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VCS Starter Pack Express Jabber user can´t receive calls

Hi everyone.


I recently configure a VCS Starter pack. after some headaches with the network and DNS, everything started to work. Then I login to Cisco Jabber video and I placed some calls to some endpoints outside my network. It worked just fine but when they try to reach my movi user, I dont get the calls. Looking in the logs and search hsitory I see the following


tvcs: Event="Call Rejected" Service="SIP" Src-ip="" Src-port="5060" Src-alias-type="SIP" Src-alias="sip:" Dst-alias-type="SIP" Dst-alias="" Call-serial-number="190036f6-11ed-49d8-85df-3fe3f8869454" Tag="d9d9329c-1d89-4cb6-a9bd-c970967780f7" Detail="Not Found" Protocol="TCP" Response-code="404" Level="1" UTCTime="2014-07-10 19:17:57,066"


Does anyone has any idea?







2 Replies 2

Patrick Sparkman
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

In order to help you better we need some more information about your configuration.

  1. How are you zones and subzones setup regarding authentication?
  2. Any transforms being done prior to your search rules?  Are your search rules setup correctly?
  3. Can we see a copy of the search history for a failed call?

Did you deploy the VCS as the deployment guide wanted, and followed all the steps?

Hi Patrick.


After some calls, I get the calls in the jabber video, but I can´t receive any sound or video. I have tried with different users and different bandwidth values, but the result is the same. And it only happens whne i receive the call. When calling other users or codecs, even outside my network, everything works fine