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Expressway CPL Not Working to Change Source SIP URI Domain

Level 1
Level 1



We have CUCM with an Expressway Core and Edge pair. We have an internal ( and external ( domain. When making video calls out via Expressway I want to transform the internal domain to the external one. To achieve this I am using a CPL. However this CPL is not working. Expressway version is 8.10.4 and CUCM is 12.0


I've tried setting this for unauthenticated and authenticated origins but it has not made a difference. CPL config is below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<cpl xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:cpl" xmlns:taa="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:cpl cpl.xsd">
<taa:rule unauthenticated-origin=".*" destination=".*">
<taa:location clear="yes" regex="(.*)" replace="\1" source-url-for-message-regex=".*" source-url-for-message-replace="\">
<taa:rule origin=".*" destination=".*">
<taa:location clear="yes" regex="(.*)" replace="\1" source-url-for-message-regex=".*" source-url-for-message-replace="\">


It doesn't seem to matter what I change, the CPL is not being taken into account. The call is connecting ok but in the source alias of the search I can see the


Can someone spot something wrong on the CPL?





4 Replies 4

Adam Pawlowski
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni
For my CPL, there are a few differences but the location line would be

<taa:location clear="yes" regex="(.*)" replace="\1" source-url-for-message-regex="(.*)" source-url-for-message-replace="\">

Just adding the grouping around the part of the URI in the rule. That's all I can see but I'm no pro at this .

Thanks Adam. Yeah I tried that earlier but it didn't make a difference. 


Looking at the diagnostic on the Expressway Edge it seems that the CPL is being taken into account but its not presenting on the receiving/external side


2019-05-31T09:49:37.385+01:00 EXPE01 tvcs: Event="Source Aliases Rewritten" Service="SIP" Src-alias-type="SIP" Src-alias="" Rewritten-src-alias-type="SIP" Rewritten-src-alias="" Dst-alias-type="SIP" Dst-alias="" Call-serial-number="59216e80-63a0-4fb1-a2e7-cb3aa5be7b2e" Tag="5781397a-c684-49f3-9dc0-a8f7b4597195" Src-display-name="37001 - VC Test 1" Rewritten-src-display-name="37001" Level="1" UTCTime="2019-05-31 08:49:37,385"
2019-05-31T09:49:37.385+01:00 EXPE01 tvcs: UTCTime="2019-05-31 08:49:37,385" Module="network.sourcealiasrewriting" Level="INFO": Action="Sent" Detail="Source alias(es) rewritten from [[Type=sipurl] ] to [[Type=sipurl] ], source display name rewritten from '37001 - VC Test 1' to '37001'"
2019-05-31T09:49:37.386+01:00 EXPE01 tvcs: UTCTime="2019-05-31 08:49:37,386" Module="developer.sip.leg" Level="INFO" CodeLocation="ppcmains/sip/sipproxy/SipProxyLeg.cpp(10845)" Method="SipProxyLeg::routeViaNettleIfNeeded" Thread="0x7fbd97516700": this="0x5618695d58d0" Type="Outbound" routingViaNettle="false" twoInARow="true" oneIsATraversalServerZone="true"InboundLegTraversalClientsencryption-mode=auto threeInARow="true" isCall="true" isRefer="false" fromClusterPeer="false" fromNettle="false" toNettle="false" inboundZone=Traversal Server (B2B) (encryption-mode=auto, ice-mode=off, ice-pass-through-mode=off, traversal-mode=undefined, multistream-mode=on, mari-mode=on, refer-mode=forward, replaces-mode=forward, aead-mode=off, ) outboundZone=DNS Zone (B2B) (encryption-mode=auto, ice-mode=off, ice-pass-through-mode=off, traversal-mode=undefined, multistream-mode=on, mari-mode=on, refer-mode=forward, replaces-mode=forward, aead-mode=off, ) CryptoRequired="false" ICERequired="false" ReferTerminationRequired="false" ReplacesTerminationRequired="false" TranslateFromMicrosoftRequired="false" TranslateToMicrosoftRequired="false" routeViaNettle="false"

I have a similar situation as yours. From logs, I can see the CPL kicks in but no effect. Did you find a solution?

I haven't really had a chance to go back to it since. I did a bit more testing at the time but did not have any luck