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Play promt before sending call ip phone from unity connection.

Level 4
Level 4

Hi Team

I would like too deploy call handler on unity connection my ivy call flow as follows.

- Welcome to A Company please dial us with following number....

After 4 sec delay ...

If you know the extension dial it....
if the user dial extension - she/she wil transfer to call then calling party should be hear " PROMT:your call will be record quality purpuses'then call will connect ip phone.

if the user dial incorrect Ext they should hear PROMT: "you are dial incorrect number please dial ext if you know the ext.
if the operator transfer a call another person...PLAY PROMT: they want to play "I transfer you to the customer representative" then call should be transfer to anotherr ip phone.

How can we do this ?


1 Reply 1

Jaime Valencia
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

That sounds to me that they're trying to replace a contact center solution, which is what it sounds they need from those requirements, with a voicemail system which can only do a basic AA.


CUC cannot play any greeting before the transfer, a supervised transfer can only play a couple messages and would keep a VM port busy while attempting to transfer.


CUC would only tell you it cannot transfer to a certain number if you configure the restriction tables accordingly, you would need to translate your dial plan from CUCM to CUC. OR disable the option to transfer to DNs not associated with subscribers, and then use a CUC user license for those who need it.


Even playing a simple prompt would require creating the specific call flow you desire, for every single DN they want to have that. Which is going to be extremely hard to manage and maintain, because CUC was not meant to do that.



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