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Touchpanel websnapshot on C20

Level 1
Level 1


Is there a way to take snapshots from the touchscreen on a C20?

It works nice on a EX90 but when trying the same on a C20, I get "no snapshots found" even after refreshing the page like asked.

Thanks in advance for your help,


7 Replies 7

Danny De Ridder
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


I tried this on an SX20 with a touchscreen paired remotely and get the same results as what you have on your C20. If you have root access to your C20, can you check the file named /var/log/eventlog/touchdevice.log ? There I see the touchpanel does get the command from the codec to store a snapshot like this :

Sep  4 08:50:11 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

Sep  4 08:50:47 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

Sep  4 08:51:00 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

I think the problem might be related to codec not being able to retrieve that file ?

I have ssh open to my touch panel [I am using some test software], so I did an scp of the snapshot copied below.

I wonder whether this is intentional, i.e. snapshots do now work over remotely paired touch.

Let me check with engineering on this one.

Hi Danny,

Thank you for your answer, when I look at the logs, I see the same as you have.

Sep  4 09:47:36 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

Sep  4 09:47:46 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

Sep  4 09:48:19 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

Sep  4 09:48:43 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

Sep  4 09:48:56 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

Sep  4 09:51:48 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

Sep  4 09:52:06 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

Sep  4 09:52:29 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

Sep  4 09:58:01 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

Sep  4 09:59:03 localhost touchmenu: INFO :  Created screen shot: "/uifs/snapshots/snapshot.png"

Best regards,


I also tried to connect as root, under /uifs/ there is no snapshots subfolder only an empty "lost+found" directory


the /uifs/snapshots folder would be on the touch filesystem, not the codec. For security purposes, the touch cannot be accessed via ssh, so maybe we cannot retrieve those files. In directly paired mode, the touch talks to the codec using TCP/telnet as opposed to SSH. That difference could well be the underlying reason why snapshots fo not work for non-directly paired touch.


on my EX90 the feature works because somehow the unit mount /uifs directory.

[dderidde-ex90-home:/uifs] $ cd /uifs

[dderidde-ex90-home:/uifs] $ df .

Filesystem     1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/loop9          7931   175      7347   3% /uifs

[dderidde-ex90-home:/uifs] $

[dderidde-ex90-home:/uifs] $ cd snapshots/

[dderidde-ex90-home:/uifs/snapshots] $ df .

Filesystem     1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/loop9          7931   175      7347   3% /uifs

[dderidde-ex90-home:/uifs/snapshots] $ ls -lrt

total 129

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 130980 Sep  4 17:21 snapshot.png

[dderidde-ex90-home:/uifs/snapshots] $

From escalation I got the news this is not working for touchpanels which are not directly connected. I am still trying to understand why this is the case.

how is the cisco touch transfering the image anyhow? Sounds a bit that way is not supported if remote connected via ssh, .. maybe something like sshfs would do the trick for a future version, ...

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the mounting of the shared /uifs directory over LAN  is unsupported, only  when touch is paired directly we mount /uifs volume to copy the files  over using NFS.

[dderidde-ex90-home:~] $ mount | grep uifs

/mnt/base/image2/uifs.img on /uifs type ext2 (rw,sync,noatime)

[dderidde-ex90-home:~] $

In  case of codecs like C40 etc. we have a 2nd ethernet port where you  could pair the touch directly, then the feature will work. On C20 we can  only pair over LAN, so here the feature is not supported.