Hi all,
Today, I found a security hole in my MSE 8321 ISDN GW when the calls are from VCS Expressway.
VCSe and VCSc version X7.2.2 and MSE 8321 ISDN Gw 2.2(1.79)P
I had created some Serach Rules to block the calls from VCS Expressway to ISDN GW with the prefix or regex expression of my ISDN GW.
The issue is that:
If a call enter to my VCSe with for example: PrefixIDSNXXXXX#, the call is routed to my VCS Control and to the ISDN GW and the call is stablished.
I have to create a Search Rule to prevent this calls, you can check the attached file.
With this Searh Rule I got block this calls.