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Disable MultiSite on C40

Andrew Vasel
Level 1
Level 1

Is anyone aware of a way to completely disable an already added MultiSite option key on a C40? I want to test C40 behavior only using MultiWay or scheduled calls being hosted by the Codian, but I'm not sure how I can fully prevent MultiSite from being enabled.

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Teck Chye Tang
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


As long as you have a multiway URL configure, the system will do multiway and not do multisite using the codec internal MCU.

Alternatively, if you want to remove the multisite key entirely, one easy way is to use Winscp, goto the config folder and look for the options file.

Open the options file and you will see the multisite ket (e.g 1M003-1-xxxxxxxx).   Delete this key and save the file.

View solution in original post

20 Replies 20

Teck Chye Tang
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


As long as you have a multiway URL configure, the system will do multiway and not do multisite using the codec internal MCU.

Alternatively, if you want to remove the multisite key entirely, one easy way is to use Winscp, goto the config folder and look for the options file.

Open the options file and you will see the multisite ket (e.g 1M003-1-xxxxxxxx).   Delete this key and save the file.

Hi Teck

Thanks for the response. I have a MultiWay address defined on the C40. When I schedule the C40 to be used with 2 other E20's, it still tries to use the MultiSite of the C40 to host the call instead of scheduling the MCU as the host.

If you log in as root (via ssh) and you type

  cat /config/options

do you see something? These are your option keys. At least all our systems which I tested (they were running TC4.2) behaved like that.

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I do see 3 option keys listed when I do that command (including 1 with an M that you indicated was MultiSite).

Yes, then store that info.

If you can do a cat (cat is a unix command which outputs the content of a file), you should also

be able to down- and upload it via a scp tool like winscp.

Do you know how to use the text editor vi? Then you could just remove the line with the M and save

the file. (short open the file by logging in as root via ssh, type vi /config/options and then press

use the cursor keys to go to the line where the Multisite entry  type :d and press .

after that type :wq and press .

If you get stuck press and then type :q! this quits without saving.

If do not like to use vi, winscp and a text editor might be easier, download the file to your computer,

remove the multisite key, save and upload it to the codec.

Though I would use a text editor which can use linux linebreaks and dont foget to note down the removed key.

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Under the config folder, I do not see an options file.

Edit: I do see the file on my C40 (I don't see it on an EX90, fwiw). I deleted the key and saved the file - do I need to reboot for it to take effect? I refreshed the system in TMS, but the web GUI still shows MultiSite.

This did end up working - the web GUI showed the MultiSite option removed after I rebooted the codec. Thanks very much.

And Martin, thanks very much for your additional insight, especially at the root command level.

Martin Koch
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

I did not try it, but

xCommand SystemUnit FactoryReset Confirm: Yes

might also do the trick. (but also deletes all other config).

If you do not want to use winscp you should also be able to ssh as root (root access needs to be enabled anyhow for scp) and use vi to remove the multisite key

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Hi Martin

Is there a way to see what the MultiSite key is before deleting it? and if logged in as root, what is the exact string to delete?

Also, according to this, I don't think a factory default reset will remove option keys:

Like I said I did not try and check the factory default reset. As many people lost their option keys on

older MXP systems after a factory default tandberg might have changed that behavior :-)

A good idea is anyhow to store the output of a xconfig and xstatus before resetting systems, though

it does not contain the option keys.

Maybe Teck can say something more about the

/config/options (tc4.2) file, I would assume the following:

1Nxxx-x-xxxxxxxx ?NaturalPresenter?

1Pxxx-x-xxxxxxxx ?ProductID?

1Mxxx-x-xxxxxxxx Multisite

1Rxxx-x-xxxxxxxx ?PremiumResolution?

1Dxxx-x-xxxxxxxx ?DualDisplay?

Depending on the system type and added keys there might be more or less lines.

I would guess if you make a backup of this file or its content you should also be able to restore it afterwards,

also via the systems website.

Mangling with files or config using root access is always risky and can cause unwanted symptoms or damage


Your Cisco partner shall be able to get you the option keys as well, but at least for a new release valid

service contract is needed.

These keys might even be printed on some paper when the system was delivered and maybe customers also have direct access to their license keys via the cisco site, but I did not verify that.

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You are right on this.

1Nxxx-x-xxxxxxxx ?NaturalPresenter

1Pxxx-x-xxxxxxxx ?ProductID

1Mxxx-x-xxxxxxxx Multisite

1Rxxx-x-xxxxxxxx ?PremiumResolution

1Dxxx-x-xxxxxxxx ?DualDisplay

On a Ex90 or Ex60, you will not see the naturalprsenter key listed as they are already embedded in the unit.

To get the keys, you can either email to or goto here and get it yourself.

Hi Teck

Should I see the same Options file on the EX though? That's what I wasn't seeing when I was looking at the files via WinSCP.

Hi Andrew,

You will see the same Option file on your Ex90 as long as you have at least 1 options in your Ex90 (for example you have the premium resolution option). 

But if you do not have any options, you will not have this file.

For EX series, the options I meant are the multisite, premium resolution and for Ex90 the dual display option

Thanks, I just realized that the EX90 I was looking at didn't have any options on it so I did retrieve the MultiSite option for it, and the Options file does show up now.