Here is a summary of what is occurring:
When you initially login to Jabber, it reads the jabber-config.xml file. We have an E911 notification: that pops up immediately when you open Jabber. This has always worked without issues as we have a trusted CA Signed ECDSA certificate (with root and intermediate certs uploaded to the trust). However, when we open Jabber, this popup opens and indicates, Unable to load E911 Message
Then you click, RETRY and it shows the E911 message that you can accept and Jabber works
We also used to be able to browse directly to the E911 notification
however, now when I browse directly to this E911 notification, I get the following.
Windows Security
Confirm Certificate
"Site needs your credentials"
The issuer shows my name
"The CA Root Certificate is not trusted. To enable trust, install this certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store."
If you click ok or cancel, it refreshes and works with our correct signed cert.