09-08-2011 12:49 PM - edited 03-19-2019 03:34 AM
We have a Cisco Unity Express and currently the system has an auto-attendant functioning fine. We would like to modify the Unity Auto-Attendant administration greetings, however we are not sure how to do to. What number do we dial in from the phones to modify this greetings, and how do we know what that number is.
Thanks in advance.
09-09-2011 05:33 AM
Hi Abdul,
You'll want to look at the CUE AVT
The Administration via Telephone (AvT) application is a telephony-based interface that allows Cisco Unity Express that offers the following capabilities:
•Administrators can record new audio prompts or delete existing custom audio prompts without using a PC or sound-editing software, such as with the telephone user interface (TUI). These prompts can then be used in various Cisco Unity Express application scripts, such as the Welcome prompt in the default auto-attendant. The Emergency Alternate Greeting (EAG) is an option within the AvT that allows subscribers to record, modify, and enable or disable a special greeting to be played before the regular greeting, notifying callers of some temporary event or message.
•Administrators can rerecord existing prompts.
•Administrators can send broadcast messages. Subscribers who have the broadcast privilege can access a limited set of AvT capabilities.
•Administrators can record spoken names for remote locations and remote subscribers.
The Cisco Unity Express module installation automatically configures the AvT application.
Only users with administrative (superuser) privileges or prompt management (ManagePrompt) privileges have access to the AvT. (See "Adding and Modifying a Group" on page 147 for information about assigning privileges.) When a caller dials the AvT number, the AvT authenticates the caller by requesting the caller's extension and PIN. The AvT disconnects the caller if the caller does not have administrative authority.
09-26-2011 02:49 PM
I am still having problems. I created the groups as you recommended. I am still not able to modify the greetings.I am not able to get to the Auto Attendant greetings, i.e, when I dial in AA extension, i.e, (2197) and then I can get to a prompt which allows me to manage, If i go into "2199" which is the voicemail extension and it asks me to enter the mailbox , and if i enter AA extension which is 2197, it says, not a valid extension. here are my configs.
groupname aa member John
groupname Administrators member John
groupname aa owner John
groupname aa privilege ManagePrompts
groupname aa phonenumber "2197"
username John phonenumber "2201"
ccn trigger sip phonenumber 2197
application "autoattendant"
maxsessions 6
end trigger
ccn trigger sip phonenumber 2199
application "voicemail"
maxsessions 6
end trigger
ccn application autoattendant aa
description "autoattendant"
maxsessions 6
script "cam-default.aef"
end application
ccn application ciscomwiapplication aa
description "ciscomwiapplication"
maxsessions 6
script "setmwi.aef"
parameter "CallControlGroupID" "0"
parameter "strMWI_OFF_DN" "701"
parameter "strMWI_ON_DN" "700"
end application
ccn application msgnotification aa
description "msgnotification"
maxsessions 6
script "msgnotify.aef"
parameter "logoutUri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/mbxLogout.jsp"
parameter "DelayBeforeSendDTMF" "1"
end application
ccn application promptmgmt aa
description "promptmgmt"
maxsessions 1
script "promptmgmt.aef"
end application
ccn application voicemail aa
description "voicemail"
maxsessions 6
script "voicebrowser.aef"
parameter "logoutUri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/mbxLogout.jsp"
parameter "uri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/login.vxml"
end application
Could you let me know what I may be missing?
09-27-2011 11:03 AM
Hi Abdul,
You are missing the prompt management trigger and application. These are
necessary to use AvT;
1. config t
2. ccn trigger sip phonenumber number
3. application application-name
4. enabled
5. maxsessions number
6. locale xx_YY
7. end
8. exit
9. show ccn trigger
10. copy running-config startup-config
Command or Action | Purpose | |
Step 1 | config t Example: se-10-0-0-0(config)# config t | Enters configuration mode. |
Step 2 | ccn trigger sip phonenumber number Example: se-10-0-0-0(config)# ccn trigger sip phonenumber 50150 se-10-0-0-0(config)# ccn trigger sip phonenumber 50160 | Specifies the telephone number that acts as the trigger to start the application on the Cisco Unity Express module and enters trigger configuration mode. • |
Step 3 | application application-name Example: se-10-0-0-0(config-trigger)# application voicemail se-10-0-0-0(config-trigger)# application autoattendant se-10-0-0-0(config-trigger)# application promptmgmt | Specifies the name of the application to invoke when a call is made to the trigger phone number. |
Step 4 | enabled Example: se-10-0-0-0(config-trigger)# enabled | Enables the trigger. |
Step 5 | maxsessions number Example: se-10-0-0-0(config-trigger)# maxsessions 3 se-10-0-0-0(config-trigger)# maxsessions 6 | Specifies the maximum number of callers that this application can handle simultaneously. See the "Sharing Ports Among Applications and Triggers" section for guidelines on assigning this value. |
Step 6 | locale xx_YY Example: se-10-0-0-0(config-trigger)# locale en_US | (Optional) Specifies the trigger language. Any prompts being played out by an application invoked by this trigger will be played out in this language. Use this configuration only if you have more than one language installed on the system. The default for this configuration is to use the system default language as the trigger language. |
Step 7 | end Example: se-10-0-0-0(config-trigger)# end | Exits trigger configuration mode. |
Step 8 | exit Example: se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit | Exits configuration mode. |
Step 9 | show ccn trigger Example: se-10-0-0-0# show ccn trigger | Displays the details of all configured triggers. |
Step 10 | copy running-config startup-config Example: se-10-0-0-0# copy running-config startup-config | Copies the configuration changes to the startup configuration. |
10-26-2011 02:49 PM
I have made the changes as you reocmmended, however still i am not able to get to the auto attendent. See my configs below. I cant get to prompt that tells me to modify the auto attedent. Could you look at the configs and tell me what I am missing. What # do I need to dial to modify the auto-attendant.
UC500-CUE# show run
Generating configuration:
clock timezone America/New_York
hostname UC500-CUE
line console
length 0
system language preferred "en_US"
ntp server prefer
software download server url "" credentials hidden "6u/dKTN/hsEuSAEfw40XlF2eFHnZfyUTSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmP"
site name local
phone-authentication credentials hidden "05BLhWqVqURS3aJq5VJQmKamwnVuwLDnSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmP"
web credentials hidden "05BLhWqVqURS3aJq5VJQmKamwnVuwLDnSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmP"
end site
privilege vm-imap create
privilege ViewPrivateList create
privilege broadcast create
privilege ManagePublicList create
privilege manage-passwords create
privilege ManagePrompts create
privilege ViewRealTimeReports create
privilege ViewHistoricalReports create
privilege local-broadcast create
privilege manage-users create
groupname Broadcasters create
groupname aa create
username Intern create
username Lauren create
username John create
username Admin create
username Hotline create
username Anne create
privilege vm-imap description "Privilege to manage personal voicemail via IMAP client"
privilege ViewPrivateList description "Privilege to view private list"
privilege broadcast description "Privilege to send local or remote broadcast messages"
privilege ManagePublicList description "Privilege to manage public lists"
privilege manage-passwords description "Privilege to reset user passwords"
privilege ManagePrompts description "Privilege to create, modify, or delete system prompts"
privilege ViewRealTimeReports description "Privilege to view realtime reports"
privilege ViewHistoricalReports description "Privilege to view historical reports"
privilege local-broadcast description "Privilege to send local broadcast messages"
privilege manage-users description "Privilege to create, modify, and delete users and groups"
privilege vm-imap operation voicemail.imap.user
privilege ViewPrivateList operation voicemail.lists.private.view
privilege broadcast operation system.debug
privilege broadcast operation broadcast.remote
privilege broadcast operation broadcast.local
privilege ManagePublicList operation system.debug
privilege ManagePublicList operation voicemail.lists.public
privilege manage-passwords operation user.password
privilege manage-passwords operation system.debug
privilege manage-passwords operation user.pin
privilege ManagePrompts operation system.debug
privilege ManagePrompts operation prompt.modify
privilege ViewRealTimeReports operation report.realtime
privilege ViewHistoricalReports operation report.historical.view
privilege local-broadcast operation system.debug
privilege local-broadcast operation broadcast.local
privilege manage-users operation user.password
privilege manage-users operation user.remote
privilege manage-users operation group.configuration
privilege manage-users operation system.debug
privilege manage-users operation user.mailbox
privilege manage-users operation user.pin
privilege manage-users operation user.configuration
privilege manage-users operation user.notification
groupname aa member John
groupname Administrators member John
groupname Administrators member Admin
groupname Administrators member netcysive
groupname aa owner John
groupname Administrators owner netcysive
groupname Broadcasters privilege broadcast
groupname aa privilege ManagePrompts
groupname aa phonenumber "2197"
username Intern phonenumber "2204"
username Lauren phonenumber "2203"
username John phonenumber "2201"
username Hotline phonenumber "2222"
username Anne phonenumber "2202"
restriction msg-notification create
restriction msg-notification min-digits 1
restriction msg-notification max-digits 30
restriction msg-notification dial-string preference 1 pattern * allowed
backup server url "" credentials hidden "EWlTygcMhYmjazXhE/VNXHCkplVV4KjescbDaLa4fl4WLSPFvv1rWUnfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmP"
calendar biz-schedule normal
closed day 1 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 2 from 09:00 to 17:30
open day 3 from 09:00 to 17:30
open day 4 from 09:00 to 17:30
open day 5 from 09:00 to 17:30
open day 6 from 09:00 to 17:30
closed day 7 from 00:00 to 24:00
end schedule
calendar biz-schedule systemschedule
open day 1 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 2 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 3 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 4 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 5 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 6 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 7 from 00:00 to 24:00
end schedule
calendar holiday fixed 07 04 description "Independence Day"
calendar holiday date 2010 05 30 description "Memorial Day"
ccn application autoattendant aa
description "autoattendant"
maxsessions 6
script "cam-default.aef"
end application
ccn application ciscomwiapplication aa
description "ciscomwiapplication"
maxsessions 6
script "setmwi.aef"
parameter "CallControlGroupID" "0"
parameter "strMWI_OFF_DN" "701"
parameter "strMWI_ON_DN" "700"
end application
ccn application msgnotification aa
description "msgnotification"
maxsessions 6
script "msgnotify.aef"
parameter "logoutUri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/mbxLogout.jsp"
parameter "DelayBeforeSendDTMF" "1"
end application
ccn application promptmgmt aa
description "promptmgmt"
maxsessions 1
script "promptmgmt.aef"
end application
ccn application voicemail aa
description "voicemail"
maxsessions 6
script "voicebrowser.aef"
parameter "logoutUri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/mbxLogout.jsp"
parameter "uri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/login.vxml"
end application
ccn engine
end engine
ccn reporting historical
database local
description "se-10-1-10-2"
end reporting
ccn subsystem sip
gateway address ""
mwi envelope-info
dtmf-relay sip-notify
mwi sip outcall sub-notify
protocol rfc3261
end subsystem
ccn trigger http urlname msgnotifytrg
application "msgnotification"
maxsessions 2
end trigger
ccn trigger http urlname mwiapp
application "ciscomwiapplication"
maxsessions 1
end trigger
ccn trigger sip phonenumber 2197
application "autoattendant"
maxsessions 6
end trigger
ccn trigger sip phonenumber 2198
application "promptmgmt"
maxsessions 1
end trigger
ccn trigger sip phonenumber 2199
application "voicemail"
maxsessions 6
end trigger
service imap
maxsessions 20
end imap
service phone-authentication
end phone-authentication
service voiceview
end voiceview
voicemail callerid
voicemail message mandatory-expiry
voicemail default broadcast expiration time 10
voicemail default expiration time 15
voicemail broadcast recording time 300
voicemail recording time 300
voicemail default messagesize 240
voicemail notification restriction msg-notification
voicemail operator telephone 8000
voicemail mailbox owner "Anne" size 775
description "Anne mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Hotline" size 775
description "Hotline mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Intern" size 775
description "Intern-vm'"
expiration time 60
messagesize 300
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "John" size 775
description "John-vm"
expiration time 60
messagesize 300
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Lauren" size 775
description "Lauren mailbox"
end mailbox
10-27-2011 09:44 AM
Hi Abdul,
ccn trigger sip phonenumber 2198
application "promptmgmt"
10-31-2011 07:39 AM
still no luck, I get a busy signal when i dial that, or even when i go through the v/m prompts and it asks to enter your extension, when i press 2198 it gives me busy signal.. here are my configs from the UC itself.
dial-peer voice 4 voip
description *** voice mail ***
destination-pattern 2199
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 5 voip
destination-pattern 2197
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
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