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how to configure mwi for GDM (general delivery mailbox)

Level 1
Level 1

Hello everyone

I'm trying to configure mwi for GDM and am not having much success. I tried a couple of different ways suggested in a discussion here: but don't think I,m doing this the right way.

This is what the thread states:

  • x511 is a shared line with a corresponding GDM mailbox   (mine is x1007)
  • x512 is a blast group with members x501 (phone A), x502 (phone B), and x503 (phone C)  *****I took 1008
  • x511 is call forward all to 512
  • The blast group at 512 forwards on no answer to voicemail
  • x511 is assigned as a button on each of phones A, B & C

When an incoming call comes in to x511 it is immediately forwarded to the blast group at 512, and as a result, x501, x502, and x503 ring.  After 15 seconds (or whatever the no answer timer is set to), the call goes to voicemail.  Because the call went to x511 first, it winds up in mailbox 511.  After the message is left, an MWI ON message is generated for x511, which results in the envelope icon being displayed next to the x511 button on each of phones A, B and C.

Therefore If I change this to my configurations I think it would go like this:

When an incoming call comes in to x1007(GDM) it is immediately forwarded to the blast group at 1008, and as a result, x1001, x1002, and x1003 and 1004 ring.  After 15 seconds (or whatever the no answer timer is set to), the call goes to voicemail.  Because the call went to x1007 first, it winds up in mailbox 1007.  After the message is left, an MWI ON message is generated for x1007, which results in the envelope icon being displayed next to the x1007 button on each of phones A, B and C.

Here is what I tried:

1: Configured GDM at extension 1007 and shared the extension to phones ext: 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004 (instead of above mentionned x511). This extension works and can retrieve GDM no problem.

dial-peer voice 1007 voip
description [-[ General Delivery Mailbox ]-]
destination-pattern 1007
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad

ephone-dn  8  dual-line
number 1007 no-reg both
label GeneralMail- x1007
description General Mail
name General Mailbox
call-forward busy 1999                   *****Should call forward all to 1008 which is the hunt-group
call-forward noan 1999 timeout 3    *****Should call forward all 1008. Therefore remove both commands and add the call-forward all 1008 (Correct???)
hold-alert 30 originator

2: Not sure what a blast group is but I believe it to be a parallel hunt group. Is this correct???

ex: voice hunt-group 2 parallel (This will make all included phones dial at same time correct???)

      list 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004

voice hunt-group 2 parallel
list 1001,1002,1003,1004

pilot ???  (not sure what to put here, i think it should be the pilot number 1008 correct???)

pilot 1008

Therefore this is what i got:

voice hunt-group 2 parallel
list 1001,1002,1003,1004
pilot 1008

Now I believe I need to create the dial-peer 1008 correct???

dial-peer voice 1008 voip
description [-[ Hunt Blast Group ]-]
destination-pattern 1008
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad

Next I think I have to create ephone-dn for the hunt blast group correct???

ephone-dn  9  dual-line
number 1008 no-reg both
description General Mail
name General Mailbox
call-forward busy 1999                   *****Should call forward all to 1999 which is my voice mail correct???

call-forward noan 1999 timeout 3    *****Should call forward all 1999 which is my voice mail correct ???

hold-alert 30 originator


Then last I would configure lines on the phones pointing to the ephone-dn 9 on all listed phones correct??? or am I totally lost?

ex: ephone  4
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0018.19B9.35BE
username "operator" password 1234
codec g729r8
type 7961
button  1:3 2:5 3:8 4:9  ***4:9 is the one correct???

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much.

3 Replies 3

Level 1
Level 1

Ok...I configured the same as above including a new mailbox for the x1008 in CUE, a user in CUE and indeed can see the enveloppe on all phones but still no mwi light on any of the phones.  I believe the easiest way would be to create a shared line on all phones with a personal mailbox(would act as a GDM) and have everyone retrieve the general mail from there that way this mailbox would indeed light up the mwi of that extension on all phones included.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Marc,

If you are getting the MW envelope you are halfway there

Before Cisco Unified CME 4.0, the message waiting indicator (MWI) lamp on a phone could be associated only with the primary line of an ephone. In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, you can designate a phone line other than the primary line to be associated with the MWI lamp.

Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ephone phone-tag


Router(config)# ephone 36

Enters ephone configuration mode.

phone-tag Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone during configuration tasks.

Step 4

mwi-line line-number


Router(config-ephone)# mwi-line 3

Selects a phone line to receive MWI treatment; when a message is waiting for the selected line, the message waiting indicator is activated.

line-number Ephone line number. Range is 1 to 34. Default is 1.

Step 5



Router(config-ephone)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode



Thanks very much for the help Rob. This command does indeed take care of having my GDM

light up but now if I try to send a message to the main phone line x1001 and leave a

message it only has the enveloppe now and doesn't light

It is a great command to know though...thanks a lot

Any chance you know if I can have both the main line and the GDM light up when they receive messages in their respective extensions?


ephone 4

device-security none

mac-address aaaa.aaaa.aaaa

username "operator"

type 7961

mwi-line 3   ****In my case this lights up the 1007 which is the GDM mailbox


mwi-line 1   ***now my main x will light up but not the

button 1:3 2:5 3:8     ***Now for the personal mailbox

ephone-dn  3  dual-line
number 1003 no-reg primary
label Operator-x1003
description Operator
name Sylvie Bombardier
call-forward busy 1999
call-forward noan 1999 timeout 10   ****worst comes to worst i'll get rid of the operator personal mailbox and call-forward all to GDM 1007 on that phone
translation-profile incoming no-prefix

Thanks very much again for your help. If you have any other ideas please feel free to add. I am definitely close to wrapping this issue. Funny cisco didn't configure GDM to also light up the phone extensions included in the GDM like the personal mailboxes when they receive messages.

Thanks very much again for the help. I really appreciate it.