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spark kit

if i will connect two Cisco Spark Room Kit in two different places and i will make point to point video call do i need any license like multi site license?

8 Replies 8

Rishabh Gupta
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

HI @peteryouhannafawzy,

No, you don't need Multi-Site option key for making point to point call. It is an additional key for enabling embedded multi-point call capability of endpoint to make conference call.

You can refer this tech-note for configuring standalone endpoints to make point to point call:



Rishabh Gupta


so i dont need any license or any additional hardware ? only the spark KIT 

HI @peteryouhannafawzy

No additional licenses and hardware needed to get point to point call working between two Spark Room Kit units.


Rishabh Gupta

Multisite license is only needed if you want to host a multipoint conference, ie: two or more endpoints up to 4 endpoints (3 + host Spark Room Kit).
To deploy the Spark Room Kit as a standalone endpoint and not registered to any call control server, see thread: SX20 as standalone.

Hola peteryouhannafawzy,

 Un cordial saludos, quisiera que me ayudaras con un equipo de  Telepresencia Kit Room Plus K9.

He instalado el equipo, pero no puedo finalizar la configuraciĆ³n porque me pide un cĆ³digo de 16 dĆ­gitos de la pagina "" y no me muestra ninguna opciĆ³n de creaciĆ³n de usuario.

Ademas tengo algunas otras consultas  mas:

ĀæHay que tener un dominio propio para webex?

ĀæHay forma de sincronizar las reuniones con el outlook corporativo?

Espero su apoyo para la configuraciĆ³n.




Kenny Asencios



You only need to enter the 16 digit code if you want to register the SRK+ to the Webex Cloud (and have purchased the appropriate Webex subscription to do so).

If you want to register it to a CUCM, VCS, other call control, or use it as a standalone H.323 endpoint, then you can skip that page on the startup wizard (or, via the Web interface, you can disable the startup wizard from running) and continue to configure it how you need to for your use case.


Please remember to mark helpful responses and to set your question as answered if appropriate.

Gracias por la respuesta, pude omitir la configuraciĆ³n, pero aun tengo la curiosidad de que necesito para obtener esos  16 dĆ­gitos.

Ahora que he omitido la configuraciĆ³n como hago para registrar el equipo a webex y ya poder usar el dispositivo.


Me podrĆ­as indicar porque me esta saliendo este error o es que el usuario que ge creado en webex no es para ese inicio de session?
