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TMS 14.6.1 fallback to HTTP not working

Dave Phillips
Level 1
Level 1

I recently upgraded TMS from 14.3.x to 14.6.1.  I am now having a problem where none of our auto connect meetings involving our MCU connect, it gives a dial error.

The conference event log is filled with "Allocation failed: Description: hostAddress: xx.xx.xx.xx, description: Posting https request to 'https://xx.xx.xx.xx/RPC2' failed after 1032 ms" - x.x.x.x is the IP of the MCU (Codian 4510)


The release notes mention that TMS now uses HTTPS first and then should fallback to HTTP.  Doing a wire capture while trying to connect the call, TMS never falls back to HTTP.  Its tries to talk to the MCU over HTTPS (which our MCU does not support) and then just gives up.  It never falls back to HTTP.

Is there a setting I am missing somewhere?

4 Replies 4

Patrick Sparkman
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Check to make sure your TMS isn't running in Secure-Only mode.

Administrative Tools > Configuration > Network Settings > Secure-Only Device Communication

On another note, to activate HTTPS on your MCU simply requires the encryption option key (LIC-AESCDN-K9), which is a free $0 zero dollar key.

Thanks for the info on the license key.  Secure-only is set to off.  I toggled it off/on and my test went well.  I have a 'real' conference scheduled tomorrow.

When you say your test went well, does that mean everything is working fine now?

I updated our MCU to a newer code release and it didn't seem to fix the problem.  But going through the logs it looks like it communication between MCU and TMS started working correctly a couple hours later.....Ghosts in the wires I guess.  

I have had 3 successful meetings since then so I think it is working again.