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Member since ‎12-30-2003

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  • 164 Posts
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  • 29 Helpful votes Received
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Hi,has anyone had a success integrating TIF-2000 or any other digital telephone interface with any of the Cisco provided voice interfaces (preferably VG224)?Thanks,Dragi
Hi,not sure if this is the right forum but I wanted to ask if anyone has successfully implemented an NM-CEM-4TE1 module between a Siemens 300 Hicom and its remote shelf? Thanks,Dragi
Hi,I need to know if anyone has been able to to the following:- 3 h323 gateways (2800) configured with 2 FXS ports installed-analog phones connected to the FXS port-analog phone router1 establishes a call with analog phone router2--> analog phone ro...
Hi,I have a quick question:has anyone been able to successfully run an h323 trunk from a CallManager Express box to Avaya S8700 (or with any 3rd party hybrids for that matter) using the link on CCO: http://www.cisco.com/application/pdf/en/us/guest/pr...
Hi,my customer had an IPCC box (4.0.4) connected to a 4.1.3 CallManager. Yesterday we added a CM subscriber and another IPCC box. I installed SQL on both IPCC boxes, applied licenses for HA and everything else. HA is working fine (it is actually real...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-30-2003 12:12 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-30-2023 12:33 AM
Posts 164
Total Helpful Votes Received 29
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