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CME and SRST user documentation

Level 1
Level 1

Hi all,

I am pretty new to IPT, and asked to prepare some documentation of CME and SRST on following:-

1. Pro and Con of deploy CME

2. Pro and Con of deploy SRST

3. Any comparison table between CME and SRST

4. Sample documentation of showing to users in a CME site on how to use the CME function. Example: user making call to other CME site or other SRST site.

5. Sample documentation of showing to users in a SRST site on how to use the SRST function. Example: user making call to other SRST site or other CME site.

Would appreciate anyone here to share your advice or experience, share of any link/url if you happen to see similar document.   :-)




1 Reply 1

paolo bevilacqua
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

You should understand first that SRST is really nothing more than emergency mode for CM gateways or remote locations.

Comparing CM to CME makes sense, comparing CME to SRST does not.

However, it is impossible to put together comparisons and make recommendations unless you have previous experience with all these products.

So I recomend you get help from a reputable consultant or certified cisco partner.