I have an existing CMS server setup. Audio and video conferencing are working ok as is XMPP. Users can login with WebRTC and spaces are up and running which are accessed internally and externally on the URL https://join.videoconf.companyx.com
The setup has 0 tenants and a standard LDAP source/mapping with our internal domain (int.companyx.com)
What we want to do now is add an LDAP sync from another internal domain (int.companyy.com)
Users will use the same URL (https://join.videoconf.companyx.com).
Am I correct in understanding that this will run on the 0 tenant setup, is OK to use the same URL and I just need to
1. generate new certificates to include the new domain int.companyy.xom
2. run the xmpp multi_domain add command for the additional domain which XMPP then also listen to