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Unity Mailbox Not Available

Hi Guys!

I have a problem with 4.0.5 Unity server that I installed a few days back. I keep getting this message when outside callers get to the server ( I am not sure if all of them are failing but it looks like there are a lot these entries in the event viewer):

The Unity mailbox for sending outside caller messages is not availble. Possible reasons could be that the mailbox was deleted, or is this is a Exchange 2K implementation, the RUS service is not running or is not scheduled right.Technical details - The smtpaddress field in the subscriber view for Subscribers with type 0 is either blank or NULL. The only subscriber with type 0 should be the Unity mailbox.

Can someone point me to the right direction where I should be looking?


5 Replies 5

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

couple things to look at here - if the account got waxed in AD then you can force it to be recreated - this should normally happen on a Unity restart but you can also force it manually.

But first, lets check to see if the account definition is in SQL and verify if we _think_ it's in the directory. Open up the Data Link Explorer (CUDLE) found in the Diagnostic Tools section of the Tools Depot.

Go to the Subscriber table and sort by the "SubscriberType" column - you should see 1 or more accounts there (depending on if you have networking options setup) - there should be one called "Unity_". If you see it, check to see if it has an SMTPAddress value and a DirectoryID value.

The DirectoryID value is the link to an object in AD - if it's blank, we don't think it's created in AD at all - if it's filled in we think it is (which may not be the case).

Next look in AD to see if there's an account called "Unity_(servername)" in your Users container.

Report back on what you find - if the account is not in AD but it's in SQL, we can force the directory synch monitor to try and create the account in AD again.

if the account is already there and we're linked to it but the mailbox is not created, then there's another issue at play and we'll go from there.


I am running into this problem also today, I have an Value in the DirectoryID but I do not have a value in the SMTPAddress, The AD User is there in active Directory but the Mailbox is not and there is no SMTP Address in the e-mail properties of the of that user. I thought maybe the AD has not replicated throughout the domain since We just installed this system about 4 and half hours ago, so we did a force AD replication. and that did not seem to fix it.




is that Exchange 2003 and if it is, which Service Pack is it?


It is Exchange 2003 SP1. However I just got this working I manualy went into the the properties of the Unity_ and added the SMTP e-mail address, and that seemed to fix the issue. I wonder why it did not do it automatically?


there is a directory ID, but I don't see an SMTPaddress. However, there is an Unity_Server account in the AD and it has an SMTP address.
