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Unity 5 - Exchange "The message server is offline..."

John Gutierrez
Level 1
Level 1

Voicemail system works perfectly during a year, but suddenly users can not consult their voice messages, and hear the message " Tne message server is offline..." Help please. What could I do for fix this problem?

10 Replies 10

Level 6
Level 6

This message mean Unity can not talk to exchange. Check Exchange services, is/are the mailstore(s) mounted.


Thaks. The mail store is mounted. How can I check that all requiered Exchange services are up, and how can I fix it? A server restart could fix the problem?

A unity reboot would try to restart all of the exchange services, however that may or may not start what needs to be started.

Have a user with the problem log to voicemail and try to check their messages. Then check the event log on the Unity for errors at the same time.



As Randy suggested, have a look at the services on the Unity server to make sure they are all started (services.msc). Errors in the event log will generally give you a good clue to what the problem is..

Has any work been carried out on the exchange servers recently, or has the integration changed in Unity?

Hi! thanks. Finally I could review the server (yesterday I just received a call reporting the case)and I have founded that the problem is that there is not free space on hard drive where the messages are store. The server has a partition, and the other partitíon is almost free, and is bigger that the partitio that is full. How can I reconfigure the sytem and said it that save the messages in the bigger partition?

You can move the message store PRIV and PUB databases for Exchange. Im assuming you are running Voicemail Only setup with Unity and Exchange is onbox or possibly offbox exchange.

to move the logs, etc

Also, if you do not backup the Exchange server or have circular logging turned, the Exchange logs will build to the point the disk full

As mentioned, Circular logging is quick fix as it over writes the old backup files.

It may also be worth defragging the exchange databases offline:



Thanks for all your replies. Temporally I can fix the problem,but I need to configure Cisco Unity to automatically delete messages. I founded that it is possible through "Message Store Manager" tool. I download this tool from but I don't know if it works fine with Cisco Unity 5 with Exchange. Do you have any knowledge about this tool?

Yes, all the info is on the same website. It will work with Unity 5 but I don't know about Exchange versions 2003 & 2007 (it only says up to Exchange 2000 on the website):

You might want to consider some mailbox quotas so you don't have to worry about things like this in future. More info here:

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