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Cisco CMS1000 ESXi Host Upgrade

we are planing to upgrade CMS1000 Server ESXI host to 6.5 version. As per cisco document it's supported to run ESXi 6.5U2. but this is not a fresh installation. We have CMS 2.4 version running on ESXI 6.0. So if i just upgrade the ESXi host version 6.5 will that affect my application or is it a recommended way??

1 Reply 1

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
As the CMS1000 is based on a standard UCS chassis, there should be no issue with the VM's after - just make sure to check and follow any procedure for VM Tools installation. Also be careful, ESXi has option to upgrade and retain data or upgrade and wipe data. You dont want to wipe all your VM's out.

I do not believe 6.0 > 6.5 requires a new license either.

I recently did a similar upgrade on a couple BE7000 servers with most of the collab suite, and all went without any issues once the server was online and VM Tools were all happy.