I'm having some issues with Jabber video and bandwidth probing. Note that I'm just using WAN emulation in a lab at the moment, limiting to 800Kb/s.
I've got the TURN server etc configured on the TMSPE provisioning template and it appears to be working OK - when I go to Quick Setup in Jabber video, the bandwidth probe runs and returns results saying I will have low quality, which is exactly as I expected (this doesn't work if I change/remove the TURN server in the template). The problem I have is that this doesn't seem to adjust the outgoing bandwidth of a call - even if it's limited to 512Kb/s, it still makes a 1Mb/s call, gets a bunch of packet loss and eventually settles down at 512Kb/s. This takes a good 10 - 20 seconds per call.
I'm not sure if this is expected behaviour, but I'd much rather it make a call at whatever the limited bandwidth is, rather than attempting to call at a higher bandwidth first. Is this possible?