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Pull Call Handler dependencies via CUDLI

Level 1
Level 1

Hey everyone,


I am working on a migration and as a checks and balances I want to pull a list of all users who have an association to a call handler.  The call handler dump tool will only show me the call handler owners, not members.  Currently I have to go into the UI, find the call handler, and click Show Dependencies.  Is it possible to run a query in CUDLI to find these mappings?  I found the vw_menuentry table, however the objectIDs do not match to the IDs in the vw_subscriber table.  I'm hoping I can do a join between these tables once I find the missing link.  Any guidance would be appreciated. 

6 Replies 6

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I'm on the road and don't have access to a CxN database to look at but there should be several views that end in _dependencycheck like vw_callhandlernonprimary_dependencycheck and others for directory handlers, interview handlers, subscribers and such.  These tables list objects which are linked to that table's type for each dependency it can have (i.e. owner, message recipient, after message target etc...)

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Thanks for the info Jeff.  I am still missing something because even with these additional tables I am unable to correlate any objectID references. Based on the description I should be able to find what I am looking for in the vw_CallhandlerPrimary_dependencycheck but cannot find the objetId of the call handler defined.

Reading your description again I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do - "dependency" can mean a few different things - are you talking about which call handlers reference a subscriber in question?  Or which subscribers are referenced by a call handler in question?


The menu entry view references the call handler object Id - so for a subscriber that's their primary call handler object Id in the subscriber view, not the subscriber object id.  All menu entries, greetings and transfer rules work this way.


I _think_ the vw_suscriberdependency view is what you want, but I'm guessing a little.  So if I setup some call handler to reference a subscriber as an owner, recipient, menu entry key target, after message target etc... it'll show up in here with the subcriber's objectId and a dependency type which can be one of these:

Value: AfterGreeting
Description: Reference from call handler's "AfterGreeting" action.

Value: AfterMessage
Description: Reference from call handler's "AfterMessage" action.

Value: Exit
Description: Reference from a directory handler's "Exit" action.

Value: NoInput
Description: Reference from a directory handler's "NoInput" action.

Value: NoSelection
Description: Reference from a directory handler's "NoSelection" action.

Value: Zero
Description: Reference from a directory handler's "Zero" action.

Value: RoutingRule
Description: Reference from a routing rule's "Action".

Value: TT#
Description: Reference from call handler's TT# menu entry.

Value: TT*
Description: Reference from call handler's TT* menu entry.

Value: TT0
Description: Reference from call handler's TT0 menu entry.

Value: TT1
Description: Reference from call handler's TT1 menu entry.

Value: TT2
Description: Reference from call handler's TT2 menu entry.

Value: TT3
Description: Reference from call handler's TT3 menu entry.

Value: TT4
Description: Reference from call handler's TT4 menu entry.

Value: TT5
Description: Reference from call handler's TT5 menu entry.

Value: TT6
Description: Reference from call handler's TT6 menu entry.

Value: TT7
Description: Reference from call handler's TT7 menu entry.

Value: TT8
Description: Reference from call handler's TT8 menu entry.

Value: TT9
Description: Reference from call handler's TT9 menu entry.

Value: SMPP
Description: Reference from SMPP Provider

Value: PCTRCaller
Description: Reference from personal rule caller

Value: UserExit
Description: Reference from user's call handler's exit action

Value: GreetingStandard
Description: Reference from standard greeting

Value: GreetingBusy
Description: Reference from busy greeting

Value: GreetingAlternate
Description: Reference from alternate greeting

Value: GreetingError
Description: Reference from error greeting

Value: GreetingInternal
Description: Reference from internal greeting

Value: GreetingHoliday
Description: Reference from holiday greeting

Value: GreetingOffHours
Description: Reference from closed greeting

Value: NotificationRuleCaller
Description: Reference from notification rule caller


If that's not what you're looking for, I'm going to need a clearer description of you goal.  You mention "call handler members" - call handlers don't have members - they have owners and message recipients which can be lists - not sure if that's what you mean or not.


Sorry for the ambiguity.  In the UI of Unity I can click on Call Handlers, type in an entry and click "Show Dependencies" which will output the following image:


Since I have 200+ of these to validate I was looking for a way to quickly output this from the DB directly.  


Hope that previous post clarifies things.  Let me know if I can provide any more information.