Patrik;

I am going through the API interface to the device. I believe because of CMS in infant stage, they are making API kind of thing without giving the option in the web interface. And, for the Incoming call rule; for which domain here i will create rule. I believe, it will be for my registered domain. But for the outgoing dial rule from CMS, should i use the same domain or something else. It is not telling that clearly in the documentation. It is telling to give domain for calling to CUCM. Both CUCM and CMS will be on the same domain space right ?. 

For integrating with LDAP, we needed to give in ADS the IP address of CMS details only right to the domain administrator. And also, i believe, they will create one user id for purging the user database also. In the LDAP integration section, how to give the field mapping expressions.

SPACE name will be domain name or something else to mention.


 The incoming call rule should be the SIP domain you're using in your environment, usually whatever is configured on your call control server, in your case CUCM.  The domain for the outbound call can be left blank when you create it, as that will create a match all domains rule, unless you want certain domains to be routed differently etc.

For LDAP integration, you need a service account that is allowed to query AD.  Take a look at the CMS Deployment Guides, there is a chapter that covers LDAP configuration with examples of search filters for querying AD, as well as Space field mapping expressions, you can also hover over the fields in the web admin interface for a description of what each represent.  Space name will be the name of the Space.

Hi patrik;

Thank you very much for the valued information. Now i am going to continue the remaining task for this.

From the cucm side, how the way we needed to route the call. I have 4 VC units with TP room license and registered in to cucm with DN. So, in this case which route pattern i will create to route the calls. Either SIP route pattern or a exact DN matching route pattern for those VC units.

Or else, from my understanding; CMS not only for the VC units. It is for the entire SIP domain or a route pattern. So, i can create a separate route pattern with separate partition and gateway will be sip trunk to cms. Am i correct?.

The same can opt for the sip route pattern too like sip domain routing for the cucm domain can be enabled and gateway will be sip trunk to the cms.


There is a link several posts up where I provided a guide for CMS and CUCM, might answer your question on how to best setup the route between the two.  In the end, it's up to you how and what you want to send to CMS.

Hi patrik

I am almost done everything. Information you provided and the links was very helpful especially the API one. Before the API related information was not at all digestive to me. After you gave me the details, i went through all the documentation thoroughly. And once again thanks for your timely reply.


Hi Patrick - 

I may have missed the segment in the API Guide referencing the creation of a "local" CMS user. 

How can one be created? My experience with the platform has only been with LDAP imported users. 


As per my experience and information, you can't create local cms users instead you can create spaces corresponding to some users who can't login through cma or webrtc to their personal spaces. So that, you can't create links corresponding to their space call id. That"s the difference. 

You can only create users within CMS from LDAP, not possible to create users manually via the API.