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Precision HD1080p
Level 1
Level 1


i wonder if any one can assist with a problem that we have.

we have a couple of older precision HD1080p camera's which we are currently unable to retrieve any image from on the HDMI.

The camera details are as follows.

model, Precision HD1080p 12x

revision: 3

software version: S01718-4.0FINAL [ID:40076] 2012-05-16

the problem is that we have recently upgraded the firmware on our C60 codec which has two of these camera's connected.

originally the problem was that we could not see any image from the main cam, but the auxiliary camera worked fine.

the codec still sees the camera's which is why i am able to confirm the software revision, however the primary camera does not transmit any video over HDMI.

we swapped the camera's round, so the primary became the auxiliary and the auxiliary camera became the primary, the codec noticed the camera was on an older firmware version and performed a firmware update on the camera to the version as detailed above, we now have two cameras that will not output on HDMI to the codec.

we have tried in vein to push a firmware upgrade to the cameras for the latest version of firmware as noted for the C20 systems ( i suspect the firmware is the same for these camera's) we have upgraded the codec to TC5.1.3 which is stated to contain the latest firmware for these camera's but the codec is not upgrading the cameras. I cannot find any command to manually upgrade the camera from the codec (a force camera upgrade command) and when we attempt to connect to the camera over IP it doesn't appear to pickup an IP address, what also concerns me is that in the camera status the camera appears to not have a MAC address (maybe this is why it will not pickup an IP address).

This camera has no USB port and I cannot connect to the camera using a null modem cable and a camera cable (as I would when performing a software recovery on a C20 camera) via RS232 I have attempted this using the same details I would with a C20 camera but I receive no response what so ever from the camera (yes it is powered on using a 12v 4amp power supply (the standard codec power supply as used hundreds of times before))

so I am now absolutely stumped as to how I can fix the problem with the camera, I expect if I can get the camera onto the latest firmware revision that all would be well, as I have connected a C20 camera, the 4x with the USB socket into the auxilary camera position (don't want to connect it as primary camera wouldn't want another codec upgrade to take place) and I receive video and control no problem.

any pointers on how I could recover this camera, preferable without having to go to RMA, due to an administrative mixup I don't think the system is covered under a support agreement.

If you need any more information please do give me a shout I shall gladly provide what ever I can find.

as always and and all assistance greatly appreciated.



Think with Portals
25 Replies 25

Level 4
Level 4

Hi David,

The information provided by you for the issue is very detailed and helpful. You have basically performed all the possible steps in order to recover the camera.

There are a few ways which we can try to force the camra to upgrade however, we would recommend that you open a TAC case as those methods are not advised to be performed via emails. We would appreciate if you can open a TAC case and come on a remote session, we can try to help you out. You can request to speak to me and I will personally make sure it is handled in a timely manner.


Mubashshir Akhtar

Thanks Mubashshir Akhtar

Danny De Ridder
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


the procedures for 4X camera are not applicable to 12X. Different cameras. The codec does seem to recognise your camera via the VISCA protocol over the serial cable, so you could try to start an upgrade using the codec. To do this, go into tsh by logigng into the codec using admin password.

[tandberg:~] $ tsh

Welcome to

Cisco Codec Release TC5.1.0.280662

SW Release Date: 2012-02-14




com camvisca 0 swload /mnt/base/active/rover.pkg


CamVisca: Load SW image /mnt/base/active/rover.pkg to camera 1 from codec

You can check the packages on your system when using ssh and logging as root :

[dderidde-sx20:~] $ ls -lrt /mnt/base/active/*.pkg

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6764568 Aug 29 09:23 /mnt/base/active/a7camera.pkg

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6025232 Aug 29 09:23 /mnt/base/active/nandi.pkg

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4375216 Aug 29 09:23 /mnt/base/active/sangam.pkg

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4347385 Aug 29 09:23 /mnt/base/active/rover.pkg

[dderidde-sx20:~] $

rover.pkg is the one used for 12X camera.

Hi Danny

Thank you very much for confirming these details (much appreciated, information like this is gold dust), I have used this command and forced the codec to perform a firmware update on the camera, which the codec appeared to be doing, is there a method I can tell remotely once the camera has been upgraded from the original SSH session?

I have telnet into the system again and checked the firmware version of the camera which is the same as the above, is rover the latest firmware version available as detailed above, or should I expect to see a different firmware version on the camera?

I confirmed the rover package was in the active location as detailed by the UNC path above by using winSCP and browsing to that location, so I am sure the file structure is ok, I think we maybe looking at a bug with the firmware on the camera.

I understand that the codec should automatically reboot the camera, but without giving the unit a physical reboot I cannot be certain the unit has restarted.

the room is in use at the moment, is there anything else you could suggest until i get round to giving the camera a physical kick (maybe not so metaphorically).



Think with Portals


if you have root access to the unit, you can check the console log. Like this :

cat /var/log/console

You should see message related to camera upgrade.


       Camera SW upload started



Camera is being upgraded.

Do NOT switch off the system!

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Upgrade completed successfully.

Camera will now be restarted.

Hi Danny

Once again thanks for the info, very useful stuff, I had to dig the log file out of a different directly, never thought of checking it.

the log does state exactly as you have suggested in your reply, that the camera firmware upgrade has completed successfully.

when i do the xstatus camera 1 i see the following line

SoftwareID: "S01718-4.0FINAL [ID:40076] 2012-05-16"

which looks like the latest firmware version, is there a different version we can choose, a newer version or could we potentially downgrade the camera to a version a couple of revisions back, as the secondary camera was working ok until we swapped it and the codec upgraded it.

Also is there command we can add to prevent the codec from automatically performing the firmware update of the camera.

I have also given the camera a hard reboot by disconnecting it from the codec.



Think with Portals


the camera pkg is bundled with the codec software. If you connect a camera with a lower revision to a codec which has a higher revision camera software, the codec will upgrade it.

If you know the codec version where the camera still worked, you could copy the package from that codec and copy it over to your codec which has the faulty camera and force this package to the camera using the commands explained above.

You can use scp to copy over files.

[dderidde-sx20:/mnt/base/active] $ scp dderidde@ .

dderidde@'s password:

bogus.pkg                                                                                                          100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00   

[dderidde-sx20:/mnt/base/active] $

dderidde is my username on a system with IP address which has a file named /home/dderidde/bogus.pkg copied over to my current directory on the codec.

I do not know of a way to prevent a codec from upgrading the camera.

There's a ddts open for 12X cameras and no video. CSCtx58429 entitled "CTS-PHD-1080P12X camera no video issue".

I would recommend opening a Service Request so TAC can help to use the steps outlined in CSCtx58429 to gather more info or RMA the camera and tag it for Failure Analysis for engineering to look at.

Hi David,

You may follow this on your own analysis and risk.

Only way I can think of is to remove the rover.pkg(This is the name of 1080p 12x camera) from the Codec S/W package by logging in through WINSCP.

Also you can force upgrade the 12x camera on LAN. Do it this way. Camera should be able to get IP from DHCP server on network if that is there and DHCP of the camera is turned on. However as you said it did not work try following way. Also camera needs reboot after enabling the same.

Please understand that if you flip-flop the configuation of DHCP of camera, this will reboot camera.

Connect Camera to the (RJ45 LAN port) to your laptop directly and assign static IP say on the NIC of laptop.

Then get TFTPD32 to assign IP automatically of the same range through DHCP of TFTPD32.

Then you can start the upgrade. Through TFTPD323 you will come to know which IP is assigned to camera or you will need to console into codec and get the xsta camera display that information of IP being assigned to camera.

You can refer to the following link for upgrade on LAN.



Hi Danny (and others)

Thank you very much for providing the information you have, I have indeed learnt a lot from this experience, and am taking very valuable information away with me.

we have spent another morning looking at this issue (it has indeed proven rather difficult to pinpoint where the issue is) and i think we have finally found what the problem is.

I think we have a compatibility issue between the latest firmware on the camera's and a couple of slightly older firmware versions also and an HDMI extender over cat5 that we use.

Firstly the system as setup has been running perfectly 100% A, OK for 2 years (hense the original suspision of the firmware).

the HDMI extender we use is a Kramer TP551N (like I say above, this has worked flawlessly for 2 years or more now).

from our testing we found the following (using the command and information provided above by yourselves).

Firstly and I guess most importantly for Cisco is if i use a 4x camera running firmware version 20008 and above the system works, what I did originally to provide a slight work around was replace the auxiliary 12x camera with a 4x from a C20 and this worked perfectly fine, but when we replaced the 4x with the original 12x camera we would get no video
(the control hasn't been a problem all along).

We recently performed an RMA on another system that was to sit in our maintenance stock for a period of time, which came in late yesterday evening, so this proved a very useful testing tool this morning, we found that we did not get any video from this camera also, but as this was an RMA we could not be certain what firmware version the camera was on, so we attached this camera to a C20 codec which long and behold upgraded the firmware on the camera to

40075 which worked perfectly well with the C20 but again wouldn't work with the C60, I copied the rover camera package from the C20 and replaced the rover camera package on the C60 so that if the system was to perform another upgrade to a camera it would at least be to a controlled firmware version that we know the camera certainly does work ok on. this however proved fruitless also, we still had two camera's with no video to the codec.

Again if we attached a 4x camera we received video, so to prove the camera's could communicate with the codec we dug out some power supplies and different cables and when connecting the camera's directly to the codec we found that we received video no problem at all on both camera's which leads me to believe we had a problem with the HDMI extenders (I'm sure we didn't get video the last time we connected the camera directly to the codec, maybe was was being impatient).

At this point I went on a hunt for either an EDID minder or another box where the manufacturer specifically states that the EDID is catered for, and found an Extron HDMI extender that specifically forwards EDID exchanges on, we installed this Extron solution and the camera's are working without issue again.

So in brief.

it would appear there is a problem with the latest camera firmware and the Kramer HDMI extender. but on the flip side what ever has been done to improve the 4x camera would appear to have fixed this issue also as we didn't experience the problem with a 4x camera at all.

Again thank you all for your information and assistance.

i hope this feedback proves useful to the R+D team if you need any more info please do give me a shout.

on another note, the camera hardware in this instance for the 12x camera is rather old, they state rev3 on the underside (maybe this is part of the problem).



Think with Portals


the only thing I can think of to check would be the status of the video on the C60 codec. I only have a C40 in the lab, but the output of the commands should be the same. E.g. this :

xstatus Video Input hdmi 1

*s Video Input HDMI 1 Connected: True

*s Video Input HDMI 1 SignalState: OK

** end

xstatus Video Input source 1

*s Video Input Source 1 Resolution Height: 720

*s Video Input Source 1 Resolution Width: 1280

*s Video Input Source 1 Resolution RefreshRate: 60

*s Video Input Source 1 Resolution FormatType: Digital

*s Video Input Source 1 Resolution FormatStatus: Ok

** end


What would the non-working camera show?

Also, we can check some more details on the Video Processing Engine [VPE] too by logging into it. HDM1 on C60 is controlled by VPE0. We can connect to the VPE from tsh :

sys-con vpe0

****** Welcome to SYSTEM_VPE0 ******

Use 'quit' to end connection



vpe-info all

FPGA 0, max 6/4 loc/dsp0 windows

32 phases, selected phase/quality 30/832

        phases  0- 7: 832 416 416   0   0   0   0   0

        phases  8-15:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

        phases 16-23:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

        phases 24-31:   0   0 277 800 832 832 832 832

valid local inputs for FPGA 0:

        16 (Multiplexed video link) (1280x720)

        64 (Decoded video stream)

        65 (Decoded video stream)

        128 (HDMI) (1280x720@60)

valid remote inputs for FPGA 0:

        17 (Multiplexed video link)

        20 (Multiplexed video link)

        66 (Decoded video stream)

        67 (Decoded video stream)

        68 (Decoded video stream) (1920x1080)

        81 (Menu stream) (1920x1080)

valid outputs for FPGA 0:

        0 (HDMI) (1920x1080@60)

        64 (DSP0) (0x0)

        65 (DSP1) (0x0)

inactive window configuration for HDMI output on FPGA 0:

        0: 10000x10000@0x0 source 81 fitmode 1 border 0 active 1

        1: 10000x10000@0x0 source 68 fitmode 2 border 0 active 1

        5: 2432x2432@7084x7154 source 16 fitmode 0 border 1 active 1

inactive window configuration for DSP0 output on FPGA 0:

inactive window configuration for DSP1 output on FPGA 0:

active window configuration for HDMI output on FPGA 0:

        0: 10000x10000@0x0 source 81 fitmode 1 border 0 active 1

        1: 10000x10000@0x0 source 68 fitmode 2 border 0 active 1

        5: 2432x2432@7084x7154 source 16 fitmode 0 border 1 active 1

active window configuration for DSP0 output on FPGA 0:

active window configuration for DSP1 output on FPGA 0:

mux 0: vp0=link  0, source  1

mux 1: vp0=link 15, source  1

mux 2: vp0=link 15, source  0

mux 3: vp0=link 15, source  0

mux 4: vp0=link 15, source  0

mux 5: vp0=link  0, source  1

driver: vpe0 (America rev B/D), uptime: 61d 3h 4m 53s, no GHz ARM

videorx: source HDMI-1 (128) on primary input, enabled, not encrypted

videorx: local input detection: 1280x720@60.0

videotx: display on HDMI-1: 1920x1080@60 (powersaving off)

         frame 2200x1125, front porch 88/4, sync width 44/5, polarity +/+, hdmi, digital

         pix_freq 148.500000 Mhz

videotx: dsp0: 0x0@0

videotx: dsp1: 0x0@0

videodetector: lvds 0, source 16: 1280x720p

videodetector: lvds 16, source 81: 1920x1080p

ad9388a: input HDMI, drive strength 2

ad9388a: HDMI signal, no DVI-D signal, unknown analog signal

ad9388a: digital has lock, TMDS pll has lock, deglitch filter is on

ad9388a: CSC mode: auto. Detected color space: RGB full. Coefficient preset selected: 5

ad9388a: detected DVI-D video format 1280x720p

ad9388a: frame size 1650x750, front porch h=111 v=5, sync h=40 v=5, pix_freq=74.24 Mhz

ad9388a: audio pll: 0, enabled: 1, locked: 0, coast: 7f, sample detect: 00 00

ad9388a: position correction: hor 0/0, ver 0/0, de 0/0

ad9389b: detected hotplug, detected Rx Sense, found EDID, HDMI output enabled

ad9389b: no encryption

ad9389b: state: idle, error: no error, detect count: 20, msk/irq: c4/20

ad9389b: RGB quantization: full range

ad9389b: manual gear 4

ad9389b: CTS automatic mode: N 6144, CTS 148501

ad9389b: VIC: detected 16, sent 16

idt5v9885b: 148500 kHz M=16 P=8 D=1 IpRz=0x33 CpCz=0x74

IRQ              Total

vpe_timer        : 5281522

api_req          : 205

system_status    : 64

core_status      : 10622363

hdmi_in          : 5

hdmi_out         : 59

detect_input     : 0

pll_lock_lost    : 0

ddrcache0        : 3

ddrcache1        : 2

detect_output    : 10620407

local_scaler     : 0

dsp0_scaler      : 0

dsp1_scaler      : 0

vsink_local      : 265

vsink_dsp0       : 1

vsink_dsp1       : 0

vsource_local    : 140

vsource_dsp0     : 1545

vsource_dsp1     : 0

local_composer   : missing: 3 framereq: 0

dsp0_composer    : missing: 0 framereq: 0

dsp1_composer    : missing: 0 framereq: 0

local_crop       : 0

dsp0_crop        : 0

dsp1_crop        : 0

dsp0_oversampler : 0

dsp1_oversampler : 0

cec_hdmi_tx      : 1080

cec_hdmi_rx      : 0


You can also print the edid :

print-edid 0

Main EDID:

Manufacturer: CIS(3379)

ProductCode: 1174

SerialNumber: 0

WeekOfManufacture: 46

YearOfManufacture: 2010

EDIDVersionNumber: 1

EDIDRevisionNumber: 3

SignalLevel: Digital






Could that reveal something when the camera is not working???

Hi Danny

Once again excellent information provided, i can confirm that there is no video input on source 2

xstatus video input source 2

*s Video Input Source 2 Resolution Height: 0

*s Video Input Source 2 Resolution Width: 0

*s Video Input Source 2 Resolution RefreshRate: 0

*s Video Input Source 2 Resolution FormatType: Unknown

*s Video Input Source 2 Resolution FormatStatus: Error

** end

although the HDMI is connected ok, the format is shown as above.

note entirely certain what i am looking for in the VPE info, its all a bit confusing, does anything stand out to you?

sys-con vpe0

****** Welcome to SYSTEM_VPE0 ******

Use 'quit' to end connection



vpe-info all

FPGA 0, max 6/4 loc/dsp0 windows

32 phases, selected phase/quality 1/832

        phases  0- 7: 832 416 416 832 791  32   0   0

        phases  8-15:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

        phases 16-23:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

        phases 24-31:   0   0   0   0   0 612 832 832

valid local inputs for FPGA 0:

        16 (Multiplexed video link) (1920x1080)

        64 (Decoded video stream)

        65 (Decoded video stream)

        128 (HDMI) (1920x1080@60)

valid remote inputs for FPGA 0:

        17 (Multiplexed video link)

        20 (Multiplexed video link)

        66 (Decoded video stream)

        67 (Decoded video stream)

        68 (Decoded video stream) (1920x1080)

        81 (Menu stream) (1024x768)

valid outputs for FPGA 0:

        0 (HDMI) (1024x768@60)

        64 (DSP0) (0x0)

        65 (DSP1) (0x0)

inactive window configuration for HDMI output on FPGA 0:

        0: 10000x10000@0x0 source 81 fitmode 1 border 0 active 1

        1: 10000x10000@0x0 source 16 fitmode 0 border 0 active 1

inactive window configuration for DSP0 output on FPGA 0:

inactive window configuration for DSP1 output on FPGA 0:

active window configuration for HDMI output on FPGA 0:

        0: 10000x10000@0x0 source 81 fitmode 1 border 0 active 1

        1: 10000x10000@0x0 source 16 fitmode 0 border 0 active 1

active window configuration for DSP0 output on FPGA 0:

active window configuration for DSP1 output on FPGA 0:

mux 0: vp0=link  0, source  1

mux 1: vp0=link  0, source  1

mux 2: vp0=link 15, source  0

mux 3: vp0=link 15, source  0

mux 4: vp0=link 15, source  0

mux 5: vp0=link 15, source  0

driver: vpe0 (Casper rev F/C), uptime: 5d 1h 56m 51s, no GHz ARM

videorx: source HDMI-1 (128) on primary input, enabled, not encrypted

videorx: local input detection: 1920x1080@60.0

videotx: display on HDMI-1: 1024x768@60 (powersaving on)

         frame 1344x806, front porch 24/3, sync width 136/6, polarity -/-, hdmi, digital

         pix_freq 65.0 Mhz

videotx: dsp0: 0x0@0

videotx: dsp1: 0x0@0

videodetector: lvds 0, source 16: 1920x1080p

videodetector: lvds 16, source 81: 1024x768p

ad9388a: input HDMI, drive strength 3

ad9388a: HDMI signal, no DVI-D signal, unknown analog signal

ad9388a: digital has lock, TMDS pll has lock, deglitch filter is on

ad9388a: CSC mode: auto. Detected color space: RGB full. Coefficient preset selected: 5

ad9388a: detected HDMI video format 1920x1080p

ad9388a: frame size 2200x1125, front porch h=89 v=4, sync h=44 v=5, pix_freq=148.48 Mhz

ad9388a: audio pll: 0, enabled: 1, locked: 1, coast: 7f, sample detect: 08 01

ad9388a: position correction: hor 0/0, ver 0/0, de 0/0

ad9389b: detected hotplug, detected Rx Sense, found EDID, HDMI output disabled

ad9389b: no encryption

ad9389b: state: idle, error: no error, detect count: 1, msk/irq: c4/20

ad9389b: RGB quantization: full range

ad9389b: manual gear 1

ad9389b: CTS automatic mode: N 6144, CTS 64999

ad9389b: VIC: detected 0, sent 0

idt5v9885b: 65000 kHz M=520 P=18 D=33 IpRz=0x4d CpCz=0xa5

IRQ              Total

vpe_timer        : 439011

api_req          : 10

system_status    : 1703

core_status      : 932856

hdmi_in          : 1701

hdmi_out         : 2

detect_input     : 0

pll_lock_lost    : 0

ddrcache0        : 3

ddrcache1        : 0

detect_output    : 920957

local_scaler     : 56

dsp0_scaler      : 0

dsp1_scaler      : 0

vsink_local      : 4

vsink_dsp0       : 0

vsink_dsp1       : 0

vsource_local    : 10013

vsource_dsp0     : 1830

vsource_dsp1     : 0

local_composer   : missing: 1 framereq: 0

dsp0_composer    : missing: 0 framereq: 0

dsp1_composer    : missing: 0 framereq: 0

local_crop       : 0

dsp0_crop        : 0

dsp1_crop        : 0

dsp0_oversampler : 0

dsp1_oversampler : 0

cec_hdmi_tx      : 0

cec_hdmi_rx      : 0


the EDID info looks to be ok to me, i can't see anything obviously wrong with it


print-edid 0

Main EDID:

Manufacturer: IVM(9933)

ProductCode: 22024

SerialNumber: 16843009

WeekOfManufacture: 0

YearOfManufacture: 2009

EDIDVersionNumber: 1

EDIDRevisionNumber: 3

SignalLevel: Digital







DFPSupported: Yes

DisplaySizeKnown: No

Max Horizontal Image Size = 55 cm

Max Vertical Image Size = 34 cm

Nearest Known Aspect Ratio = 16:10

DisplayTransferCharacteristic: (120 + 100.0)/100.0

SupportsDPMSStandby: No

SupportsDPMSSuspend: No

SupportsDPMSActiveOff: Yes

SupportsDefaultColorSpace_sRGB: No

SupportsPreferredTimingMode: Yes

SupportsDefaultGTF: No

ColorCharacreristics: R (646,335), G (283,601), B (149,072), W (313,329)

Established Timings:














Standard Timing Identification:

    Refresh rate: 75Hz

    Horizontal active pixels: 1152

    Image aspect ratio: 4:3

    Refresh rate: 60Hz

    Horizontal active pixels: 1280

    Image aspect ratio: 5:4

    Refresh rate: 75Hz

    Horizontal active pixels: 1280

    Image aspect ratio: 5:4

    Refresh rate: 60Hz

    Horizontal active pixels: 1440

    Image aspect ratio: 16:10

    Refresh rate: 75Hz

    Horizontal active pixels: 1440

    Image aspect ratio: 16:10

    Refresh rate: 60Hz

    Horizontal active pixels: 1600

    Image aspect ratio: 4:3

    Refresh rate: 60Hz

    Horizontal active pixels: 1680

    Image aspect ratio: 16:10

Monitor Descriptor Data (Type = Monitor Range Limits):

    Min vertical rate: 55 Hz

    Max vertical rate: 76 Hz

    Min horizontal rate: 29 kHz

    Max horizontal rate: 81 kHz

    Max pix clk: 170 MHz

    No secondary timing formula supported

Monitor Descriptor Data (Type = Monitor Name):


Detailed Timing Description:

    PixelClockDiv10000 : 15400

    Horizontal Active : 1920

    Horizontal Blanking : 160

    Vertical Active : 1200

    Vertical Blanking : 35

    Horizontal Sync Offset : 48

    Horizontal SyncPulse Width : 32

    Vertical Sync Offset : 3

    Vertical SyncPulse Width : 6

    Horizontal Image Size : 550 mm

    Vertical Image Size : 344 mm

    Horizontal Border : 0

    Vertical Border : 0

    Flags : 0x0000001a

    - Non-Interlaced

    - Normal display, no stereo

    PixelClockDiv10000 : 13850

    Horizontal Active : 1920

    Horizontal Blanking : 160

    Vertical Active : 1080

    Vertical Blanking : 31

    Horizontal Sync Offset : 80

    Horizontal SyncPulse Width : 32

    Vertical Sync Offset : 8

    Vertical SyncPulse Width : 5

    Horizontal Image Size : 550 mm

    Vertical Image Size : 344 mm

    Horizontal Border : 0

    Vertical Border : 0

    Flags : 0x0000001a

    - Non-Interlaced

    - Normal display, no stereo

Extension flag (#extension-blocks) : 1


Revision Number : 3

Number of native DTDs: 1

Underscan IT by default: Yes

Basic audio support: Yes

YCbCr 4:4:4 support: Yes

YCbCr 4:2:2 support: Yes

Audio block

    Format: Linear PCM

    Max channels: 2

    Sampling frequency: 48kHz 44.1kHz 32kHz

    Sample size: 16bit

Video block

    1920x1080@60i 16:9 Native

    1920x1080@60p 16:9

    1280x720@60p 16:9

    720x480@60p 16:9

    720x480@60i 4:3

    720x576@50p 16:9

    720x576@50i 16:9

    720x576@50p 4:3

    640x480@60p 4:3

    1920x1080@50i 16:9

    1920x1080@50p 16:9

HDMI Vendor

    IEEE Reg Id: 0x000c03

    Source Physical Address (A.B.C.D) = (

    Supports AI: No

    Supports 30 bits/pixel (10 bits/color): No

    Supports 36 bits/pixel (12 bits/color): No

    Supports 48 bits/pixel (16 bits/color): No

    Supports YCbCr 4:4:4 in Deep Color modes: No

    Supports DVI dual-link operation: No

Speaker Allocation block

    Speaker placement: FL/FR

Detailed Timing Description

    PixelClockDiv10000 : 7425

    Horizontal Active : 1280

    Horizontal Blanking : 370

    Vertical Active : 720

    Vertical Blanking : 30

    Horizontal Sync Offset : 110

    Horizontal SyncPulse Width : 40

    Vertical Sync Offset : 5

    Vertical SyncPulse Width : 5

    Horizontal Image Size : 550 mm

    Vertical Image Size : 344 mm

    Horizontal Border : 0

    Vertical Border : 0

    Flags : 0x0000001e

    - Non-Interlaced

    - Normal display, no stereo

    PixelClockDiv10000 : 7425

    Horizontal Active : 1920

    Horizontal Blanking : 280

    Vertical Active : 540

    Vertical Blanking : 22

    Horizontal Sync Offset : 88

    Horizontal SyncPulse Width : 44

    Vertical Sync Offset : 2

    Vertical SyncPulse Width : 5

    Horizontal Image Size : 550 mm

    Vertical Image Size : 344 mm

    Horizontal Border : 0

    Vertical Border : 0

    Flags : 0x0000009e

    - Interlaced

    - Normal display, no stereo

    PixelClockDiv10000 : 2700

    Horizontal Active : 720

    Horizontal Blanking : 138

    Vertical Active : 480

    Vertical Blanking : 45

    Horizontal Sync Offset : 16

    Horizontal SyncPulse Width : 62

    Vertical Sync Offset : 9

    Vertical SyncPulse Width : 6

    Horizontal Image Size : 550 mm

    Vertical Image Size : 344 mm

    Horizontal Border : 0

    Vertical Border : 0

    Flags : 0x00000018

    - Non-Interlaced

    - Normal display, no stereo

    PixelClockDiv10000 : 2700

    Horizontal Active : 1440

    Horizontal Blanking : 276

    Vertical Active : 240

    Vertical Blanking : 22

    Horizontal Sync Offset : 38

    Horizontal SyncPulse Width : 124

    Vertical Sync Offset : 4

    Vertical SyncPulse Width : 3

    Horizontal Image Size : 550 mm

    Vertical Image Size : 344 mm

    Horizontal Border : 0

    Vertical Border : 0

    Flags : 0x00000098

    - Interlaced

    - Normal display, no stereo


i think the xstatus input source has clarified it for me, although the signal is there, especially as i can see noise when power cycling the camera, the actual video properties are not synchronising through, and when i check on the Kramer box i can see the lights doing the random slow blink, which suggests to me that the Kramer isn't sychronising the resolution correctly, only solution i can imagine at the moment is to replace the Kramer box.



Think with Portals

Think with Portals


since your troubled video input is 2, we need to check the edid commands on VPE1 instead of VPE0. VPE1 controls the input for input 2. Can we connect to vpe1 and repeat the commands?

print-edid 0

vpe-info all

And maybe


Ah ha here we go, problems

sys-con vpe1

****** Welcome to SYSTEM_VPE1 ******

Use 'quit' to end connection



vpe-info all

FPGA 1, max 6/4 loc/dsp0 windows

32 phases, selected phase/quality 29/832

        phases  0- 7: 832 416 416   0   0   0   0   0

        phases  8-15:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

        phases 16-23:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

        phases 24-31:   0 634 832 832 832 832 832 832

valid local inputs for FPGA 1:

        17 (Multiplexed video link)

        66 (Decoded video stream)

        67 (Decoded video stream)

        129 (HDMI) (0x0)

        152 (DVI-I) (0x0)

valid remote inputs for FPGA 1:

        16 (Multiplexed video link) (1920x1080)

        20 (Multiplexed video link)

        64 (Decoded video stream)

        65 (Decoded video stream)

        68 (Decoded video stream) (1920x1080)

        81 (Menu stream) (1024x768)

valid outputs for FPGA 1:

        8 (DVI) (1280x720@60)

        66 (DSP0) (0x0)

        67 (DSP1) (0x0)

inactive window configuration for DVI output on FPGA 1:

        1: 10000x10000@0x0 source 16 fitmode 0 border 0 active 1

inactive window configuration for DSP0 output on FPGA 1:

inactive window configuration for DSP1 output on FPGA 1:

active window configuration for DVI output on FPGA 1:

        1: 10000x10000@0x0 source 16 fitmode 0 border 0 active 1

active window configuration for DSP0 output on FPGA 1:

active window configuration for DSP1 output on FPGA 1:

mux 0: vp0=link 15, source  0

mux 1: vp0=link  6, source  1

mux 2: vp0=link 15, source  0

mux 3: vp0=link 15, source  0

mux 4: vp0=link 15, source  0

mux 5: vp0=link 15, source  0

driver: vpe1 (Casper rev F/C), uptime: 5d 3h 6m 48s, no GHz ARM

videorx: source HDMI-2 (129) on primary input, disabled, not encrypted

videorx: local input detection: 0x0@0.0

videorx: DVI-A detected 0 hsyncs

videorx: DVI-D cable detection not present

videotx: display on DVI-2: 1280x720@60 (powersaving on)

         frame 1650x750, front porch 110/5, sync width 40/5, polarity +/+, dvi, analog

         pix_freq 74.250000 Mhz

         overscan hor=600% ver=600%

videotx: dsp0: 0x0@0

videotx: dsp1: 0x0@0

videodetector: lvds 6, source 16: 1920x1080p

videodetector: lvds 16, source 81: 1024x768p

ad9388a: input HDMI, drive strength 3

ad9388a: no HDMI signal, no DVI-D signal, unknown analog signal

ad9388a: digital has no lock, TMDS pll has no lock, deglitch filter is on

ad9388a: CSC mode: auto. Detected color space: auto. Coefficient preset selected: 5

ths8200: rev 04, power on, DVI-A output disabled, 0x0

ad9389b: detected hotplug, no Rx Sense, no EDID

ad9389b: no encryption

ad9389b: state: reading EDID, error: i2c error, detect count: 0, msk/irq: c4/00

ad9389b: RGB quantization: full range

ad9389b: automatic gear 1

idt5v9885b: 74250 kHz M=16 P=16 D=1 IpRz=0x33 CpCz=0x74

IRQ              Total

vpe_timer        : 443208

api_req          : 9

system_status    : 1186507

core_status      : 11966982

hdmi_in          : 1186506

hdmi_out         : 1

detect_input     : 0

pll_lock_lost    : 0

ddrcache0        : 2

ddrcache1        : 0

detect_output    : 929805

local_scaler     : 61

dsp0_scaler      : 0

dsp1_scaler      : 0

vsink_local      : 2

vsink_dsp0       : 0

vsink_dsp1       : 0

vsource_local    : 11035891

vsource_dsp0     : 1600

vsource_dsp1     : 0

local_composer   : missing: 1 framereq: 0

dsp0_composer    : missing: 0 framereq: 0

dsp1_composer    : missing: 0 framereq: 0

local_crop       : 0

dsp0_crop        : 0

dsp1_crop        : 0

dsp0_oversampler : 0

dsp1_oversampler : 0

cec_hdmi_tx      : 0

cec_hdmi_rx      : 0

and if i attempt to print the EDID information the EDID appears to be completely missing and the system states "ad9389b: no edid read"

and below is the eventlog


------------------------ EVENT LOG SYSTEM INFO -----------------------

Main processor: NiosII

System: VPE1

System HW ID/TS: 0/1322824636

Video board type and revision: 0x32


*** System startup, event system enabled.

Product information


Main board: F

Video board: C

Running VPE1

CPU id: 1

vpeInit: S01728A

vpeInit: VPE1, product Casper rev F/C

i2cSwReset: perform i2c startup bit-bang

vpeInit: idt5v9885b set to 74250000 Hz

lvds_calibrate: ok, slave (1), 898 ms

99 MHz

vpe_calibrate 1

dsp0 fffffffff000

dsp1 7fffffffffe

dsp0&1 7fffffff000 (best phase 27)

fsm_procSetup: Open Interprocessor comm devs.

fsm_procSetup: Initialize data structures.

fsm_procSetup: Create all FSM tasks[3].

fsm_procSetup: Check for system synchronization.

registerAndWaitForNotify: Sending id = SYSTEM_VPE1(21) (352321536)

Wait for timeout, or incoming message

calibrated crc: OK (1 attempts)

vpeInit: complete in 8467 ms

registerAndWaitForNotify: Sync message received!

fsm_procSetup: Signal tasks to run create.

fsm_procSetup: wait for create(s) to finish

fsm_procSetup: Signal tasks that operation can start.

Starting com session

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq: local missing 02

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

layout_calculate_setup: #0-1: window fit error (-1) source=17 src=1280x1 dst=1128x632

layout_window_config: #0-1: calculate window config failed

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready

irq scaler #0-1: data valid when scaler not ready


i'm becoming more and more confident the issue is to do with the EDID getting through to the codec.


Think with Portals

Think with Portals


here we get :

ad9388a: input HDMI, drive strength 3

ad9388a: no HDMI signal, no DVI-D signal, unknown analog signal

ad9388a: digital has no lock, TMDS pll has no lock, deglitch filter is on

ad9388a: CSC mode: auto. Detected color space: auto. Coefficient preset selected: 5

The AD9388A high quality, single-chip graphics digitizer with an integrated 2:1 multiplexed HDMI® receiver does not detect the HDMI signal. I am unsure why the new camera firmware results into this error when usign your HDMI extender. Is signal "too hot" coming from camera? I am not well versed in HDMI standard(s). Will run this by the camera/engineering guys.