Customer want to order unity 4.2.
Sample configuration may looks like:
UNITY-4.X Unity 4.X
UNITY-IP Unity for CallManager, IP Only Integrations
UNITY-EXCHANGE Unity for Exchange
UNITY-DS-ENG Unity Data Store - in English
UNITY-MS-ENG Unity Message Store in English. Not required for Domino.
UNITYU4-200USR-E Unity UM Exchg, 200 users, 16 session, 2 TTS
UNITY-ADDL-LANG Support for an additional language. May order up to 17.
UNITY-CUE Unity-Cisco Unity Express (CUE) Networking
UNITY-LIC-POOL Unity Pooled License (lets multiple servers share users)
I cannot find any detail description about "what" licenses are included in:
My main topic is ... VoiceMail for Outlook license is included in this bundle?
If no... from logical point of view... what is different if compare VM to UM budle license (UNITYU4-200USR vs UNITYU4-200USR-E) that incrasing cost so high?
Do i need to order
UNITY-CLO-USR One IMAP Client Access user license with Outlook/VMO
for every single user? What if i dont need IMAP ?