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Unity default language

Level 1
Level 1

We have installed version 4.0(4) and I need to know if there is way to find out which languages were installed and of these languages installed which one is set as default for the system?

Is it possible to change the default language of the system and how is it done?

6 Replies 6

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

You can see which languages were installed under the System section of the Sa - there's a section there called "Configuration". You'll find a "GUI Languages" and a "Phone Languages" page there. Presumably you're interested in the phone languages here.

The loaded languages and the available languages are both shown there (loaded meaning active - you can only have as many loaded languages as you are licensed for).

You'll also find the default phone/TTS language and you can set them here.

In both sections that you pointed to I had already set the defaults to French but the openning greeting I hear is always English.Could this behavior be caused by an new installation in which we selected English as default language and if so is possible to redefine the default language for the system? We presently have three languages installed on this machine (English,French and Spanish) and my system is licensed for 4 languages.I can see the default TTS option but in the drop down menu I have no choices.

Changing the default language will not change any greetings at all - it only affects system prompts.

The default greetings put into the opening greeting call handler are set during the inital install (i.e. you installed English). The expectation is that the customer will record their own opening greeting (and all other greetings on call handlers in audio text applications or for subscribers) rather than using our canned "this is Unity, thanks for calling" greetings.

So if I understand correctly I should re-install the Unity application and select French as default language so that my greetings can be French.

to be clear, you can record your greetings in any language you want...

We're only talking about three call handlers here - the opening greeting, say goodbye and the operator call handler here. Completely uninstalling the entire system just to get the default install greetings in French for those seems rather extreme to me.

Most sites record the opening greeting and operator handler greetings for themselves - why don't you just do that?

If you really want the default install greetings for those in French instead, you can just fish the WAV files for those off the install media and paste them into the greetings on the call handlers manually - it'll take you a couple minutes at most as opposed to hours to do a full reinstall.

the default install opening greeting call handler greetings are found on the language CD in question under \commserver\localize\DefaultConfiguration\FRA\

You'll see a number of .WAV files in there, the ones you want are all named "openinggreetingXXX.WAV" - you'll see the day (standard), closed (off hours), busy etc... there - same for the operator call handler. You can go to the respective install created handler in question and use the media master control to "paste from file" and select the appropriate wav file - this should get you what you want.

I have the same problem, I have a Cisco Unity 5.0, and I choose for the phone languages both english and spanish, when I put spanish for the phone language via web/SA I can hear the audios in spanish but can I also hear english audios, I think that is probably for the call handlers, I change the language for the call handlers via web/SA but I still hear things in enlgish.

I just want to hear spanish so how can I accomplish that?...I have to run the CUICA again? The CUSPA?