Sean Grubb
Level 1
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Member since ‎08-07-2014

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Trying to add a router eigrp command to this switch and i cannot figure it outIts an IE-4000 switch and I cannot for the life of me understand why it isn't working. I am trying to have a backup setup for a current operational switch, same model and i...
I'll cut to it, I have been asked to look at previously associated clients at a site. And then look at what the clients have been up to while connected to public wifi. As I am not familiar with some of the features in Prime, I was hoping someone coul...
I have a single agent in Finesse that has an issue where after waiting longer than 10 minutes to go into a Ready state, the system won't let her because it says Agent Device is Busy. At this point I have gone as far as to completely remove her from F...
Really odd situation but this morning one of ours Jabber for Windows users was unable to connect to phone services. I remoted in and found they were still on an old client, so I updated it, thinking maybe that was the issue. After updating, it still ...
Disclaimer: I don't believe the server restart actually caused the issues, just possibly uncovered issues that were laying dormant.   I recently load balanced our two presence servers and rebooted them because frankly, it was time. With almost 900 us...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-07-2014 05:37 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-05-2022 01:59 PM
Posts 84
Total Helpful Votes Received 16