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External VoiceMails not delivered

Level 1
Level 1

A problem with the voicemail server resulted in external call voicemails not being delivered (internal were working ok) The voicemail server has now been restarted and the messages are now flowing through again.

Event viewer details as follows - There were messages in the event log for CiscoUnity_UMR source and the event ID was 137 and the category was UMR Thread Error.

Attempts to deliver Unity Message Repository messages have failed due to Unity configuration or connectivity issues with the Partner Mail Server.

AvUMRSyncSvr will suspend message delivery for 300 seconds, after which message delivery will be attempted again.

During this outage, messages may accumulate in the temporary store.


Any ideas what may have caused this glitch?

Thanks folks

12 Replies 12

Ginger Dillon
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hello -

All external calls come into a Unity_servername mailbox that resides on the partner mail server first before getting send to the subscriber. If Unity loses network connectivity to this partner mail server, you will observe the application event log messages and behavior you described in your post. Check to make sure there is no more than 40 milleseconds response time between Unity and your partner server as well as on the same subnet. We experienced some of these same intermittent errors until we put Unity on the same subnet as our Exchange servers.



I am experiencing the same issue. I don't think it is related the UMR because all of the messages get delivered properly when calling the extension internally. It only occurs with a call that comes in through the gateway. I checked the partner server as well as the DCG settings to ensure all of the connectivity exists. All of the communication and delay is well within requirements.

Not sure where to look next.

We had the same issue with a 4.2(1) box, it would recover from an Exchange outage just fine, but if it's main DC/GC went offline for even a couple minutes (like a reboot) it would be stuck in UMR until it was rebooted.

Did you do any DC/GC maintenance lately?

We found the issue. An Exchange update reset the permissions for the Message Store user. The permissions wizard did not automatically rest the correct permissions. We had to go in and manually add the send/recieve permission to the OU in AD that the VM users belonged to. Thanks for the update.

I am also currently having this same issue with Unity 4.1(1) and I have corrected the Send As / Recieve As right for the Unity Message Store Service Account that it appears updates to exchange are removing.

Internal Voicemails are properly delivered, however external voicemails are not being delivered.

Any one else having issues beyond this, and have you found a solution.


If you have not done so already, you also need to make sure that the Message Store account has send/recieve for the users.

This can be done in 2 ways.

1. Go into each user and add the account and the priviledges.

2. Add the priledges to the OU that all of your user accounts exist in.

The problem is related with the installation of the patch:

MS06-029 - Vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange Server Running

Outlook Web Access Could Allow Script Injection (912442)

- Affected Software:

- Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2

- Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 1

- Exchange 2000 Server Pack 3 with the August 2004 Exchange 2000

Server Post-Service Pack 3 Update Rollup

- Impact: Remote Code Execution

- Version Number: 1.0

To solved it remove the patch from the Exchange server and rerun the Unity Permission Wizard.

For more info:

Hi, Pls don't mind to advise me where the temp store is when there is a pending outside voice message in Unity sys.

Hi -

This will be, by default, in c:\commserver\UnityMTA. This drive location can be moved, either during Unity install or later using the Advanced Settings Tool in Unity Tools Depot. Therefore, check on your server for the appropriate location. There is also a directory called UnityMTA\Failed which should be routinely reviewed. For example, if a voice message comes in for a user whose account is having problems, i.e. problem with email box, email inbox deleted, etc. the wav file will remain here. Move these files to the root of UnityMTA directory and they should be routed to Exchange within 1-2 minutes (provided Exchange server is up and AvUMRSynchSvr service is started). If the files stay within UnityMTA and do not get routed to Exchange, try Stopping/Restarting the AvUMRSynchSvr service. This usually gets the files going again and is safe to do during user hours.



In reading Jeff Lindborg's Architecture Overview paper, it states, "It will attempt to deliver these failed messages periodically and log errors to the event log to let you know there?s a problem" I have several in a customer's failed folder back from early December. Is this not an automatic process?



Hi Craig -

Yes, it is an automatic process. But occasionally things get out of synch, for example the Exchange servers are down for a period of time ... or the user's mailbox gets deleted while Unity is in UMR mode. If you look at the Unity maintenance guide, you will see this is one area to be checked under the section "Monitoring the Message Transfer Agent" -

Sincerely, Ginger

Thanks Ginger!

I found additional information in the 4.2 Addendum at

Should the timestamp the subscriber hears/sees with the message(s) be the time it is manually moved back into the UnityMTA folder or the time it was originally recorded. If numerous messages have piled up and each is from several days/weeks ago, it will create confusion with subscribers.

