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Are there any local saves for speed dials in older versions of CUEAC?

Sean Grubb
Level 1
Level 1

Many months ago we upgraded all of our voice servers from 7.0x to 10.5 and quite a large amount of users were not prepared for the move because they hadn't backed up their AC speed dial lists. When we did the upgrade we completely changed our servers around and no longer have the old ones in the rack. Is there any way for the users to recover their contact lists? Is it saved locally anywhere or are they out of luck and just have to start building their lists from scratch? We are getting everyone on Jabber now so it will help to ease the pain of losing AC, but it owuld be awesome if there was some way to recover those lists.

I am not very familiar with this particular aspect of voice and voice applications and the lady that normally handles this is out for the next month or longer, so any help would be much appreciated.


1 Reply 1

Manish Gogna
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Sean,

If the Call Manager is LDAP integrated the AC stores the speed dials in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory. Any backups of the LDAP, either to the Active Directory or the Backup and Restore System (BARS) for the Data Connection (DC) Directory, suffice.

The DC Directory stores the speed dials in ACXmlData, which resides in > CCN > user_info > [username_info] > AttendantConsoleProfile. In the properties of ACXmlData, these three fields appear:

*             Name-ACXmlData
*             Encoding-EACXmlData
*             Recorded Name-a long string of characters

The local client PC can also store the AC speed dials as an XML file in this folder:

C:\program files\cisco\call manager attendant console\data\.XML
When the LDAP directory is not reachable, the XML file on the local client PC has the updated list of speed dial entries. That data synchs with the LDAP directory when access resumes.


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